
Boot strapper for VSTO 3.0 SP1

Hi, I've got a .net 3.5 vs2008 Excel addin. I've created an installer for it and have it working apart from the fact that I cant get an option in the prerequisites for VSTO 3.0 SP1. I have one for VSTO 3.0 and when I check the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages\VSTOR30 directory it has vstor30...

Creating an installer with WPF forms, packaged files and custom setup actions

I'm trying to create a way of deploying a set of tools (which are add-ins to 3rd party software) to my users. I would like to do the following: User Enters Serial Dlls in their directory structure is extracted to program files a file is copied to a location in ProgramData (this registers my add-ins to the 3rd party application) Onli...

Create a Windows (XP) installer on a Linux machine?

I need to create an installer for my software for Windows XP and newer. Is there any mechanism to do that on a Linux machine alone? (I'm running ubuntu, but I'd guess is not a show stopper). ...

Wix - how to install to visual studio folder

I need to deploy a new item/project template and I found out that the way to do it is to copy it to [Visual Studio folder]\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates. How can I find where VS was installed (in my case VS2010)? WiX code will be welcomed... ...

SugarCRM installation frozen

Hi there. I'm trying to install SugarCRM version 5.5.1. on a webhost. Everything goes nice until the step when the installation begins. The output is this one: Creating Sugar configuration file (config.php) Creating Sugar application tables, audit tables and relationship metadata ............. And never moves on! ...

WiX - Passing parameters to a CustomAction (DLL)

I've got a DLL from an old WiSE installer that i'm trying to get working in WiX, so i'm pretty sure the DLL works with MSI-based installers. Here is my definition: <Binary Id="SetupDLL" SourceFile="../Tools/Setup.dll" /> <CustomAction Id="ReadConfigFiles" BinaryKey="SetupDLL" DllEntry="readConfigFiles" /> and usage: <Publish Dialog=...

32 and 64 bit assemblies in one windows installer

Hello, I have an application written in C# which depends on sqlite managed provider. The sqlite provider is platform dependent (there are two dlls for 32 and 64 bit applications with the same name). The application loads the desired one at runtime based on OS. The problem is that while creating an installer I cannot add 64 bit mode dll...

Is Google API for .NET (version 2) Redistributable ?

Hi, I made a small product using Google APIs. Now i need to sell it to my client. I made installer and simply added all APIs. But now it is showing error of type COM. How can i resolve this issue? ...

GenerateBootstrapper fails to create a working setup.exe

I’m seeing some odd behaviour I can’t explain. I'm using wix to generate a msi and using the msbuild GenerateBootstrapper task to handle pre-requisites. It all seems to build correctly i.e. there are no error or warnings but the generated setup.exe won’t run. It gives a nice blank error dialog and the event log gives about the same inf...

Why use a Package Installer with your Macintosh App?

Why is it that some Mac Apps are perfectly happy to be simply copied into the /Applications folder, and others require installation-wizard software? Are there advantages to the wizards? ...

Simple installer for Visual C# Express 2008

I am looking for some general feedback here. I have a very simple application that I created in VC# Express 2008, with no special dependencies. Now, I am going to release it as open source, and am curious as to how I should deploy it. Do I need to create an installer package with any dll's? Should I just zip up the *.exe file with a ...

What are ProductCode & UpgradeCode & GUID? How to detect if certain application/library is already installed on the user machine?

I've already gone through: My questions are little more in dep...

Visual Studio 2010 Installer Project - Text Input Validation

Hi Everyone, I'm doing with Visual Studio 2010 Installer Project. I want users to enter an text input the installer will check if it is valid. If the text is NOT valid (somethings like emails), installer lets the users know and suggests re-enter the text. I could not find how to check the validation, anyone knows how to do, please help...

Does MSI installer exist for Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008?

I'm trying to embed Microsoft Report Viewer 2008 to my installer package on InstallShield. It accepts a Chained msi, but I was able only to find .exe and not a .msi version for ReportViewer. Does anyone know if is there a way to find this ReportViewer.msi or convert the ReportViewer.exe to ReportViewer.msi? thank you ...

run wxHaskell on other machine

Hello, I've compiled haskell program which uses wxHaskell library, now I would like to know how to make it run on other machines which doesn't have wxHaskell installed. Of course I can see errors and I can copy dlls written in output and copy them to that machine but what is professioal sollution, can I write any installer or something l...

How to associate application with existing file types using WiX installer?

related to this: but not a duplicate. I need to handle existing file types (.jpg files). I do not want to be the default handler for .jpg, I would just like to extend the "Open with" menu with a link to my app. I see HKCR\.jpg\OpenWith...

Require further reading on Custom Installers in .Net?

Anybody got any good reading articles and tutorials on custom installers as most on the web seem to be outdated? The MS e-book for the 70-536 exam covers this but very lightly, as it does not cover the use of the ServiceProcessInstaller class or something like that??? I'm mentioning this here because I have seen this on quite a few exam...

Install usb device without manager prompt

We have a usb device and the drivers (.inf, libusb.dll, libusb.sys) and can install it using Windows' Device Installation Wizard (by pointing to the .inf file). However, we need to install the drivers without using the wizard (passively, so the user doesn't need to do anything). Does anyone know how this can be achieved? ...

Is it possible to install into Program Files with limited privileges?

I have an application that will be deployed as MSI package (authored in WiX). I am deciding whether to specify elevated or limited privileges as required for the installer. The application does not include anything requiring elevated privileges besides the default install location, which is under Program Files. Now the problem: If I...

Application demands elevated privs to run on win7 but not vista

I have a simple app that I just tried the installer (Innosetup) on win7(32-bit). After I install it the program icon on the desktop gets that shield on it that notifies the user that the app demands elevated privileges. I thought it was something wrong with the installer and made on using NSIS instead, same problem. Does anyone know wh...