
What Component IDs should I search for to detect whether the Office 2010 PIA's are Installed

I'm creating a plug-in for Office 2010 and need to detect on install whether the Office 2010 PIA's are installed. I have done this for 2003 and 2007 but cannot find the Component ID's for 2010 does anyone know what they are? thanks, Ed ...

Best Installation Software?

I am interested in knowing what the best software would be to build an installation package that performs the following: Installs client application Detects all SQL server instances on network, allowing user to select specific database to upgrade (which would then upgrade database using an embedded SQL script) Installs website on a ser...

Undesired shortcut shown in the Recent Opened Programs in start menu on Windows 7

Hello all, My software has two .EXE files : A.exe and B.exe. After installed on Window 7, the shortcut to A.exe is always shown in the start menu. (I don't know if 'Start menu' is the correct name or not, what I mean is the area above 'All Programs'). The menu in my computer looks like: Getting Started Windows Media Center Calculat...

Uninstall exceptions in InstallShield

Hello, I have a setup project with InstallShield 2010. I'm deploying a configuration file during installation. However, when uninstalled, InstallShield decides to delete it (which is normal). The question is, is there a way to keep the file on the hard disk even after the application in uninstalled? I don't want to reconfigure the appl...

How to open a help webpage after installation is complete

I have built an installer for my windows app using the VisualStudio 2008 IDE. I also use some custom-actions to do a few extra stuff at the time of installation/uninstallation. What I also want to do is that when the installation is completed, the installer should launch a help webpage or a getting-started page for the users to know how...

How to customize an installer's UI

I am building an installer for my windows app and have done this through a setup/installer project in visual studio. I was wondering how to customize he UI of the finish dialog box? I want to add a couple of check-boxes and launch an app after the user closes the finish box. Is there a way to do this in Visual studio itself or does it ...

Software to build Java applications without dependency on JRE

I'm looking for software's like Excelsior. Which you guys recommend? (or do you recomend Excelsior, at all?) EDIT: I'm look for a generator of EXE. But I'll need to find an obfuscator later either, would be good if I have both in a single software. The optimization is not the aim. ...

Replacing unversioned files in WiX major upgrade.

EDIT! Okay, further examination and experimentation is showing that the problematic file, the pathwaysMdf file, IS being installed! However, after being installed, it's being REMOVED, by a RemoveFiles action! I imagine it's doing this because that file is part of the original install, so it's doing it's job uninstalling and cleaning u...

Adding option to view readme file on the final screen of visual studio deployment project

I've got a visual studio deployment project and would like to add an option to view a readme file from the final screen. So basically there would be a link or checkbox that the user can select if they want to view the readme. Does anyone know of an easy way to do this? ...

Simple example of a custom .net installer using the path of the installed app

I simply want to create a custom installer to run code after installation which requires the path of the installed application. I read about how to create a custom installer and Custom Actions, as well as what properties are available in the installer, but I don't quite get how to access those properties from inside the custom installer...

Detecting if SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 SP2 x64 is installed?

I am building an installer and I want to bootstrap SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 SP2. The problem is that I am looking for the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\ENU\DesktopRuntimeVersion. The reason that is a problem is that for 64-bit machines SQL CE requires that both the 32-bit and 64-bit...

Registering a COM control during installation

One of our applications needs to register a COM control during installation. If a newer version of that control is already registered, we don't want to overwrite it with the older. What are the Windows MSI install conditions I would user to control this? Or is there some other 'best-practice' method I'm not aware of? Thanks ...

add version no in setup project

Hi, I have created a setup project following the steps listed on below mentioned page: It just creates a xxx.msi where xxx is the name of setup project and setup.exe. I want version no. in .msi as well as exe. I know, for every new version, I can create a new project w...

Insert a web link to Mac OS X package installation in PackageMaker

I am using to create an installation package for Mac OS X and I'd like to insert a web link to my site on the Introduction screen of the installation. Is there any way to do this because I have not find any instruction about it in the docs? Thanks in advance. ...

Pros & Cons of using windows Active Setup

What are the known Pros/Cons of using windows active setup for deployment? Does Microsoft recommend/support using active set up? If your are interested, here is the context: I'm working on outlook 2003 VSTO addin.The installer for this addin creates few registry entries either in HKCU or HKLM depending on "Single User" Or "All User" ins...

Installer Vs. Desktop application

hi, I was just wondering why do we need installer programs to create setups? We can create a desktop application which will do registry changes, registration of assembly, creation of config files and all. Why dedicated installers are there? Do they serve any other purpose or task that a desktop application cannot do? ...

.net component installer for COM interop

I have a .net component that will be called by unmanaged code. I want to create an installer for the .net component that will in one step.. -install it to the desired directory -generate the tlb file -run the regasm command The deployers of this component dont have knowledge of the .net framework. Any ideas? Thanks. ...

WPF deployment strategy dilemma.clickonce(limited customization)+autoupdate vs installer(unlimited costomization) no autoupdate

Hello Experts!!! I've been facing a deployment problem.I've built a WPF application with visual studio 2008 and created an installer(msi) which works fine.But then it's pain to add automatic update to it. i've seen this article at but it seems to be pretty old but could have been the perfect thing for me.Then i looke...

[WIX] How to remove custom actions binary on uninstallation?

When I'm uninstalling my product directory where custom action binary was placed stays. How can I delete it. Also strange named directory is created on installation - unistallation: "RSCustomActions.CA.dll-" and "RSCustomActions.CA.dll-0" (my binary name RSCustomActions.CA.dll) My WIX code is <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDi...

Choosing an installer product that is free and will download/install the .NET Framework

I'm currently using the Visual Studio Installer (Setup Project) in Visual Studio 2010 as the installer for MyProgram. It has some quirky bugs and is not very customizable so I would like to switch to another installer product. Here are my requirements: Must be free (and licensed for commercial use) Must install the Windows Installer 3....