
How to resize jpg file by PHP?

It's now 925*1139,I want to change it to 90*110. ...

Capture screen shot with mouse cursor

Hi, I have used the following code to get screen shot on Windows. hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc) ; int cx = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, HORZRES); int cy = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, VERTRES); HBITMAP hBitmap(NULL); hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap (hdc, cx, cy) ; SelectObject (hdcMem, hBitmap) ; BitBlt(hdcMem, 0, 0, cx, cy, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOP...

Working with images when uploading in Adobe Flex

Hi there! I'm beginner with Flex and I already have a hard task to develop, so I could use some help! :) What I have to do is upload some images to a server, which is OK, but before uploading I must downsize this images by reducing their quality and width/height. I've found many information about the class JPGEncoder, but I couldn't ma...

How can I convert eps to jpg?

how can i convert eps image to jpg/png. any good application you can suggest. ...

JPG to PDF Convertor in C#

I would like to convert from JPG to PDF, I've checked out ImageMagickNET, but it is far too complex for what I am after doing, it needs to be simple. Any pointers would be welcomed ...

jpg displaying differently in Firefox and IE

I've recently been working on a website that uses a mix of png and jpg files. I used a few jpgs because of size issues. Everything was working great, until I tested it in IE. In all versions of IE that I tested it in, the jpgs were lighter, and the colors didn't match with my pngs. Firefox: IE: As you can see, this is a bit of a ...

Displaying jpg image on JPanel

How can I display jpg image which I stored in arraylist in JPanel? Im not able to display the jpg files in the JPanel. String[] pictureFile = {"A.jpg","B.jpg","C.jpg"}; List<String> picList1 = Arrays.asList(pictureFile); Collections.shuffle(picList1); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("picList1.get(0)"); JLabel label1 = new JLabel(...

How can you dynamically put different patterns on images in a webpage . .

i have A bunch of fabric patterns (simple jpg files) An image for every letter of the alphabet(blank white background) I essentially want to have a page similar to this: but instead of having it as a static page, i would like a user to be able to: Type in a ...

webdesign - jpg or png, which one is the best for web

Hi, I'm web developer for some time, and got used transforming all my designs into png file format in order to construct my webpages. Despite the fact that png, contrary to jpg, allows transparency in the images, is it a better sollution? The question regards page loading time and best webdesign practices, as well as file size versus ...

Scale a .jpg file in WPF

I'd like to open a .jpg file in WPF, scale it down to around 50%, then save it back to the file system. What's a good/efficient way to go about doing that? ...

c# converting HTML to JPG

I am trying to download image from HTTP URL to my computer via c#. Example picture: I am using cURL to fletch it. Then I am saving it to computer as picture.jpg, but the file is corrupted. It is not recognized as picture What is the correct way of doing this ? Thanks ...

Convert Txt To JPG

Hey I am using libcurl to download file. I download the image (JPG), but I can only save it as txt file. Is there any methods that could change data (string) to JPG and save it ? Thanks Edit: How can I convert this stream ? Bitmap b = new Bitmap(data); b.Save("picture.jpg", b); <-- this gives me error ...

Java upload jpg using JakartaFtpWrapper - makes the file unreadable

Hello, I've been using JakartaFtpWrapper to upload files from the client Java application to my server (for backup purposes). The files that are uploaded are text files, png files and jpgs. I've noticed that the jpg files which are valid on the local machine - somehow become unreadable (corrupt files) on the server (where they were FT...

JPG+Zip File Combination Problem with Zip Format

Hopefully you've heard of the neat hack that lets you combine a JPG and a Zip file into a single file and it's a valid (or at least readable) file for both formats. Well, I realized that since JPG lets arbitrary stuff at the end, and ZIP at the beginning, you could stick one more format in there - in the middle. For the purposes of thi...

PNG to JPG Java ImageIO problem

I have tried both lines of code below to no avail. The code works fine with jpg, or gif but turns the image pink if a png. ImageIO.write(input, "jpg", profileFile); RenderedOp op = JAI.create("filestore", input, pFileName, "jpeg"); Anyone else run into this problem? I haven't been able to find a solution. ...

Apache returns truncated image (cross posted on

I am bringing up an image directly through firefox (no PHP or other scripting code) and it appears that Apache is returning either a truncated image or a corrupted image. I get the top 5-10% of the image. It appears that I get complete width and height info. If I hit "refresh" (in firefox) I get about 5 more lines of the image. And if ...

PHP iMagick image compression

Hi All, I'm fairly new to iMagick and have only found very limited documentation on the PHP library. I'm happily resizing images and writing them back to the hard drive, but I'm failing completely to compress the images using JPG for instance. This is the code I'm using so far function scale_image($size = 200,$extension) { if(!file_...

Load jpg file in winapi

Hi all, I want to load a jpg file. I tried to use the LoadImage function but it returns NULL if my image is not bmp. What can I do? Here is my code: hBitmap =(HBITMAP)LoadImage(0, L"D:\\1.jpg", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE). ...

iPhone JPG image has non-standard magic bytes ff d8 ff e1 ??

My web app checks the first four bytes against the file extension before accepting uploaded images. A coworker showed me images from his iPhone which are being rejected. These have a different fourth byte (e1 = 225 instead of the expected e0 = 224). Is this usual for iPhones? Are there other possible magic byte strings used in JPG files...

External JPG compression library for iPhone?

Does anyone know if any JPEG compression library that produces decent image quality has been ported to the iPhone? The built-in algorithm inside UIImageJPEGRepresentation produces huge files (compared to the quality), which makes uploading images from the phone over the network much slower than necessary. I can compress a JPG compressed ...