Hello all
I have just started with jQuery. I am trying to implement zebra striping in my jqGrid class. I am having the problem when user clicks on sort column, all rows get rearranged and the zebra striping is blown away.
Zebra Striping code
$("#item_table tbody tr:odd").addClass("alt");
$("#item_table tbody tr").mouseover(function()...
i am currently using jqgrid on an asp.net mvc site and we have a pretty slow network (internal application) and it seems to be taking the grid a long time to load (the issue is both network as well as parsing, rendering)
I am trying to determine how to minimized what i send over to the client to make it as fast as possible.
Here is a ...
Hi, how can i get the action (what button was clicked) when a button is clicked in the pager?(edit, del, add...)
The background color of the TDs are changed when javascript changes the class of the row to '.ui-state-highlight'
There is a flicker when mouseout of DIVs and IMGs in the TD content, in IE, is there a way to prevent this flicker?
Hi, I'm trying to get work this code:
url: 'employers.php',
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'POST',
postData: {c : "", n: "", a: "", d: "", t: "", e: "", f: "", g: $('#selectSalary').value(), p: "", call: "report"},
Is it possible to align grid column headers in jqgrid? eg align left right or center?
In the jqrid documents http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:colmodel_options it says:
align: Defines the alignment of the cell in the Body layer, not in header cell. Possible values: left, center, right.
Note that it says "not in the ...
Hello friends I have jquery grid with paging at the footer of the grid,
i have >> > arrows for next and last..
istead of that can i define First Previous , Next and Last
here is the Code which I have for Find, Columns and refresh the Grid..
Here's a simple question. I have a jqGrid that's working great but I want set the default value for a checkbox to checked when user adds a new item. Here's a snippet of code:
{name: "Active", index: "active", width: 80, align: "center", sortable: false,
editable: true, edittype: "checkbox", editoptions: {value: "Yes:No"}}
I don't s...
Hi there,
Is it possible to get the jQGrid toolbar to show up on page load?
I don't know if this is a simple solution, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
I know that you can load xmlstring data into jqgrid: http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:retrieving_data#xml_string
but I am looking to give the user the ability to then add/remove rows. I then want to output that string. How would I do th...
I'm using jqGrid3.6.5 on google hosted jQueryUI1.8.2 and jQuery1.4.2
I want to change the cell padding of a jqGrid. For testing purposes I want to set it to 10px all around each cell.
The only option I've come across while googling is the following:
add padding with CSS. eg. #grid-id td, #grid-id th { padding:10px; }
set cellLay...
My application users asked if it were possible for pages that contain a jqGrid to remember the filter, sort order and current page of the grid (because when they click a grid item to carry out a task and then go back to it they'd like it to be "as they left it")
Cookies seem to be the way forward, but how to get the page to load these a...
The issue is when I click on search option (on pager) it shows the search window but the grid gets hide. I'm including the jqmodal.js file. But what I'm ignoring on the code below?
css files:
js files:
how to get a value of a (hidden) column, from the selected row. that is, the cell value needs to be from the cell identied by colName, and the selected row (not using multi select). From the API i see the method getGridParam("selrow") for reading the row, may be able to combine with other methods.. but, any convenient method avai...
I was trying to enable navigation based on a selected row. So, the user select a row from jQgrid, and when press the show (is there a show button for the grid, I saw edit, add etc), it needs to go to a new page based on the url (part of the row).
$(document).ready(function () {
function getLink() {
// var rowid = $("#...
Hi all.
I have issue wuth firefox not displaying style "text-decoration: line-through".
I am using jqGrid for displaying list of medications. If medication is not active, it has to be crossed. In my afterInsertRow event i do this:
$('#' + rowid).css({ 'text-decoration': 'line-through', 'color': 'red' })
It works fine for IE and Chr...
Hi all.
In my jqgrid when i am clicking on add new record i have date field prepopulated with current date. Format of the date is yyyy-MMM-d (e.g. 2010-Jan-23).
Date is required field and when i click submit button it fails validation and displays error that this date is invalid, and it wants Y-m-d format.
How can i check my value with...
I have created a custom button to Export to CSV inside of JQGrid, here is a bit of the code
content.AppendFormat(@"pager: $(""#{2}"") {1}).navGrid(""#{2}"", {0} edit: false, add: false, del: false {1})
{0} caption:""Export to CSV file "",
I'm using jqGrid with cell editing. I have setup the colModel properties using the editrules option. Everything works fine in that if I edit a cell and try to save an invalid value the grid displays an error dialog, but I need to know how to position the error message dialog that comes up because in the case of my layout it ends up beh...
I have some data that I'd like to display in jqqgrid. In addition to add, edit, and delete, there are other actions that can be taken on a selected record. I like the flow of having a button/link for that action in that record's row. Is there a way to add a column & buttons/links within jqgrid which isn't bound to data?