
How would I write an app to block specific webisites on Android?

I'm considering writing an internet filter app for Android which would allow parents to block objectionable web sites on their children's phones. I'm assuming this would also be useful on GoogleTV when it comes out. How would I even start? Is it possible to block access to specific sites without requiring the user to root their phone?...

identify internet connection type

my question is -- how to check various types of internet connections available for device.... i mean if i want my application send an internet request only if wi-fi is available...and not in other cases like gprs ,WAP,3g..etc.... please also give information about checking speed of a particular connection... please correct me if i am ...

Failed in Retrieving data from internet via c++ but was retrieving just an hour back?

I don't know what happened in hour My script stopped to retrieve data from internet instead it is still able retrieve data from http:// localhost/ . The wininet error I got is 12029 (ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT) - as listed here, The code which produces error is: HINTERNET hOpenUrl = InternetOp...

how can i get compressed content-length in Pluggable IE async

Hi. First, sorry for my english, i'm not a native. I got a Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol for IE, the target of this plugin is monitoring responses of the server when IE requests a web page. Basically, plugin is a activeX what implements next interfaces: class InternetProtocolHook : public CComObjectRootEx, public IInternetProtoco...

Webbrowser control , Detect internet connection

Hello Everyone, Here is my code scenario, I display html page in webbrowser control. The content will be loaded from some RSS url dynamically (used JQuery to load the content from URL) and displayed in WB. My problem is, i have to check for the "Internet Connectivity" when a loop is completed by scrolling text. I tried using "navigat...

WCF security in an internet scenario

I have a WCF service hosted in a Windows Service. Clients from various platforms will access the service. Now I would like to add a basic security mechanism. Ideally, the clients should use username/password for authentication. Which binding settings do I have to use in this scenario and how can I authenticate the client? Interoperabil...

How to fetch the status of Internet security setting(Display mixed content) using javascript or c# code

Is there any way to detect the internet security setting using javascript or through C# code ...

Wireless settings dialog

Hello, i am checking networking connection using the below code: public static boolean haveInternet(Context ctx) { NetworkInfo info = (NetworkInfo) ((ConnectivityManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE)).getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (info == null || !info.isConnected()) { return false; // no connecti...

What is the PAC file?

I am trying to understand how a PAC file works. I have a proxy server application that I will be distributing to a few clients. The clients would have to set the proxy settings including port number on their browsers. As I understand it the PAC file should do this automatically? But my question is where should I put the PAC file? Can I ...

Automatic Proxy Configuration

I have a PAC file on my server with the following code: function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return "PROXY; DIRECT"; } According to the WIKI page here -, this means that "should this proxy fail to respond, the browser contacts the website directly, without using...

Facebook Login with FB.ui not loading in IE8

I'm trying to use a facebook FB.ui() call with the stream.publish method. Everything works fine in Firefox, Chrome, Safari. However, in Internet Explorer I get a connection problem. It seems to be the same error you would get when internet connection is down. Attached is a screenshot of the error. Any ideas why this isn't working in IE?...

Is there a way to dynamically insert an absolutely positioned HTML element in a way that is compatible with IE?

Here's my JavaScript code: function BuildObject(container, index, imgFile, left, top, width, height) { var newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.setAttribute("id","d" + index); newImg.setAttribute("src", imgFile); newImg.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute; left:" + left + "px; top:" + top + "px"); newImg.setAttr...

Problem with Internet Explorer 7 and only on server

Hello, I'm making a website and one part of javascript need to disable browser back button and only on some pages that have specific element on it. Here is the script: function recallhashcheck() { setTimeout("checkhashb()",50); } function checkhashb() { if (String(window.location.href).indexOf("#back") != -1) { window.locat...

browser compatiable question?

i have this css box(div) that on mozilla firefox displays in the middle of the browser, but on the IE, it floats to the left, could you tell me what the issue is? #div-regForm,.registered{ border:3px solid #eeeeee; padding:15px; background:white; color:black; margin:30px auto 40px auto; width:600px; } html: <...

What IE version should you install to check CSS compatibility on IE with a Mac?

I'm trying to fix my css on IE, and I want to check to see if it's working. What version should I install and from where? ...

Google SSL security

I need to implement some search functionalities in my app and want to use Google SSL. Can the ISP still see what you are searching by analyzing the querystring? If so then what's the point of this service? ...

how to test proxy internet connection using java ?

i have some code to test if the proxy server and port is working ,some of the code like this: System.getProperties().put("proxySet", "true"); System.getProperties().put("https.proxyHost", "localhost"); System.getProperties().put("https.proxyPort", "1234"); System.getProperties().put("http.proxyHost", "localhost"); System.getProperties()...

Block website without forcing user to restart browser?

I know blocking a website is a popular question but none of the answers I've seen address my particular situation: I want to block a website (to be selected by the user, which must also have Admin rights, on Windows XP), without forcing her to restart her browser. The well known technique of modifying the hosts file requires some brow...

Is there a limit on the amout of data while using image src as base64 strings?

I am trying to use base64 data string for images and for some weird reason some of the images are not getting rendered on IE8 or IE7 (I don't care about IE6), however they work fine on IE9 and FF (I tested on FF 3.5.0 and above). Is there any limit on the amount of data supported by IE as base64 data strings? ...

how to creat a rss feed from an internet website with android ?

Hello everyone, i wanted to do an application which use a rss feed from the web, and i wanna know if someone have a tutorial somewhere or could just explain to me how to do it. (I started coding in android like two months ago) ...