
Ruby IRC With DCC

I cant seem to figure out DCC using Isaac but I cant seem to figure out how to receive and send files with the bot. I found a different IRC bot here that supports DCC but I cant figure out how to implement it with my app. Can anyone help me? This is the current state of my app: require 'isaac' configure do |c| c.nick = "TheBot...

How can a while() loop not stall when using fsockopen() and fgets() in PHP?

This is the basic connection code for a small PHP IRC bot. The problem is that it seems that the while() loop does not progress beyond fgets() until it receives data from the IRC server. I want the while() loop to iterate regardless if the IRC server has not yet sent data. Is this possible? $socket = fsockopen($config['irc_server'], $co...

How do I check if a user is authenticated with NickServ using POE::Component::IRC::State in Perl?

I'm trying to test whether a user is registered on FreeNode. nick_info() doesn't seem to return information about this, so I want to use $irc->yield(whois => $nick); and then grab the irc_whois event's reply. The problem is that I want to wait until this event is fired, so I created a global variable $whois_result and wrote a sub like th...

Plugin permissions in an IRC Bot

My friend and I are writing an C# IRC Bot that will allow users to extend it's capabilities via plugins. We need it so that each command will be able to have its own permissions. So that only a user on a specific level or above could execute the command. We had a hard time deciding how to do this. The permissions system would be 1-10. 1...

IRC client library in C#

I want to embed a small chat window in my program that will function as a basic IRC client. Are there any well-known, simple, and secure C# libraries that will allow me to do basic things such as connect, disconnect, list users, and private message? It seems like some of the more popular libraries are overkill for such a modest applica...

buildbot: connect to IRC server using SSL

How can I use buildbot's IRC bot to connect to an IRC server that wants SSL connections? ...

MOTD for channels

Is there a way to display a file/string of text to a user's channel output when a user joins a channel? Would this have to happen serverside in the irc config or could a bot do the same? ...

Android NDK future extended support for C++

Is there any info about the future of extending the safe C++ header list in the NDK (or maybe some hints to what might be safe to use) ? Or how soon we can expect the next NDK update? Also will there be any tutorials and documentation comming out for the NDK? Thanks ...

Cannot execute OnItemClick for GridView in PopupWindow

I have a gridView that I display in a popupwindow (the gridview is in a transparent layout, which inherits from linearlayout and just has a partially transparent background). I can never get this GridView's OnItemClick to execute. When I touch an image in my gridview it appears to be clicked (image bachgrond changes), but OnItemClick i...

agnostic irc programming channel

Hi there I don't know why, but i was thinking that IRC communities aren't popular anymore. I've sen the contrary after joining cakephp irc support channel. Can you recommend me an agnostic IRC programming channel? Or, how do you meet others programmers, when your not involved in a IT company. ...

"NOTICE AUTH" notifications when connecting to IRC server

As a learning exercise, I'm writing a Python program to connect to a channel on an IRC network, so I can output messages in the channel to stdout. I'm using asynchat and manually sending the protocol messages, rather than using something like Twisted or existing bot code from the net - again, it's a more useful learning experience that w...

F/OSS (or just free-as-in-beer) Visual Studio communication add-ins?

Our team is growing, but we're also growing specialized. We've already been using ticketing/bug tracking/case management software for years--as well as IM clients informally--but as another engineer and I were discussing, it'd be nice to have an IRC-like communication system. Basically, it'd be nice to have logs of discussions, as well a...

Using Perl to build a SVN post-commit hook: IRC Bot to print commit Message

Hello I'm trying to build an IRC Bot which tells me in a private channel every commit-message which I want to know about. But I have trouble to get per #!/bin/bash REPOS="$1" REV="$2" # call bot with arguments reposname, revison and commit message in one string /usr/bin/perl /home/user/repo/ "$REPOS" "$REV" # all che...

irc bot cant join channel

import socket irc = '' port = 6667 channel = '#chat' sck = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sck.connect((irc, port)) sck.send('NICK supaBOT\r\n') sck.send('USER supaBOT supaBOT supaBOT :supaBOT Script\r\n') sck.send('JOIN #chat' + '\r\n') data = '' while True: data = sck.recv(4096) if data.find('...

Cannot sent to channel in freenode irc

I went t #django channel and i was authenticated,but when i post some thing, i m getting a msg can not send to a channel? Why is this happening? ...

I am looking for a Python-Chat

Hello! Is there an active Python-Chat? Thanks in advance! ...

Why does my IRC bot not connect?

public static string SERVER = ""; private static int PORT = 6667; private static string USER = "Test C# Irc bot"; private static string NICK = "Testing"; private static string CHANNEL = "#Test0x40"; public static void Main(string[] args) { NetworkStream stream; TcpClient irc; StreamReader reader; StreamWrit...

Best open source irc chat applet

Do you know a good, easy to customize and open source java applet for irc chat? ...

Ruby IRC bot don't works.

require "socket" server = "" port = "6667" nick = "Ruby IRC Bot" channel = "#0x40" s =, port) s.print("USER Testing", 0) s.print("NICK #{nick}", 0) s.print("JOIN #{channel}", 0) This irc bot don't connect to the IRC server, What are i'm doing wrong? ...

Does IRC support internationalized room names?

Does IRC support internationalized (UTF-8) room names? How? A pointer to documentation or a spec would be welcome. ...