NSOperation thread running in background, causes a UITableView or UIScrollView or UIWebView scrolling rough(Not smooth as it would be usually.)
How can i solve this problem ??
There is no connection between UITableView datasource and delegates and thread which is running in background. Both uses independent resources.
How to solve...
I'm writing an iPhone/iPad app, and I'm wondering if future updates will wipe the application's sandbox data (this is of vital importance for me since my app will use in app purchase). I've already googled around but couldn't find any definite answer. Thanks!
Partly as a programming exercise, and partly because we may need to include such images in an app some day, I've been trying to figure out how to draw an image like the selected tab in a UITabBar.
The basic operation is simple enough in concept: the icon's alpha is used as a mask to draw the blue gradient image onto the tab. (Though I c...
With the iOS SDK I need to find an easy and secure way to see if an NSDate is today, yesterday, tomorrow. What I'm looking for is something like this in pseudo code:
NSDate *myDate = someDate;
if ([myDate isTomorrow]) {
How would you solve it?
I'm working on karaoke app. It should record video with sound of a user singing a song. Lyrics and melody are are provided by app.
With video recording everything was fine until I've added audio input to AVCaptureSession. Problem is with AVAudioPlayer that plays melody - it just stops when AVCaptureSession starts. I did not find any r...
Could someone please help with implementation details for Omniture's app measurement iphone library ? I have linked both the dev and release libraries into my app, I instantiate them using the singleton method (getInstance) and they call the 'track' method on the instance....something along these lines.
OMAppMeasurement *s = [OMAppMeasu...
Dear developers,
I am new to iPhone development.
source code
UIBarButtonItem *saveButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"SAVE"
I am going crazy - these 2 strings are identical but the code comes back as them being different!:
NSLog(@"nearbyAirport %@", nearbyAirport.geocode);
NSLog(@"airportToFind %@", airportToFind.geocode);
//Try and match geocodes. If they are the same then airport is valid
if ([[airportToFind geocode] isEqualToString:[nearbyAirport geocod...
Hello! Just I'm curious.
I have created a lot of convinient categories to the Objective-C classes (NSObject, NSDictionary, NSString...), as long as very interesting subclasses that makes a lot of popular task in the iPhone/iPad programming, to be as easy as putting only one line of code or firing a method.
I'd like to share this code w...
Hi all
On simulator when I switch from portrait to landscape in Tableview my searchbar expands.
but on device it is not expanding.
Any Idea I am very upset due to that.
I want to display a table like the following in an iPhone app
Recommendations History
Current 1 Month Ago 2 Months Ago 3 Months Ago
Strong Buy 29 27 27 26
Moderate Buy 5 4 4 4
Hold 3 4 3 3
I have a table cell being displayed that shows a users image, name and some text. The user's image is 50x50, but I want a border around it so I set the view to center the image and set the frame to 52x52 and then set the background color of that view to my border color. That shows a 1 pixel border around the image.
I also want to show...
I've recently created a new class for my iPhone application which will hold information read from a text file containing the street address and GPS points of points of interest.
The issue though is that whenever I add code to initialize the class my application loads up and the instantly quits with no errors in the console. When I remov...
Is there any way to indent the default back button on a UINavigationBar? Basically I just want to move it about 10pts right.
I have understandably attracted some smart ass answers to some bone head questions I have asked lately due to my complete misunderstanding of obj c and NSMutable arrays. So I've looked in a book I have and Google and it would appear that may be I shouldn't program because I'm still stuck.
Say I'm looping through method A and each loop ...
I'm in deep trouble. Something in my app causes a lot of properties in my app delegate to become trashed (changing contents and even object type, say an NSArray becomes an NSString...), and I can't debug it out. I can find no memory leaks or errors on my part. The only thing I've found is that all the way to ViewDidAppear for the view of...
Can't figure it out
I'm trying to do some simple assignment, but coming up with different results and I can't figure out why. Why does the first assignment below work and the second one not?
NSMutableArray *mutableFetchResults = something approrpriate here;
[self setLocationsArray:mutableFetchResults];
[switchViewController setLocationsArray:mutableFetch...
Hi all,
I have a UIView that can be dragged with the finger which I've implemented by using a UIPanGestureRecognizer. This allows me to drag a view horizontally ; left or right.
I make my view moving while receiving the following state from the UIPanGestureRecognizer (using the translationInView: method):
I have a tableview with four sections first section has 7 rows in that first six rows has a textfield and the last row has two textfields
Section 1
t1 t2
section 2
t1 t2
t1 t2 // second row textfields are placed in fourth rows
t1 t2
t1 t2 // fourth row textfields are placed in someother rows