
Should an installer run automatically with a setup project

I have a windows app (app.exe) build with visual studio 2008, for which I have created a custom installer class. When I run installutil.exe on app.exe, the custom installer is executed OK. I then added a setup & deployment project to create the windows installer file app.msi - this works fine but it does not run the custom installer. ...

MSI File/Registry failures on Windows Server 2008/Windows 7 (x64)

I'm trying to deploy an application on Windows Server 2008 (SP2 x64) and Windows 7 (x64), using VS2005 Installer Project. The MSI version (I think) it the 2.0. Everything works fine, except that some registry keys and some files are not copied on the install machine. The MSI system doesn't notify about nothing (and I don't know whether ...

Problem detecting installed application on Win Svr 2003 x64

I have an x86 Windows application that consists of a couple of services and a client ui. Due to various issues with persuading the various MSIs to upgrade properly, the installation process is now governed by a wizard-style program that detects what is currently installed and handles upgrades by storing the user's current settings, unin...

Installer like InnoSetup for Mac

Hi, I'm looking for a simple and efficient Mac installer software. For Windows, there are many good installers - Inno Setup, NSIS, etc. Anything like that available for apples? Thank you! ...

Registering Windows Programs to Installed Programs List

As you know, Windows has a "Add/Remove Programs" system in the Control Panel. Let's say I am preparing an installer and I want to register my program to list of installed programs and want it to be uninstallable from "Add/Remove Programs"? Which protocols should I use. Any tutorials or docs about registering programs to that list? I ...

Mac/Windows Installer - Run on Startup

Dear All: I realize there are 10,000 answers for this on StackOverflow, but my needs are quite specific: i) install a JAR file on ii) Windows/Mac so that it iii) runs on Startup oh and iv) auto-JRE install would be great That's it. I've looked at several tools including Inno Setup: but the...

Auto increment build number using WIX

Hi.. I am using WIX tool for creating installation file for our project. I want to have the dynamic(incremental) build number. So can anyone please guide me. Please dont provide solution like 1.0.0.* as this gives any dynamic number at end. I want it incremental like,,,..... ...

GAC an assembly without embedding it within the MSI

I want to GAC an assembly already present on target machines, I know where this assembly is on every machine (you can assume, that path is static for all target machines and wont change and that I am the owner of this assembly) I do not want to include the assembly to be GAC'd in the MSI since it can change with each solution deployment ...

Where to install files for Qt-based application on Ubuntu/Debian

I am looking for tips on how to package my Qt-based application for Ubuntu/Debian distributions. Let's say the application (executable) is myapp. Running objdump -p myapp | grep NEEDED, I see that it has the following dependencies:

Add hypertext in the UpdateText property of FinishedDialog of VisualStudio setup project

I want to add a hypertext (basically a link to my website) in the FinishedDialog of the Visual Studio setup/deployment project for my app. Can anyone suggest me how can I do so? I was thinking of adding the url in the UpdateText property of the Finished Dialog. But I cannot get a hyperlink just by that. Any suggestions? Kapil ...

Pasting in MSI Installer TextBoxs

We are upgrading our installers to MSI, and have noticed that you can not "right click and paste" into the text boxes. You can however ctrl+v. Is there a setting that you can switch on to enable context menus within the installer? ...

FxCop 1.36 is gone!

Hi, I just wanted to download FxCop 1.36 but I can't find it in the internet. A few days ago FxCop 10 came out for Windows 7 but I need the old Version. The file is gone on the MS server and everybody linked it. Anyone has the old install routine? thanks bembi ...

Adobe AIR 1.5 - Package AIR installer as a native Windows Executable (.EXE)

Hello StackOverflow community, Is there any way to package the installer for an Adobe AIR application using Adobe AIR 1.5 as an executable (.EXE) file? I found that this is possible for Adobe AIR 2.0, but it requires an upgrade to Adobe AIR 2.0 runtime. Are there any other options using the Adobe AIR 1.5 runtime? Thanks, Mauricio ...

Adobe AIR 1.5 - Package AIR installer as a native Windows Executable (.EXE)

Hello StackOverflow community, Is there any way to package the installer for an Adobe AIR application using Adobe AIR 1.5 as an executable (.EXE) file? I found that this is possible for Adobe AIR 2.0, but it requires an upgrade to Adobe AIR 2.0 runtime. Are there any other options using the Adobe AIR 1.5 runtime? Thanks, Mauricio ...

Distribute applications for Ubuntu/Debian for offline installation with not-yet-supported packages

We have two challenges deploying our application for Ubuntu/Debian: 1. Offline installation Many (let's say 50%) of our users will need to install offline. They will have zero internet connectivity. Thus, we need to include all possible dependencies (run time / third-party libraries, etc.) on an installation CD/DVD. It looks like perha...

Deployment/Distribution/Installation of Apache modules

Hello everyone.! I am a student and on an internship currently. I was developing an Apache module, that will be available for my company's clients to download and use. I have completed the module now. Now I want to know what are the best practices regarding the deployment of module. Should I provide binaries of the module or source fi...

How to import SSL certificate to system?

Hi, how can i add my self signed SSL certificate to thrusted in system? i mean programmaticaly,during the installation process of my program. How should i do that? ...

How to check for versions of .NET from registry?

I want to check if .Net 2.0 or greater is installed on the machine. I want to check in a way that when newer versions are released the old code works. Registry check is ideal as the code is in C++. ...

How to get a .NET framework installer package including latest service pack for a specific version?

I was looking at Microsoft for a setup package for .NET 1.0 that includes SP3, so I don't have to install the framework first and then the service pack. But I didn't find any. Then I looked for the newer versions of the .NET framework and noticed that service packs are always an extra download/setup. It seems there is no full setup incl...

Visual Studio 2010 Shell Package installation

I have created a visual studio 2010 add-in using the "Visual Studio Package" template which comes with the VS 2010 SDK. I can see the add-in operate with F5. How do I permanently deploy this as an add-in to the Add-in Manager? ...