
Does the .NET Framework 4.0 intaller installs .NET 3.5 as well?

.NET 4.0 is meant to run side-by-side with 3.5 and won't run 3.5 apps, which is making me worried about having to instruct my users to download .NET 3.5 instead of just "the latest version". I've read in a blog that the 4.0 installer will install 3.5 as well if it's not already installed but I can't test it right now, did anyone try th...

.NET ServiceInstaller get too much time for uninstall services

Hello, we have some Setup Project wrote in Visual Studio 2008 in C# that installs and uninstalls services with ServiceInstaller class. When I install the services this don't get too much time, but when I uninstall with following code the process for each service get few seconds (and we have many services): ServiceInstaller si = new S...

DragDrop registration did not succeed in Setup Project

Hello, we have some installation project in Visual Studio solution (Other project types -> Setup and deployment -> Setup project). This project have other library type project with Installation class named InstallationCore like project output. In user action I call to Install and Uninstall functions of installer of InstallationCore. Inst...

How do i make an installer instead of a crash (.NET)

My situation is Using .NET 3.5 Using SDL.NET Need to make a friendly installer or warning system. Chances are the user will be on XP (.NET 1.1). If possible can i do something to let the user know he needs to update to 3.5? Maybe have a yes/no dialog which downloads and install the .NET runtimes for him? Now how do i detect if the u...

Batch file running on Vista problem

Dear All , I have to generate keys from cWrsync, I have Command: "ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -N '' -f %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\.ssh\id_rsa" I placed that command into a batch file, that is pointing to cwRsync\bin directory, where ssh-keygen exe file is located, That batch file working fine Windows, But in Vista it is throwing unexpected result... ...

How to bundle multiple installation(.exe) files?

Say, we have ABC.exe and CDE.exe I want to bundle these 2 installation files into a single un-attended installation file [XYZ.exe]. And when I run the XYZ.exe it should install the above applications. Any ideas how this can be achieved ? ...

Item vanishes from Add/Remove Programs

I have installed some software that appears in the add/remove programs list. However it disapears next time I check (using the same login account). I have checked the registry and it all looks correct. Is there saome sort of group policy that could remove this? The software is installed on a virtual Windows 2003 server. ...

Rails application installer

Hi, I am making a rails cms and I have wondered if there is a plugin or script, which automatically installs the application? Thanks! ...

Setup filename convention? setup.exe vs install.exe vs others

Hi, I'm going to build an installer to deploy my application which is a Windows executable file(not a MSI file). I'm using NSIS. This application targets French people and "install" word is close to "installation" in French. Is there a filename convention? What is the best choice for you? It seems that "setup.exe" is the most popular n...

Create MSI for slipstream SQL Server 2008 install

I am looking at creating an MSI that will check/install the prerequisites of SQL Server 2008 and after the prerequisites are installed I will start my slipstream 2008 install. I am currently trying to do this through VS 2008 Deployment Projects, but I cannot just simple add the folders of the SQL slipstream into the setup project withou...

WiX - Gotchas for Combining COM and .NET components in the same installer

I have two products that are always installed in tandem. One is an ActiveX exe the other a C# application. I've gotten the ActiveX installer to build and function properly using WiX and I'd really like to combine both into a single installer. I'm feeling just about dangerous enough with WiX to attempt it, but would be interested in any a...

Wix - How do I specify a directory to run a batch file in?

I want to run a batch file, which I do via the following: <CustomAction Id='InstallFilter' FileKey='install' ExeCommand='' Execute='deferred' /> <InstallExecuteSequence> <Custom Action='InstallFilter' Before='InstallFinalize' /> </InstallExecuteSequence> This will execute the batch file, but it runs in C:\Windows\System32 (or so...

Set registry to control working dir when associating file-type with application

I'm using Inno for an installer, and I want to associate a file type with my app: Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".rpl"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "MyReplay"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCR; Subkey: "MyReplay"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "Replay File"; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Root: HKCR; Subkey: "MyReplay\D...

How to make a custom installer for games, etc?

Hello. Can anyone tell me how to create a custom installer to 'install' games. I say custom meaning I don't want the user to have the option where the game is installed. I want it to be a straight forward process, maybe with just one loading bar. The program I'm developing is a 'center' for game playing, which includes a community and...

Late resolution of MSI variable for part of install folder path

In a setup project, on User Interface, I've created a RadioButtons (3 Buttons) dialog box. I've placed it before the Installation Folder Dialog. I wish to incorporate the value selected in the RadioButtons dialog as part of the Installation Folder. To do this I've placed the name of the variable amongst the path where I wish to use it...

Create a Desktop Shortcut to an existing FOLDER using WiX

I have the need to create a Desktop Shortcut to an existing FOLDER (NOT to a file) using Wix. To elaborate more, my installer program has a CustomAction program written using C# associated with it. This CustomAction program creates a folder named "BSS" of which the path is selected by user. C:\ProgramData\MT\BSS Now I need to place a ...

Adding firewall exceptions for other firewall products than Windows Firewall - such as Norman, Norton etc

I have a WiX installer project where I have added two firewall exceptions as part of the installer by using the WiX FirewallException. This works great when the client machine is using Windows Firewall, but I got a report that a user failed to get the solution running when using Norman's Personal Firewall. Some question regarding this: ...

What are the benfits of a standalone Windows .exe vs an installer?

I am trying to make an application as easy to deploy as possible for Windows and I am trying to choose between packaging the application as a .exe or using an installer. I was wondering if anyone had opinions on the relative merits of either way? My preference would be to use a .exe as it would be just click and run for a user. ...

Read an external settings/parameters file from installer project?

I have created an installer project in VS2008 and need to supply a settings/parameters file along with the .msi/exe file; is this possible? The settingsfile will basically contain some information that is needed in the configuration and our different clients can control the settingsfile. ...

Extracting files from merge module

All I want is a command-line tool that can extract files from a merge module (.msm) onto disk. Said differently, I want the same "administrative install" functionality that is possible for an MSI: msiexec /a myProduct.msi TARGETDIR="C:\myInstallation" /qn The above only works on an msi (near as I can tell). So to get the same effect ...