
How can I write an installer for 32 and 64 bit

I have a .NET app which works in 32 and 64 bit. I would like to write one single installer that installs to c:\program files, not c:\program files(x86) regardless of the platform. From this link: it doesn't look possible. Is it the case? ...

Can you use the PackageMaker command to create an installer from a list of files?

I want to (periodically and automatically) create an installer from various files and folders that are in many places. But, I can't figure out how to supply the packagemaker command with all the paths of the items I want to install. This is for internal development purposes, not for customer distribution. I want the files included to be...

"Unverifiable code failed policy check" for a closed source assembly

I'm attempting to dynamically load some (purchased) assemblies from resource streams in a C# program during an MSI installation routine, but I'm getting "Unverifiable code failed policy check". I read some tips online about compiling the embedded assembly with /clr:safe, but I don't have that option. Is there a way to work around this ...

Can a Mono application be deployed using ClickOnce?

I am using Mono to write a cross-platform application. On Windows, is it possible to deploy this application using ClickOnce? ...

Windows Installer (C#) error code 2869

I have a project, in VS 2005, which has a console application and a setup project associated to install the application. I also have an installer class in the console application that the setup project will use to do some validation before installation. Those tasks are checking the database connection string and checking some directory...

windows mobile cab file launch main executable when complete

Hi all... I am developing a WinMo app, where we are hosting the cab files on our web server, to make deployment to our handhelds easier. I would like to make the CAB file though, so that when they user downloads and runs it, it installs, and then automatically launches the program. I found this Q, but that seems to be about cabs fo...

How to control the download url for dotNetFx35setup.exe without using the Visual Studio bootstrapper

Previously I've used to Visual Studio 2008 setup.bin to generate a bootstrapper. I had some issues with it which were difficult to resolve and turned to dotNetInstaller. One great thing with the VS 2008 generated bootstrapper, was that I was able to control the download location for the .NET framework. By using the MSBuild task I could s...

How to create an installer?

How to create an own installer using Java? I am not asking about any Java installer software. Anyone knows the logic or method please tell me. Is there any API available for these? ...

Modifying setup file with PHP

I have an application that needs branding when downloaded in certain continents. When installed in North America, for instance, the application, when run, displays a different logo and company name than in Europe. The setup file is provided through a PHP script. Presently there is a Inno Setup executable for Windows and a DMG for Mac OS...

Strange MSI error when setup.exe is run

We're using Visual Studio 2008's Setup Project to create an installer for our .NET 3.5 app. We host the .exe and .msi files on a website for our client to access, and produce new ones regularly to provide updates. This has all been fine until recently we've noticed some cases where installing via the .exe fails. The symptoms are: The .e...

Licensing WPF application

Does anyone have any guidance on the best way to manage licensing for a WPF application? I would like to have different levels of licensing (Free, Trial and Professional). The app itself will probably be distributed with a WiX installer (if that makes any difference) ...

What's the best way to authorize a USB Key

We have an auto update for our software that is installed via USB key (with the auto run). If I wanted to ensure that only authorized USB Keys were used, what's the best way? Our installer is already signed, and it won't run otherwise. But I'm more wanting to inspect the USB Key for a signed installer, and if it's not there, just ignore...

How to install a desktop shortcut (to a batch file) from a WiX-based installer that has "Run as Administrator" enabled?

I'm installing a desktop shortcut (to a batch file) from a WiX-based installer -- how do I automatically configure this shortcut with the "Run as Administrator" setting enabled? The target OS is Windows Server 2008 R2, and the installer is running with elevated priveleges. Update: Thanks to the link provided by @Anders, I was able to ge...

Windows Installer XML (WiX)

Why should one go for Windows Installer XML (WiX) when we have in built .net MSI installer? Thanks in advance ...

FileNotFoundException when running WiX CustomAction with COMAdmin interop

I am trying to create a WiX custom action which will allow me to shutdown and clear down a COM+ package as part of an upgrade installation, or create and configure a new COM+ package as part of the initial installation. I previously had this running as a CustomAction within a standard Visual Studio MSI but this only allows the custom ac...

Executing Custom Actions immediately in WIX

Is there any way to execute a custom action in WIX as soon as the first dialog (welcome) appears? The requirement is to check prerequisites, and some of those require a custom action. The custom action could be executed as we click to the next dialog, but then the standard WIX prereqs are determined apart from our custom prereq. (The ...

How to add a App by PackageMaker In MAC?

I used packagemaker to package a App, now I want to add another app with a option, if user check the option , it can be installed automatically, because another app will be packaged with packagemaker, so I didn't include it with a folder with packagemaker, how to do it ? Thank you !!! ...

How to show files being copied, moved,etc. on installer screen using WIX

Hi... I have my installer and is working fine. What I want to add more is that I want to show the work done by installer on installer screen (Example, installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005, we get the files being copied, moved, registry entry created,......) Similarly I want to show this on my installer. So can anyone help me on this ...

WiX - How do I prevent ComPlusAssembly being unregistered during uninstall?

As part of my Installer, I am adding files to an existing COM+ package. I have defined a ComPlusApplication underneath my Product element, which has the name set to a property - I then have a custom action which looks up that property - all good so far. When the installer adds the files, within the same component I have added a ComPlus...

Web setup Installer(MSI) error on windows server 2008 environment

Hello!, I have developed a Web Application on VS2008 and I have created WebSetup for my web site. It is working fine when I install this MSI or setup.exe on windows server 2003 environment. If I tried to install on windows server 2008 using MSI file it is throwing error as below- "You do not have sifficient privieges to compelte this i...