
Wix: I can't use some tags :/

Hi :) I want to create installer in Wix. I use 3.5 version integrated with VS2008 Professional. I need detect MS SQL Server installation (I do it) and eventually install it. I try to use bootstrapper, there is code: <ItemGroup> <BootstrapperFileMax Include="Microsoft.Sql.Server.Express.9.2"> <ProductName>SQL Server 200...

Wix - Upgrade always runs older installer msi and fails in trying to read old msi

I'm having a problem though with the Windows caching of the installer. I'm trying to do an upgrade and each time the Windows installer is launching the installer of the older version. And when I do the upgrade it is complaining about problems with reading the older version's msi file (because its not in the same directory anymore). I di...

How can user change the jre parameter values after the exe is generated in Launch4j?

Is it possible to change the jre parameter values after the exe file is generated through Launch4j? The ideal scenario is like this: The default parameter values are applied when the program is started. However, when the user wants to change some jre parameter values, he goes to a .ini file, MyProgram.ini for example, changes the value...

Installshield permissions on Citrix network drive ??

I'm using installshield express to write a simple installer. I need to set read/write/modify rights to the database directory. ( Because of Vista/Win7 users with restricted rights) I'm setting FullControl permissions to all folders within "DATABASDIR". ( [%USERDOMAIN] [LogonUser] ). This works fine in XP / Vista / Win 7 etc. The proble...

NSIS Installer Name

Is it possible to set the nsis installer file generated when compiling the installer? something like: makensis /ExeFile:myInstall-v4.1.2.3.exe install.nsi That would be keen. ...

Unit testing installation of services

Our installer program is going to be installing a number of system services, under both Windows and UNIX, using JavaServiceWrapper. There will be a class responsible for creating JavaServiceWrapper config files, installing the services, etc. Can I have some suggestions on how to unit-test this class? ...

Office Interop addins installer?

I have three C# Solutions in Visual Stuido 2008, one each for Word, Excel and PowerPoint using interop to hook various events. In each Solution, I have exactly one class, the one created by default when using File -> New -> Project -> Visual C# -> Office -> 2007. Now that I have my addins working properly, it's time to create an instal...

Install SQL express; msm file

Where can I download sql server 2008 msm file from ?? I need to insall it with my software ?? Thanx :) Jacek ...

installer for distribution visual studio 2008 express

Hi guys... I've been doing some research in to installers for visual studio express 2008. I don't much like the standard publish option. I'd rather have a proper windows installer. Am I right in thinking that the only way to do this is to upgrade to the standard edition? Are there any third party tools which can be used? I've tried goog...

Does the .Net Framework 4.0 Installer include the .Net Framework 3.5

Do .Net components that were compiled against the .Net Framework 3.5 run on a system that has only .Net Framework 4.0 installed? Or in other words does the .Net Framwork 4.0 Installer include the .Net Framework 3.5? ...

WiX, how to prevent files from uninstalling though we forgot to set Permanent="yes"

We have a product installer created with Wix, containing a program package ("V1") and some configuration files. Now, we are going to make a major upgrade with a new product code, where the old version of the product is uninstalled and "V2" is installed. What we want is to save one of the configuration files from uninstalling, since it is...

How do I set AppUserModelID on shortcut?

I'm in Windows 7 working on combining two apps with the same task bar icon, as described in this question: I see there, and it lots of online documentation that I need to set the AppUserModelID as a property of the shortcut. My installe...

NSIS Uninstaller Working Directory

I am using NSIS to create my installers/uninstallers, and the uninstaller seems to have a weird behavior. I don't put the installer in $INSTDIR, it is located at $INSTDIR/subdir/uninstall.exe (it's a addon installer for a host application). When I run the installer then, it thinks the application installation root is $INSTDIR/subdir in...

What are some RCP Deployment Options?

We have an RCP application and we are looking for a better way to do installation/updates. Currently to install, they just unzip a zip file. The zip file also contains scripts in it that are not java code. We were running into some bugs when updating if they don't first delete the old folder that was previous unzipped. The issue with d...

How to tell if an Installer (InstallShield specifically) completes successfully?

I am starting an installer from my application and then synchronously waiting for it to complete. Process installerProcess = Process.Start("TheProcessName"); // Must EnableRaisingEvents before calling synchronous method WaitForExit // according to MSDN documentation. installerProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; installerProcess.Wait...

[NSIS] Terminating a process before trying to copy files.

I'm developing an NSIS installer, to update a program that runs in background. Obviously, I'd like to send the program termination signals, because otherwise I repeatedly get a "can't write" error. How can I do this, with a limited overhead on installer size? ...

What's the cleanest way to programmatically kill and restart explorer.exe?

Greetings all, I'm working on a Windows program whose installation necessitates restarting explorer.exe. I know "Reboot your computer to complete the installation" is the standard method here, but I'd like my installer to give users the option of just restarting Explorer so they can start using my program immediately. What's the best ...

Where can I download PostgreSQL 8.2.16 installer for OSX ?

I've been searching for about an hour, but could not find any installer for this version... ...

How to create a installer for a wcf service and client application in Visual studio 2008.

Hiiii..i created a wcf service and a client web application. Now my boss asks me to create a installer for wcf service and client application so he could run all these applications on his machine. Can anyone please help me..How to do this?? Thanx in advance.. ...

InnoSetup: Check oldest version of app and show info message.

Hello, How to check that oldest version of application was installed during process of installation new version? What do I mean? I want before start installation start check process with dialog "please wait", if my installation found old version I can provide dialog "update or delete old and install new". How can I do it? Thanks. ...