
Remotely manage .net processes

I am going to be deploying a solution which includes a number of small long running processes which will live on a number of boxes. I wanted to develop a central dashboard for managing these processes and was looking for a good way to do so. I would want to get some counters from the processes and monitor things like memory usage and u...

JBoss5 MainDeployer MBEAN listDeployer returns empty collection

It seems that the MainDeployer MBean doesn't work/is not implemented. how to retrieve the list of deployed application in JBoss 5? ...

Formatted HTML as output from method invocation from MX4J HTTP page

Hi, I have a huge set of data and want to display the data with some formatting. This is what the method basically looks like: @ManagedOperation(description = "return html") @ManagedOperationParameters({@ManagedOperationParameter(name = "someVal", description = "text")}) public String returnAsHtml(String someVal) { ...

Out-Of-Box of feature of JMX of managing Java Virtual Machine

While studying about JMX, I have seen one of the important feature of it is that it can manage a JVM itself, which i didn't understand about in what sense it can manage JVM. So can anybody elaborate this with some examples. ...

JMX scalabilty: can it be used to manage 400+ instances?

I'm evaluating solutions for managing 400+ instances of a kiosk-like application. Each instance runs a custom Java application that displays information and interacts with users. We are pondering if we should develop a custom solution, try to include JMX support for it or find something else. The requirements are simple: It must be a ...

Setting JMX attribute on VM as command line paramater

I've done some searching, but can't seem to find a way to do this. We'd like to proactively monitor our permgen space via JMX. It seems the best way to do this is through the UsageThreshold attribute on the "PS Perm Gen" MemoryPool. By default, this is set to 0. Is there a way to specify this, or any JMX attribute, as a -D parameter to...

Why I'm Getting AccessControlException: access denied

I'm using glassfish 2.1.1. Sometimes I get AccessControlException: access denied ([com.sun.appserv:name=HttpRequest22,type=RequestProcessor,worker=http8080] registerMBean) Any idea what's going wrong? Is there any known issue? (I can't find any.) How can...

VisualVM can't connect to any PID on Snow Leopard?

No matter what I start up, Visual VM just gives me "Unknown Application" and "Not supported for this JVM" on my Mac. I've tried JBoss, Jetty, Eclipse - just to see if it would be able to identify / profile anything, and so far, nada. $ java -version java version "1.6.0_17" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04-248-10M302...

JMX: How to retrieve/detect exceptions thrown from my application that is monitored

Hi, I am trying to use JMX to monitor the status of my application, in particular to track any exceptions that are thrown during my application's runtime. However, I cannot seem to find any existing APIs that can retrieve the exceptions thrown. I went as far as getting a thread's stacktrace but there ain't any exception info captured. ...

Using Axis2 to perform operations on a remote system

I have a code that uses JMX API to connect to a remote system and query stats on a JMX Application, and return the results. This works fine from a main method. But, when I try to deploy the methods as web services using Axis2, I get NoClassFoundException for one of the classes in the jar (imported as external Jar in Eclipse). There are...

HOWTO: disable jmx in activemq network of brokers (spring, xbean)

Since I've struggled a lot with this problem, I am posting my solution. Disabling jmx in an activemq network of brokers removes race conditions about the registration of the jmx connector. When starting multiple activemq servers on the same machine: Failed to start jmx connector: Cannot bind to URL [rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi]: javax.n...

Measure heap used by each object in Java

Can some suggest a good a free memory profiling tool which will show memory being used by each object in the heap separately. We are trying to profile our application and I used jconsole but its gives me total memory usage only. I am using Eclipse and OC4J ...

How to avoid ClassCastException in JMX calls with complex arguments on Websphere appserver

We are using JMX for communication between different EARs on the same Websphere application server (6.1). All works well if we only use Java types as arguments, but if we use our own classes as arguments the problem is that we get ClassCastExceptions on the receiver side. This is obviously a classloader problem: if the jar with the argum...

Interesting metrics from JMX

Hello stackoverflow'ers, May I know what are the typical metrics that application developers usually find interesting with the use of JMX other than: CPU Utilization Memory consumption Nicholas ...

Java - Weblogic - JMX : request available free memory on all servers

Once I get a JMX connection to my master weblogic server, how can I retrieve the current available free memory for each of my registered servers ? I have requested the DomainRuntimeServiceMBean and listed all its attributes and operations, but I can not found anything related to memory. (I'm using weblogic 9.x) ...

Enabling JMX causes java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

I've implemented a filter (javax.servlet.Filter). I now have some strange behavior when enabling JMX. As soon as I enable it I will get a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" error within short time. I really can't understand why this is. When leaving JMX disabled the application seem to be running fine. ...

Servlets stats using wsadmin

Is there a way to probe the stats of servlets using wsadmin according to this MBean interface? For example, the names of the servlets, the URIs, etc ...

Automatically deploy mbean to Glassfish from ear

I have an ear file that contains an mBean. Is there someway that when I deploy the ear that I can get Glassfish to recognize the mBean and deploy it as well? ...

Explain jmx url

Hi, I am trying to understand jmx serviecUrl. service:jmx:rmi:// It would be great if someone can help me understand this. Thanks ...

How to remotely connect to jmx on tomcat using ssh tunnelling and not break ehcache...

I've followed the instructions in the following link to create my own RMI registry and jmx server on a single port inside tomcat. According to the comments, I need to set -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost. Once I do that, I can indeed connect to my server via jconsole using ssh port forwarding.