
Will I be at a disadvantage with a B.A. in Computer Science?

I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Science at NYU. Job postings almost always call for a B.S. or M.S. in Computer Science (or at least recommend it). For example, Google claims to require at least a B.S. to be eligible for one of its Software Engineering jobs. I feel like the B.S./B.A. distinction is an arbitra...

Would you turn down a project due to lack of knowledge?

As people trying to broaden our knowledge and become better developers... when should we turn down a project and say "I don't know how to do that"? Obviously there are extremes that are obvious e.g. new developers shouldn't be coding life support equipment. But what about a new web developer that hasn't tried working with databases ye...

what are the requirements (skill sets) for data/information visualization job?

Anyone here having data/information visualization job? what are the requirements for the job? (skill sets) how to go about looking for such jobs? what books/blogs would you recommend to pick up the necessary skills? any idea regarding the salary range for such jobs? ...

Running background processes after a web request

I'm interested in kicking off processes after a web request, or possibly forking a new process after the initial thread is finished. I would prefer not to use a cron, because of the nature of the the jobs I'll be running and how often they need to be run, waiting a minute to refresh is not an option. I'm considering a few ways of doing...

Moving from web generalist to some particular specialization. Any suggestions?

I've kind of asked this before but I don't think I asked it properly, so I'm changing it up and hopefully I should get better responses. I'd like to change the nature of my day job, Rails, with something that requires more thinking, something that requires math hopefully. I'd really like for the change to be gradual. That would help my ...

How to start a career in Java? Java SCJP Certificate?

Hi Stackoverflowers! I am planning to write the SCJP exam soon, and I wonder if that will be helpful to get Graduate/Junior Java Programmer job. Exam seems to be easy to pass for some people. What is the minimum scope of knowledge to start thinking about career in Java field? Do you think that SCJP will be enough to dive in to Java wo...

Tracking sql agent Job changes - SQL Server 2008

Hey all - situation: Need track/audit changes in SQL jobs - to be reported in scom for example. SQL job exists job is changed (changed/scheduled/enabled/disabled, etc) Needed: trigger to check for this. Anyone out there already written one? Many thanks, Tom ...

Distributed Job scheduling, management, and reporting

I recently had a play around with Hadoop and was impressed with it's scheduling, management, and reporting of MapReduce jobs. It appears to make the distribution and execution of new jobs quite seamless, allowing the developer to concentrate on the implementation of their jobs. I am wondering if anything exists in the Java domain for th...

First programming job: Small Base Salary + Profit Sharing

Hi, Soon I'll be interviewing at a company that's relatively new, has a small team. After talking to their CEO on the phone, I think I have a really good shot. This will be my first development job. I'm a little concerned about the pay structure. They're offering a very small base salary, plus profit sharing. What's strange is this po...

can not run multiple jobs with quartz

Hi i m trying to run two jobs using batch framework. My problem is SimpleJobLauncher is running only one job which is last in the jobs list. Here what i am doing: I have two jobs in my database along with the steps for the jobs. I read the job data from database and process it as following public class BatchJobScheduler { private s...

Should one put a certification logo on a programmer's resume?

As a programmer looking for a job, should I put my certification logo on my resume? ...

What's it like being a financial programmer?

As a student who's done an internship at a Silicon Valley company(non-financial), I'm curious to know what it's like working for a financial company doing software development. I'd expect the hours to be longer, and the pay to be higher. Specifically, I have the following questions: What's the work/life balance really like? Are you exp...

When is the interval parameter of dbms_job.submit reevaluated?

In Oracle we can submit a job to the job queue using the following code: DECLARE X NUMBER; BEGIN SYS.DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT ( job => X, what => 'SYSTEM.INSERTDATE;', next_date => SYSDATE, interval => 'SYSDATE+0.1/(24*60)' ); COMMIT; END; Now my question is when the *interval* paramete...

What do I need to do as a beginner to learn Ruby on Rails & land a job working on it full time?

I am learning Rails & Ruby right now with the ultimate goal of using these technologies full time. However, my current job is at a windows shop & I am not in a position to influence any decisions on what technologies to use. I have a limited understanding of web development. However, my database skills have improved significantly thanks ...

Can internships be considered experience for applying jobs?

When we do our internship program for project as part our acedamic process(one semester), will it be considered as experience for applying jobs? ...

Auto escalation of a trouble ticket in vtiger CRM

Iam customizing vtiger CRM. There are following users in the system based on the heirarchy: Technician - Territory Manager - Area Sales manager - MD Trouble ticket is created by Technician is assigned to Territory manager. Territory manager has 30 min to respond to the same. If he fails to, it automatically escalates to Area Sales Man...

Plattform suggestion for an online-booking site?

What platform do you recommend for building a site like this, (can you tell what it is built on?). Only major difference (besides market niche) would be a bit more integration with some of the major social networking sites and features, third part comment system integration with perhaps disqus and some video bloging. If you ...

What is the best way to land your *second* programming job?

So I'm looking for a new job. I've noticed that the vast majority of companies are trying to hire A) Fresh out of college (or university) grads, and/or B) Senior-level developers who have a million (or two) years of experience. This leaves out the vast majority of programmers who would classify themselves as "intermediate", myself inc...

Why isn't python a very employable language?

First of all I will say that I love python. Its Amazing in my eyes for what it is. I love programming in it, its actually fun. Lots of other people also love python and it has a large online development and user community. But it seems companies don't use it or are very reluctant to do so. When scanning classifieds I find 1 python j...

What should I know for an entry-level job?

I just graduated from college. I only know C, C++, and Java. I've been looking for a job, but I feel my set of languages is not enough. So I would like to learn some other stuff while I'm not working. What do you think it's more important? I was thinking of learning SQL and XML. I don't know, what do you think? ...