
jqGrid error when setting width using new API

I'm using the new API to set the width of my jqGrid like this: $('#grid').jqGrid('setGridWidth', $(window).width() * 0.98); The problem is that in IE7 I'm getting this error: 'p.cellLayout' is null or not an object This only happens in IE7 (IE8, Firefox and Chrome work fine). Has anybody else encounter this problem and fixed it? ...

jqGrid - edit only certain rows for an editable column

Hi, Another jqGrid question: Is it possible to disable editing for certain cells in a column that is marked as editable? From what I've seen, the only options are "all cells are editable" or "no cells are editable". Is there a way to work around this? Thanks, Cosmin ...

$.jgrid.nav in jqgrid for jquery

Hello, I have two different jqGrids in the same page. In the first grid I've set custom functions for the add and edit buttons in the navigator bar, using the following code: $.jgrid.nav.addfunc = function() { $('#btninsreset').click(); }; $.jgrid.nav.editfunc = ...

jqGrid record count has space before the thousands digit

When the record count in jqGrid exceeds 1000, there is a visible space between the hundreds and thousands digits. See image below (taken from the jqGrid demo page) Is there a way to remove this space, or replace it with with a standard thousands separator (comma or other)? ...

Make a jqGrid moveable

As it appears that jqGrid is based on the jQuery dialog, is it possible to make it movable (like a dialog)? I've been able to put it inside of a dialog but it looks odd with two title bars and such. I'd "think" that the necessary class could be added to it to make it movable but I'm still fairly new at both jQuery and jqGrid. ...

jqgrid : setCell method > how to set class of the fourth parameter ?

Hi, how to set the fourth parameter of the setCell method : the class parameter $("#myGrid").jqGrid('setCell',rowid,'label', **class** ,{color:'black', weightfont:'bold'}); Thank you ! ...

Scrolling a Div programatically using say Javascript

Hi I have a jqgrid which is embedded in a Div. I am deleting records from the grid and reloading the grid using grid.Trigger('reload'). The width of the grid is considerably high so it has a scroll bar. Now I scrolled through the end of the grid horizontally before deleting records. Each time I delete the records and reload the grid, t...

jqgrid scrollable dialog

I have a jqGrid that has add/edit dialogs with a form that's longer than the dialog height but the dialog won't scroll. I've tried to add an overflow: auto style to the dialog but no effect: $("div.ui-jqdialog-content").css("overflow", "auto"); Although, if I change auto to scroll, I at least see a scrollbar but still no scrolling: ...

I want to be able to upload files using jqgrid's add/edit dialgoue box

Hello, The title says it all. I want to upload files when adding or modifying records to a jqgrid. How is it possible? Is there some way to tinker with its Add/Edit Dialogue boxes? Thanks in advance, Vamyip ...

I have problem in JqGrid in mvc asp.net

I am working on jqgrid.And I need to display records same as in database tables. Suppose there is 2-3 spaces in a particular item , so it should be display like this. I dont want to remove this space in my jqgrid. Exp: Display like this- Jqgrid is good feature but its displaying - Jqgrid is good feature witho...

jqGrid custom formatter

For one of the columns in my jqGrid, I'm providing a custom formatter function. I'm providing some special cases, but if those conditions aren't met, I'd like to resort to using the built-in date formatter utility method. It doesn't seem that I'm getting the right combination of $.extend() to create the options that method is expecting...

jqgrid : how to change the class of one cell (when mouse is over on) ?

Hi, I set cells of the first column of my grid, with a class as follow: $("#myGrid").jqGrid('setCell',rowid,'column_1', '', '**ui-state-default**'); How to change the class of a cell when the mouse is over on it ? Thanks you so much ! ...

Can default Symfony form-save actions be used to post data via AJAX?

I was playing around with Symfony, jQuery, jqGrid & AJAX. For each new post submission, I am doing the foll: adding a routing entry in routing.yml defining a new action in the Actions file for the module. THis reads params, assigns values & saves the object As in the case of jqGrid, the 'Add Row' form is not a Symfony form. Is ther...

Jquery JQGrid trigger reloadGrid

I'm using a jqgrid to display the results of a search. When the search button is clicked it does this: $("#Search").jqGrid('setGridParam', { url: url }).trigger("reloadGrid"); Where url contains the search params eg: var url ="/search?first=joe&last=smith" The web server is receiving this url and responding appropriately. But on ...

How to "escape" the JavaScript class keyword to specify a CSS class value.

C# allows a reserved word to be used as a property name via the ampersand. e.g. // In ASP.NET MVC, we use @class to define // the css class attribute for some HtmlHelper methods. var htmlObject = new { readonly = "readonly", @class = "ui-state-highlight" } I want to do the same in JavaScript. e.g. function makeGrid(grid, pager) { ...

jqGrid > datatype : "local" > get and save (at once) all edited cells of a column ?

Hi, i have a grid with a datatype = "local". The data are an array as follows : var mydata = [{id:1,valeur:"a_value",designation:"a_designation"}, {id:2,...}, ...]; The second column (named valeur) is the only editable column of the grid (editable:true set in colModel) In the pager of the grid, i have 2 buttons. One to edit all c...

Jqgrid + CodeIgniter

I tried to make jqgrid work with codeigniter, but I could not do it, I only want to show the data from the table in json format... but nothing happens.. but i dont know what i am doing wrong, i cant see the table with the content i am calling. my controller class Grid extends Controller { public function f() { $this->load...

Get the jqGrid colModel

How can I get the entire colModel for a jqGrid element? I've gone through the source code a bit and also played around with some tests, but nothing seems to return the actual array. Thanks. ...

Make jqGrid fill it's container

I am using the jQuery layout plugin and the jqGrid plugin in one of my projects and they work great except for a little problem... I want the jqGrid to fill up completely the pane (jQuery layout pane) that contains it. Resizing the pane should resize the jqGrid, closing the pane should hide the jqGrid, etc, etc... Both jqGrid and jQuer...

Disable subgrid expansion for selected rows of jqGrid

Problem: jqGrid with subgirds. I want to disable the expand/collapse functionality for some rows of the main grid. ...