
Add .xml to a Installer, without It being ReadOnly.

I have a WPF (C#) project that has a Installer project. The thing is that one layer (UI) has a XML file that I wan't to be included in the Install. That is to say, I wan't the file to appear in "C:\Program Files\appName\" when I Install the app on a client computer. I have tried to change the "Build Action" but that doesn't work. I have...

Netbeans installer

I downloaded netbeans IDE 6.9 for windows. But I can't find installer option. Looked at where it says that there is one, also on it says that there is new feature "NetBeans Platform-based applications generate i...

Handling missing packages or DLLs in a PyQt app

What's a good way to handle fatal errors - missing packages, .ui files not compiled, Qt DLLs or shared objects not found, etc. - in a PyQt app (or other Python app)? Displaying a cross-platform message box without Qt DLLs or shared objects seems like a lot of work. Dumping a message to the console seems not very helpful, since the end ...

.Net checker for windows

Hello. I'm developing an application in C# based on the .Net Framework. The problem is that on certain computers there is no .Net. So is there a app (preferably free) that can check it and suggest a download if no .Net is available that i can run during the installer, or an app that wraps my assembly with the .net assemblys so that i wo...

Combination of Launch4J and Java Web Start?

I have a working JNLP application which I need to distribute to various non-technical end users. If the user's machine has a recent JVM installed, everything is fine. They just double-click the JNLP file I send them and Java Web Start does the rest. Now I would like to distribute something that works with or without a JVM, e.g. a .exe...

vb6 activex document project silent install

I have a vb6 activex document project and I need to create an msi package (thats what is the requirement since it has to be deployed thru active directory) that runs without any user interface and user intervention. I followed these steps: I created an msi project using visual studio installer and removed all the user interfaces. Added... Web Setup Project - Get selected hostname for Installer class

I have an installer class which I use to do some processing on the application after it is initially installed. In the installer I have a custom dialog which requests a username and password. This is accessed in my installer class with Me.Context.Parameters("username") After setting it as CustomActionData /username="[TXTUSERNAME]" ...

How do I write an installer for a Windows SDK in Python?

I understand that NSIS supports plugins, but I can't find an NsPython tutorial. Maybe first I should ask: if I can run Python code from NSIS, is it a good idea to script my installer in Python (instead of explicitly managing a stack in an NSIS script)? And secondly: are there any good tutorials? Alternatively: Is there another appro...

WiX major upgrade doesn't run when I remove a merge module from the project

Hello, I've got a WiX project that includes the installation of Visual C++ 2008 runtime components for x86 with a separated merge module. Unfortunately there's a well known issue with that .msm with MSI v4.5. To be more specific the .msm custom action SxSUninstallCA takes 20 minutes to complete on uninstall. So, long story short, I de...

How to update the InnoSetup Wizard GUI status text from PascalScript code during uninstall

Hi During installation, it's possible to update the InnoSetup wizard status text from inside the PascalScript event handler "CurStepChanged(ssPostInstall)" with the following code ( WizardForm.StatusLabel.Caption := 'status update'; This does not work for uninstall. Accessing this property ...

Silent Administrative Install - Specifying an installation directory

Hi, I'm currently trying to add some testing functionality into our builds, and in order to do this I need to be able to perform an administrative install, silently. However, I need to be able to specify the location that it installs too, as the default is on the company-wide network which is no use. I was wondering if there was a way ...

Install builder for Java application

I am looking for a framework to create an install kit for my Java web application. I need something that would install JBoss, a Database Server, Java, and of course the application itself with all the dependencies and settings on a Windows platform. I prefer free tools. What do you recommend and why? ...

Windows mobile msi installation file fails

I have a Windows Mobile Professional 6.1 CF 2.0 application, I created a windows installation package with this link below: My .ini file is: [CEAppManager] Version = 1.0 Component = [] Description = installation module CabFiles = ...

VS2008 msi Installer InstallExecuteSequence table

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious here. The following questions both reference the InstallExecuteSequence table: And here's the MS page:

How do I create a shortcut (.lnk) with a relative target?

Hi, I have an executable on my disk-on-key in dir\program\prog.exe I'd like to have a shortcut to the executable on the DoK's root directory, that is, prog.lnk would refer to dir\program\prog.exe. However, it seems that prog.lnk can't have a relative target. This is a problem when the DoK will have different drive letters assigned to ...

Is it possible to create .msi files that install files to non standard locations?

I need to generate an .msi package to deploy some files on my computers. I can do this using a program called Deep Freeze. I provide the .msi and Deep Freeze puts it in my workstations. I've been trying to create this .msi with the WiX sdk but I can't use my own folder path but as soon as I replace the APPLICATIONPATH with something else...

How to upgrade from an old and unavailable version of Wix?

I have to make a maintenance release of a project that hasn't been touched for a couple of years. Unfortunately, it requires Wix version 2.0.3719.0, which is no longer available and wasn't checked in or saved somewhere by the original developers. Downloading the required version of Wix is difficult too because it apparantly moved away f...

Is there any way to gather all files and registry entries associated with an already installed app?

I need to create a package with all files associated with an install, so that I can migrate this install to another computer. I cannot download the installer / setup program, and so I need to do this instead. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you!!!! :-D ...

Export files for xcopy installation of ASP.NET MVC project

I have an ASP.NET MVC project that I'd like to install somewhere using xcopy (as opposed to an installer). How do I export/build to a folder that I can copy straight to the IIS environment? I think at work we use a web deployment project but that's a plugin and I was wondering if there's another way? ...

Packaging a PHP-MySQL app to allow easy install

I've developed an open source application in php and mysql. I'd like to give it to the end user to install on their computer and use from their browser without me having to host it for them. But the end users are non-developers so they're unlikely to have what it takes to run the application (php-apache local environment like a developer...