
jqGrid Mouse Drag to Resize

I'm looking for a way to trigger a resize of a jqGrid by dragging the mouse. ...

jqgrid editoptions: required not functioning

ok not sure what i'm doing wrong here: $("#list").jqGrid({ url: --URL--, datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', colModel: [ { label: 'Index', index: 'Index', key: true, hidden: true }, { label: 'SampleSize', index: 'SampleSize', editable: true, editrules: {...

how to set jqgrid cell color at runtime

Hi, i am populating a jqgrid from database and one of its columns is a color column like red, blue, etc. Can i set the cell color of this column based on the value coming from database at run time? how should i set formatter in this case? i tried like this but do not work var colorFormatter = function(cellvalue, options, rowObject) { ...

How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box

I want users to be able to filter grid data without using the intrinsic search box. I have created two input fields for date (from and to) and now need to tell the grid to adopt this as its filter and then to request new data. Forging a server request for grid data (bypassing the grid) and setting the grid's data to be the response dat...

File upload with jqgrid in PHP

I am trying to implement file upload with jqgrid (in a Zend Framework project). jqgrid allows you to create an input field of type "file" but does not enable ENCTYPE=“multipart/form-data”. The creator recommends using another plugin to handle file uploads, specifically Ajax File Upload. He says to initialize it using the onInitializeFo...

jqGrid Coloring an entire line in Grid based upon a cells value

Hi all, i know it's been asked before but i cant get it to run and i'm out of things to try. So i want to colorize a row in a Grid if its value is not 1 - i use a custom formatter for this. The formatter itself works, thats not the problem. I've tried multple ways I've found so far on the web - adding a class, directly adding css code...

JqGrid Add custom button to Row

Hi there, I am trying to add a custom button to a JqGrid that implements a 'Check Out' process. Basically, every row has a 'Check Out' button that if clicked should be able to send a post back to the server and update a shopping cart and then change the button text to 'Undo Check Out'. So far I have: colNames: ['Id', ... , 'Action' ], ...

Use javascript variables in Rails view helpers

Using jqGrid I want to generate delete links for each row in the grid. The standard way to do this is to add the links in the gridComplete callback like shown below: gridComplete: function() { var ids =...

jqGrid highlight the new added row

Is that possible to highlight the new added row in jqGrid. The highlight effect is something like this http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Highlight So, when the new row is added, the row will be highlighted, that will make clear for user which record is the new one. Many thanks! ...

how do i know what version of jqgrid i am using

i have a asp.net project and its using jqgrid as the javascript grid. How can i find out what version of jqgrid is being used? ...

Print webpages problems :: looking for good tutorial to print web pages (build by Jquery ui, jqgrid , zend)

Hi, I should print web-pages of website with jqgrid , Jquery calendar+ other Jquery ui+background images etc.. in server side its build with Zend Framework. I don't have experience and knowledge in web page printing, but i get this mission in my job. I need: Good tutorials or book (i read about background images problem) to study ...

How to prepare data from more tables for JqGrid in Rails app

Hello, I have a problem with prepare data for JqGrid. I have used this plugin http://www.2dconcept.com/jquery-grid-rails-plugin and I need table with data from more models. for example User model: has_one :profile has_many :users_roles has_many :roles, :through=>:users_roles and i need this data in jqGrid [user.login, user.profile....

Editing in jqGrid with asp.net mvc

I have to edit a row in Jqgrid. When I try to select any row it is getting saved even when I not do any changes in that row. I need to select a row and It should save only when I do any changes. Can anyone help me for this issue. Below is the code. //for inline edit $('#PayorList').setGridParam({ onSelectRow: function(id){ ...

JQuery JQGrid - how to CSS right/left align without touching the grid lines?

JQgrid outputs this html for a left aligned cell - but it is too hard to the left and touches the grid lines: <td title="P-1" class="grid-text" style="text-align: left; width: 92px;" role="gridcell">some text content</td> How can I style that so that there is a little bit space on the left hand side? I have tried: .grid-text ...

jqGrid Refreshing Local Data (JSON Object)

I'm trying to use jqGrid with local data and I'm finding a couple of issues: I'm initializing the thing like so: function refreshGrid($grid, results) { $grid.jqGrid({ data: results, datatype: "local", colNames:['#','File', 'Category', 'Line Number', 'Message Text','Detailed'], colModel:[ {name:...

JQgrid - escape ':' in searchoptions (value part)

Hello, How to set the values for filter is explained here link text. I have two requirements. 1. the default value needs to be empty. I expect, if defaultValue is not set, the filter is empty, but that is not happening in my case. 2. How to escape ':' in my value. The character ':' and ';' are used to seperate the index and values. But...

jqGrid "Loading..." overlay showing "undefined" though grid is working

I have a jqGrid that's working 100% except that it keeps displaying "undefined" in the "Loading..." overlay. I can't really figure it out. It seems like I should only get the "undefined" message if something isn't set right and the grid would cease to work. But that's not the case. scratches head I'm not really sure a code sample wo...

jqGrid: Editable column that always shows a select

Is there a way in jqgrid to have an editable column that uses a select like in this colModel example: { name: 'Options', index: 'Options', width: 150, align: 'left', resizable: false, editable: true, edittype: 'select', editoptions: { value: function() { return buildSelect(); } }, formatter: 'select' } but always shows th...

jqGrid - how do I resize not just the TD but also TD inner DIV when TH (column) is resized?

I need to catch the event where the columns are resized. How do I do that? ...

How to implement wordwrap on jqGrid which works on IE7, IE8 and FF

How to implement wordwrap on jqGrid which works on IE7, IE8 and FF, while also having column-resize work (grid aligns correctly). Tried to innerwrap content on each td with a div of specific width (based on initial TH width), but colresize will not work on the divs I've inserted. jqGrid calculates the widths of the resized TH and adjace...