
Default frame for UINavigation back button image in iphone

I have created back image same as default back "< back" used by Navigation controller. My problem is I don't know the exact frame of back button. Since I am using stretchable image, I need to fix the stretch, bu the caption of button is not coming exactly in center. here is my code `UIButton* btnBack = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame: ...

Barcode reader SDK for iPhone to read DataMatrix

Hi i have been looking for a long time to get a free sdk to read 2d datamatrix barcode for iPhone, i was successful in getting sdks for QR Code and all other 1D codes. I tried using ZXing (but this reads only QR codes) : also Big in japan's http://www.freebarcodescanner.com/ , but this is not able to read Datamatrix. ZBar which also...

A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain

I am able to test my app on my device using the development profile/certficates... In the same way, I have created distribution profile/certicates for my app.... But when I try to upload my app to iTunes , it says "Application failed codesign verification" Also in the Organizer, it says "A valid signing identity matching this profile ...

what Compression Library to use for iPhone Application?

Hello people i am looking for a compression library to use in iphone application, please any guide will be so great. Edit hopefully with AES 256 Encryption And Decryption Methods ...

Custom UITableViewCell for Settings-like application?

I'd like to have a settings view in my app. I want to have things like UILabels, UISwitches etc. (Like in the Settings app.) How can I go about doing that? Can I just replace the detailView with the required view, or is there more to it then that? That may not work because I need to be able to set and get text values too. ...

UITabBarController and access commonly-used functions via protocol

Hello everyone I always use UIViewController(As RootViewController) to switch the view of 3 different UIViewControllers. There are some commonly-used functions in the RootViewController. I setup the protocol for the 3 different UIViewControllers to access. The actual function body codes are in RootViewController.m If I want to call the...

How can/would I implement a morse code generator?

I was wondering what would be the best way to implement a morse code generator. The way it would work is the user types in a word or phrase and then that NSString would be passed into my method as an argument for processing. The way I want to process is to loop through each character in the string and then play the correct sequence of to...

Questions about using Accelerate.framework

Hey guys, I have some questions about the Accelerate.framework. I am trying to do some vector stuff. First of all what is the difference between Single Precision Float, Single-Precision Complex, Double-Precision Float, and Double-Precision Complex? And what should I be using for my own struct defined like float x; float y; float z; And ...

MKMapView annotation position update problem

I need to track user current location with realtime refreshrate I have one function with two solutions for that. (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation { ifdef Variant_1 if(m_currentLocation) [m_Map removeAnnotation:m_currentLocation...

iphone populating dynamic controls

Hello, I am working on iphone aaplication.. As I have seen in iphone app, the controls used in app are statically predefined in interface builder and uiviewcontroller... But I have to deal with situations where I do not know what type of control to create..The controls are known to me at runtime of application.... How do i populate such ...

Can't get Zombies to work in XCode

I'm trying to solve my first really hard EXC_BAD_ACCESS problem. I see from a lot of tutorials and blogs that I can use Zombies to help me figure out where I'm going wrong. But I don't think my zombies are working, and I'm DEFINATELY not getting anything useful out of the console. When I start the program I see this: This GDB was config...

Image disappear on UIImage

What I had done is: I have one IBOutlet for UIImageVIew and [self.imgPView setImage:[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:imagePath]]; and on somewhere, I had show AlertView UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Warning" message:@"Problem is already submitted, Do you want to submit again?" delegate:self cancelButtonTi...

Dynamically selecting different viewControllers

I've got a problem that I think is probably straight forward but I can't seem to wrap my head around it. I've got a tableview that loads from an array of NSDictionaries. Each Dictionary has a title (shown in the row) and an associated nssstring representing a viewcontroller that should be pushed onto the stack when the row is selected....

Certificate creation for Apple push notifications

Hi, I need to integrate apple push notifications. I am not clear about the certificate needed for the server. As I know this is a generated certificate form server end and does it needed to be signed by a valid certificate authority? If so how does APNS going to validate this? For the apple sandbox cant we proceed with a test certifica...

OpenGL Library 3dXML

Looking for a starting point on importing and displaying a 3DXML model on the iPad. Pretty sure that OpenGL is the way to go, but not seeing any ports that are able to read 3DXML models. Does anyone have a starting point on this? (Have been looking at GLC_lib, but not seeing an objective C port) Thanks in advance! ...

how to get iphone 4.1 HDR frames

Is there way to problematically get individual bracketed shots from iphone 4.1 HDR photo instead of a single HDR'ed photo? ...

What's the correct code to save a CGLayer as a PNG file?

Please note that this question is about CGLayer (which you typically use to draw offscreen), it is not about CALayer. In iOS, what's the correct code to save a CGLayer as a PNG file? Thanks! Again, that's CGLayer, not CALayer. Note that you CAN NOT use UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext. (From the documentation, "You can call ...

Local Weather condition with google api

I use below tutorial for add local weather condition but this tutorial just add current weather does anybody have any idea about forecast weather? link text ...

Releasing a delegating object in its delegate callback method

I'm trying to figure out what the recommended practice is for the following situation. Certain objects, such as CLLocationManager or MKReverseGeocoder, send their results asynchronously to a delegate callback method. Is it OK to release that CLLocationManager or MKReverseGeocoder instance (or whatever class it may be) in the callback met...

iOS using GL_RGBA8

Is there a way to use GL_RGBA8 on the iPhone/iPad? My textures show up as blank when I try to use GL_RGBA8_OES instead. GL_RGBA is causing problem when using transparency. I haven't tried it on the real device, only in the simulator. ...