
WiX 3.0 Merge Module: meaning of Source attribute

What is the purpose of the Source attribute? Have a look at this snippet: <Component Id="MyComponent" Guid="123456789-abcd-defa-1234-DCEA-01234567890A"> <File Id="myFile" Name="myFile.dll" Source="myFile.dll"/> </Component> Since Name and Source have the same value, what does Source add? The code does not compile without it....

Installing a shared assembly to the GAC with COM interop

Specifically, I am using Wise Installation Studio to install several shared .NET 2.0 assemblies into the GAC. These are being used by some legacy COM application files as well as other application assemblies. I have the flag for "Generate COM interop registry keys for .NET assembly" set. Reference counting appears to be working for re...

Getting program to run at start up from c# code. Setting Registry Run to 'true' doesn't work as well.

I found this nice snippet of code online: rkApp = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true); Which runs great but alas on windows 7 and vista I suspect, it crashes cause it doesn't have permission to write there. So then I research (on stackoverflow of course) how to avoid this, quick...

Creating terminal based installer/wizard

I would like to create a terminal based installer/wizard. Ideally, it'd be like the Ubuntu server installer, or the Arch Linux installer - a ncurses (?) heavy GUI with lots of form and arrow key goodness. Second best would be a simpler question/answer type thing, similar to the "adduser" command prompting for password, username, etc. ...

Deploy and Run application at beginning of WIX Install

I'm trying to deploy and run an application (C# console app) at the beginning of the MSI install with WIX but having some difficulty. The application needs to run before any of the webserver actions happen but after the files have been copied from the MSI to the target location. I can get the app to run but only if I have actually copi...

Looking for all-in-one drm/installer/CD creation kit.

The company I work for has a download manager in place that handles distribution, DRM, installation of our products - when a user gets them off our website. However, we're using an clunky system for packaging and protecting our products when we do press releases or make retail CDs. Part of the antiquation problem is the fact that the a...

ASP.NET MVC Installer

Hi everyone, We need to install ASP.NET MVC on several developers machines with VS2010. Unfortunately the only files I can find in the Microsoft Download Center are labelled as ASP.NET MVC installer for VS2008. Can someone please point me in the direction of installer for VS2010, or can the VS2008 one also work for VS2010? Thanks, Dan...

Install different version of merge module depending on processor architecture

I have a Windows .net solution that is deployed with a Visual Studio Deployment project. My exe is a win32 app that runs fine on either a x86 or x64 windows. However I included a merge module (*.msm) from a third party vendor which is available in a x86 and x64 version. Now I could copy my whole deploy project and just change the msm, ...

How to sort data in an NSTableVIew?

I have created an NSTableView. Is there a way to sort data by column? ...

Packaging multiple rpms in one file

Hi, Is it possible to paqckage multiple rpms into one file. I have got two bundles one of which requires that the other be installed. I would like to create a single installable out of them in such a way that this installer will first invoke pkg 1 and then install pkg 2. Is this possible? What about deb packages? Sorry if it a basic ques...

Reboot system from Setup project

Hi, I am creating a setup project using Visual Studio. I want to reboot the system after the installation completed successfully. I want it one time effort. I do not want to modify the setup each time using any external tool/ utility before delivering it to client. Can I tweak the setup project itself? How Can I do that? ...

Deploying WPF applications with SQL Server

Ok so I'm developing a WPF application that makes heavy use of SQL Server. I've been asked to create an installer package that checks whether the client already has SQL Server Express 2005 already installed, his operating system (64bit Vs x86) and install the required SQL Server instance if needed. I'm then required to automatically map...

Embedding SQL Server into a .NET application

Hey, I've just finished writing a VB.NET application. Now I want to package the executable and the database ofcourse into a single installer file. I tried using QSetup, InstallShield to make SQL Server embedded into the setup file, and finally after hours of try&fail I have no idea. Anyone? ...

How to make installer set up of Cocoa project?

I have make one application Cocoa using XCode. Now I want to make setup file of project. So other user can install this project directly in his system. ...

Installer Creators? What do you recommend?

Can't find a generic topic about this but what do you guys recommend for an application that creates a simple installer? Just need something that places it into an appropriate folder in Program Files, adds shortcuts to the StartMenu. My professor recommend Superpimp but that seems like overkill. :P Thanks SO! ...

How to programatically set a permanent environment variable in Linux?

I am writing a little install script for some software. All it does is unpack a target tar, and then i want to permanently set some environment variables - principally the location of the unpacked libs and updating $PATH. Do I need to programmatically edit the .bashrc file, adding the appropriate entries to the end for example, or is the...

Visual Studio Installation Project

When creating a set-up project in Visual Studio 2008, I am trying to create an MSI. I have a standalone installation project - that is, I don’t have a main project to install, I just want to ship some random files. Configuration properties / build shows that it should create debug/myproj.msi. However, if I do a build of either the s...

How to do a silent install and uninstall with Wix and MSI?

How can a silent installer that does not display any UI Dialogs to the user and installs, upgrades and uninstalls with default settings be created in Wix? ...

what is "removing backup files" installation step

In many windows installers the last step is called "removing backup files". I understand that to provide transactional integrity of the install process some "backup files" could've been created and have to be cleaned up. What I do not understand is why on many occasions this step takes considerably longer than the rest of the install...

How to retain service settings through InstallShield upgrade install

I have an InstallScript project in IS2010. It has a handful of services that get installed. Some are C++ exes and use the "InstallShield Object for NT Services". Others are Java apps installed as services with Java Service Wrapper through LaunchAppAndWait command line calls. Tomcat is also being installed as a service through a call ...