
InternetGetCookie does not retrieve all cookies

I am trying to use InternetGetCookie in order to retrieve cookies from IE. The problem I have is that sometimes in a cookie file there may be 2 or even 3 different cookies but InternetGetCookie always retrieves the data associated with only the first cookie. I tried calling InternetGetCookie twice in a row for the same cookie url but it...

Send data to a SPECIFIC iPhone application through mobile network (No Internet).

I am looking for a way to send data to a SPECIFIC iPhone application without going through Internet... thus using the mobile network. Thanks. ...

Why can't IE allow a page to login using frames (multiple domains)?

I think I may know the answer to this question but I'm actually looking for some hard evidence/link to a statement from Microsoft on why this occurs. I have a domain name of "", which is HTTP. This page soley contains HTML with an iFrame redirecting to "", which is HTTPS. The page that sits...

android app cannot connect to twitter

My android application uses jtwitter and doesn't see host Twitter twitter = new Twitter("user", "pass"); System.out.println(twitter.getStatus("somebody")); twitter.setStatus("my stat"); But java desktop application works pretty good. What is the problem can be with android? I added even uses-permission INTE...

How do I style text input so it works on internet explorer?

I have tried EVERYTHING to be able to style JUST text inputs with internet explorer. Unfortunately IE doesn't support using [type=text] so that's out of the question. I even added support for to my webpage with <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""&gt;&lt;/script...

How to check if you have live internet connection programmatically using C++

How can I check if I have a internet connection or live internet connection using C++? Thanks. Vibz ...

Slow Internet access from windows app, per load assemblies!?

I writing (or trying to) an app in c# .Net 4 all is working but two functions that make calls to the Internet are very slow the first time they are called! XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(@"http://somedomain/somefile.xml"); this takes around 15-20 seconds the first time an about 1 the next! I'm also using WebRequest in another plac...

DOM Javascript on Internet Explorer 8

hi everyone, i have a litte probleme with CSS modification on Internet Explorer. When i add an new CSS style in , IE don't reload the page with the new CSS injected. But when I change CSS property of an element it's works ! (This code work perfectly on Firefox !!!) do you have any idea to do that the head modification work ? if(doc...

Error message comes ON IE when try to download file

Hi, On this page it generates a Excel sheet and allows user to download that. But as shown below it does not work properly on IE (both 7 & 8) this works fine with Firefox,chrome and safari. Is there any settings we can do on both client side or Server side. image location thank you ...

Simulate keystrokes over the internet

I'm trying to do something pretty complicated, so I've sort created this hypothetical that if answered would solve my problem: Say I was sitting in a room with two computers. Computer 1 has a game of pong that I've programmed. I would like to be able to set up a web page whereby I could log on with Computer 2, and be able to play the ...

To remove conflict in http and https in IE I have done below given solution, please someone tell me is it Browser dependent?

<a href="//" title="Commerce Pundit" target="_blank" class="normaltext-11pt-link">Om The Eternity</a> On click on the above link is browser dependent? will it create any problem in any browser in any case? is it good idea to avoid the mentioned conflict? ...

IE-7 Error with GWT Project

I recently took over a GWT project and began making necessary changes. Everything was fine until one day someone viewed the project in IE-7. There is an error msg that persists in two of the GWT panels or screens. Also the final results after using the tool do now show properly, however they are emailed correctly. Because I took over...

jQuery load not updating the document in Internet Explorer

The dreaded IE strike again. :( I've been developing an image selection and upload tool for Tiny MCE using modal dialogs over the last few days. During the script, jQuery's load() function is used a number of times to load external HTML and insert it within a specified div element. Everything has been going ok, even in IE, until about ...

Create Outlook Object with Firefox

Hi, with ActiveX I can create an Outlook instance and start a new HTML e-Mail. Here is the sample code: var outlookApp = new ActiveXObject("Outlook.Application"); var nameSpace = outlookApp.getNameSpace("MAPI"); mailFolder = nameSpace.getDefaultFolder(6); mailItem = mailFolder.Items.add('IPM.Note.FormA'); mailI...

ant check internet connection

Is there a way to check in ant if an internet connection is available. ...

Broken jQuery in IE 8

I have a method which detects the onChange event on a select box. When the user clicks on the select box, it should detect the click, get the id and load some content into a div below it by calling a php script. This appears to function fine in FF but in IE nothing happens. Code which detects change:- $("#select").change(function() { ...

Android and binding to internet bookmark URLs?

Does anybody know if Internet Bookmark URLs are accessable from Android applications? Any way to bind something like a spinner to them? Thanks. Update: To add to my question: I've tried this code but getting just blanks back in my spinner. I confirmed I have bookmarks in my emulator: private Cursor cbookmarks; SpinnerBM = (Spinner) ...

ASP.NET MVC2 Generated Javascript contains comma that breaks script in Internet Explorer, code inside

I have the following code, which works perfectly fine in every browser except for IE <script type="text/javascript"> if (!window.slider) var slider = {}; = [<% foreach (var item in Model) {%>{ "id":"<%: item.ImageID %>", "client":"<%: item.ContentTitle %>", "desc":"<%: item.ContentDescription %>" },<%} %> ]; </script> ...

getting random images for a test script

I have an app that processes images. For testing it, I have a script that submits an image. This is not completely uncommon. I am bored with my test images. Filling up a folder with some images and getting my test script to randomly pick one gets boring really quickly. Is there any script - in any language, really - that can get a r...

Custom Information Bar in Internet Explorer 8

I'm developing a toolbar targeting IE8 and wish to use the Information Bar to show my own custom messages on this bar. I want to avoid launching annoying and obtrusive modal dialogs since this is a very bad experience. The Information Bar is a great way for toolbars and BHO's to show their users all sorts of messages. Thing is i'm not ...