
How to deal with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" error

Recently I ran into this error in my web application: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space It's a typical Hibernate/JPA + IceFaces/JSF application running on Tomcat 6 and JDK 1.6. Apparently this can occur after redeploying an application a few times. ...

How do I discover what is in the permanent generation

Given a heapdump or a running VM, how do I discover what the contents of the permanent generation is ? I know about 'jmap -permstat' but that's not available on Windows. ...

What does PermGen actually stand for?

I know what PermGen is, what it's used for, why it fails, how to increase it etc. What I don't know is what PermGen actually stands for. Permanent... Gen... something? Does anyone know what PermGen actually stands for? ...

How do I programmatically find out my PermGen space usage?

I'm trying to diagnose a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen Space error when running on Sun's Hotspot JVM, and would like to know how much PermGen space my program is using at various points. Is there a way of finding out this information programmatically? ...

What free JVM implementation has the best PermGen handling?

I'm running Tomcat6 in Sun's JRE6 and every couple deploys I get OutOfMemoryException: PermGen. I've done the Googling of PermGen solutions and tried many fixes. None work. I read a lot of good things about Oracle's JRockit and how its PermGen allocation can be gigs in size (compare to Sun's 128M) and while it doesn't solve the problem, ...

Why does my Sun JVM fail to initialize when I set PermGen above 128M?

I need to increase my PermGen. Currently I pass the following as command line parameters: -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m This works. If I try to increase the values, however, my JVM fails to initialize, giving me this error: [2009-06-18 01:39:44] [info] Error occurred during initialization of VM [2009-06-18 01:39:44] [info] Co...

What can be done with 'PermGen out of space' exception in Tomcat-Spring-Hibernate web application?

We have an web application that uses Spring-Hibernate to persist registered users data in Oracle database. The application works fine in development environment, but when we copy it int live environment with much more data, it failed. Initially the application starts normally, but after few actions 'PermGen out of space' exception occure...

jBoss 4.0.2 deploying same WAR multiple times causes jBoss to crash because of PermGem/Out-of-Memory Errors

I develop web applications and I use jBoss 4.0.2 and when I have redeployed my WAR several times with eclipse, jBoss will crash because it runs out of memory. And when I have to install new version to production enviroment, it will consume production servers memory, so that means I have to stop jBoss to prevent redeploying eat memory fro...

How to handle PermGen space exception in Tomcat?

I am getting a PermGen Space Exception whenever I deploy my web application. I tried some JVm option in NetBeans but still unable to resolve the issue. ...

Java server cpu usage at 100% after two days continous running with about 110 users

I have a tomcat 6.0.20, apr 1.2, jdk 1.6.0_15 with mysql 5.1.38 running on a rhel box with 4 GB ram. There is one simple jsp/servlet application on it with 5 users, one struts with 64 users on it and one struts 2.0 application with 35 users on it. The struts 2.0 users make an entry every second, about 900 entries in a day. I am ...

Can First-class functions in Scala be a concern for allocating a large PermGen Space in JVM?

Regarding first-class functions in Scala, it is written in the book Programming by Scala: A function literal is compiled into a class that when instantiated at run-time is a function value. When there will be many first-class functions used in a program, will this affect the JVM's PermGen space? because instead of simple functi...

What is wrong with runing app in tomcat server???

Recently I created a maven based web project and used tomcat as application server to debug ... But tomcat is frequently dead (pergem error which means out of memery ) after run app from the Project context menu directly. The worst is that It created many idle threads and they are all can not be killed by manually. And tomcat statu...

Is is possible to have a clean undeploy in Glassfish?

I realized that any application which uses hibernate, fails to undeploy completely in Glassfish 2.1.1. Many classes remain in memory after the undeployment process, you can check it using jmap and jhat. I've done several tests, and figured out that only applications which had hibernate failed to have a clen undeploy process. My Databas...

Significance of PermGen Space

What is the significance of PermGen space in java? ...

Setting JMX attribute on VM as command line paramater

I've done some searching, but can't seem to find a way to do this. We'd like to proactively monitor our permgen space via JMX. It seems the best way to do this is through the UsageThreshold attribute on the "PS Perm Gen" MemoryPool. By default, this is set to 0. Is there a way to specify this, or any JMX attribute, as a -D parameter to...

Tomcat application: Frequent OutOfMemory PermGen exception while image uploads

Hi, I have a tomcat 6 application which I have set parameters of -Xms512m -Xmx1024m. I thought 1 GB of memory in a 4 GB RAM would be enough, but that is not the case. On application stop/start multiple times (from tomcat manager) and also on image uploads (sometimes) I run into the OutOfMemory PermGen space error and the site stops res...

Java HotSpot 1.6 VM, Garbage Collection - Scary PermGen

Hi, My app shows rising 'Old Generation'/'Tenured Generation' size, and when this reaches the max limit for 'Old Gen', then suddenly PermGen size increases. Here are my generation sizings: -Xmx1200m -Xms1200m -Xmn450m -XX:MaxPermSize=600m -XX:+UseParallelGC This is on 32 bit Fedora so can't have a bigger heap than this. The app is n...

How to analyze PermGen contents?

I want to get a dump of the PermGen to see why it is filling. Is there a way to analyze this? I already know about the common suspects like log4j, tomcat webapp reloading etc, but I have some custom proxy generation code in my application, too, and just want to look under the hood. Is this possible somehow? ...

Use PermGen space or roll-my-own intern method?

I am writing a Codec to process messages sent over TCP using a bespoke wire protocol. During the decode process I create a number of Strings, BigDecimals and dates. The client-server access patterns mean that it is common for the client to issue a request and then decode thousands of response messages, which results in a large number o...

How do I increase memory given to maven-glassfish-plugin?

I'm using the Maven plugin for embedded Glassfish - here's my plugin declaration: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-glassfish-plugin</artifactId> <packaging>maven-plugin</packaging> <version>1.0-alpha-4</version> <configuration> <httpPort>8080</httpPort> </configuration> </plugin> After several clicks through my data-intensive ...