
Mobile Application Technology

Hi, I want to develop a mobile application which can be supported on Iphone,blackberry and mobiles supporing Java. Is there is any single technology like (j2me,anaroid,objective c) can be used for all. If not, what will be the best approach to develop this application. Thanks Pravin ...

give a website poject idea for final year project that is difficult and new to do

hello,i have completed my third year and made a project on university addmission system on c. now i have enough time to take a new challage and enough knowledge of c,java,j2ee with netbeans framework.so give me a idea of a website that is new and challanging to create because i am really interested in developing websites . thanks, in adv...

How to send/receive json object between JQuery and JSF (Myfaces Tomahawk component library)

I am using JSF(Myfaces Tomahawk component library) and jQuery. All I want is to send json object to jsf bean when i click a button and similarly send a json object(from jsf bean) to page when it's loading. ...

How to solve the jboss + oracle problem: "the network adapter could not stablish the connection"?

Hello I'm using Oracle server and we are testing Java Application Servers in order to chose the most appropriate for our needs. So far we managed to get OpenEJB and GlassFish working, but not JBoss. We have a simple fat Java client connecting to a simple EJB 3.0 (stateless session bean), which in turn, tries to perform a simpl...

glassfish v3 classpath settings

Hi, I'm developing j2ee app on glassfish v3 which will remotely call EJB deployed on jboss 5 app server. For this to work, my app has to have jboss client jars in class path. I managed to do this by packaging client jar files with my application, but this expends size by aprox 10mb, thus uploading app becomes an issue. How can I put th...

final year project

Is creating a search engine good idea for final year project.OR i have to try to create A software to continue download if connection is lost during downloading. A software to only download the updates instead of complete new version of software. through i am interested to create a search engine but please suggest me which one is go...

Weblogic Subject propagation - Where is subject stored?

Need to understand how subject is stored and propagated in weblogic. Once authenticated, where is subject stored in HTTP layer ? Internally is it stored in HTTPSession ? Same way, where is it stored in EJB layer ? Have an application, where a lot of principals are updated in the subject in HTTP & EJB layer. At some corner cases, getti...

How to inject EJBs with custom injector?

How can I inject EJBs with my own injector? I have a distributed environment and a service locator, which can locate all EJBs. Is it possible to use the standard @EJB-Annotation, but make the lookup on my own? For example: @javax.ejb.EJB(name = "ejb/StackOverflow") private StackOverflow stackOverflowService; Should finally do: retu...

Migration to new version of JSF with feature-rich but more compatible library

Currently I am using JSF 1.1 (Myfaces library). I am considering moving to JSF 2.0 and towards a more feature-rich implementation library but at the same time considering that migration issues must be as less as possible. People with the experience of JSF, please suggest. ...

how to create empty jar file that references other jars in classpath

HI, I have a large number of jars that my j2ee app depends on, so I want to create a single jar file with manifest attribute referencing those jar files in classpath. Then I will place this file in glassfish lib dir so that jars mentioned become in classpath for application. the only problem is I dont know how to create this single ja...

Where does Oracle ADF 11g stands among Java EE Frameworks ?

This is a two part question: I would like to know where does Oracle ADF 11g stands as a framework to develop / deploy Web / Java EE Applications as compared to other frameworks. How much is Oracle ADF being used as a framework to Develop Web Applications. I am asking from a perspective that weather there are good job opportunities as ...

Is there a Maven plugin to package Entity beans in J2EE app?

I haven't found a Maven plugin or target that will package my app and deploy it to Glassfish without error. I get this exception: [ERROR] com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.CommandException: remote failure: Exception while preparing the app : java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not resolve a persistence unit corresponding to the persistence...

Can't redeploy .WAR that uses Axis in Glassfish 3

I have a J2EE web application that instantiates an Apache Axis SOAP client proxy as a Spring bean. When I deploy the application into a Glassfish 3 server for the first time, it succeeds. However, if I undeploy and redeploy the application, I get the following error (at the bottom of the Spring stacktrace): Instantiation of bean failed...

J2EE test deployment conflict resolution how to?

Just stuck with this problem Developer A changed file aaa.jsp in his svn branch and then our admin deploy that version to the test server. Test starts. Lets say 3 days later, developer B changed the file aaa.jsp in her branch and then our admin deploy that version to the test server. Test starts. Right now Developer A's version has be...

J2ee Design Assistance Required...

I am using MVC pattern in my web application. In which i have three layers 1. Control Layer 2. Manager Layer 3. Dao Layer And i am using DTO's from control layer to manger and then to Dao layer and same as opposite. My question is that what is the main purpose of DTO? Can i use DTO's to map our relational database table or should i go...

CMP 2.0 bean auto-generated primary key WAS 6.1

Hello Community, is it possible to map bean's key field with identity primary key column in DB2? Sample table: CREATE TABLE ADDRESS ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 2147483647 NO CYCLE CA...

Keeping a settings file in a Web Application

Are there any recommendations on how to keep an application level settings/configuration file in a J2EE project? I have a web project that has dependences that must write to the logs, and a local settings file. Is there anyway to store the settings file in the local directory and have it writable? [Some of the dependencies are: hiberna...

Scalability of J2EE web services, how to approach?

Hello, I have this web client (built entirely through a Javascript Ajax framework), that communicates with the middle tier via web service calls (3 web services are deployed on JBoss, 1 web service is deployed on Tomcat). All of the web services access the same Oracle database. The web services are built through Axis2 and Spring. All th...

image-bytes to Rest

hi, I have stored image in database and I want it expose via rest. What is the best way? @Path("/image/{imageId}.jpeg") @Stateless @Produces({"image/jpeg"}) public class ImageSource{ @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; @GET public /* what */ getImage(@PathParam("imageId") Long imageId) throws IOException{ byte[] image = em.find...

Session Time out when polling

Hi, I am polling to a servlet which results in "No Session Time Out". Is there any way to time out session while polling? ...