
JQuery JQGrid local data loading issue

Hi, I've got a problem with the following code <script type="text/javascript"> var mydata = [ {id:"1",name:"foo"},{id:"2",name:"bar"} ]; jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#lgrid").jqGrid({ data: mydata, datatype: "local", height: 150, width:600, ...

long delay between serverside JSON and jqGrid loadComplete on asp.net mvc site

i have an asp.net mvc site where i load a jqgrid with json data Here is my controller action code: public ActionResult GridData(GridData args) { IEnumerable<Application> applications = EntityModel.GetAll().ToList(); applications = FilterEntities(applications); if (args.sidx.IsNullOrEmpty() || args.sidx =...

jqGrid concatenating/building html tag incorrectly

Please excuse the length of this post, but I needed to explain what I am seeing. I have a onSelectRow option that is supposed to build stacked html <li> tags (such as <li>...</li> <li>...</li> <li>...</li> ) up to the number of static xml elements that I am looking at. But my script is concatenating all the image src links toget...

jqgrid local data as XML

Can I access local xml files as data in jqgrid? ...

Jqgrid 3.7 does not show rows in internet explorer

I'm testing with ASP.NET and Jqgrid 3.7, in firefox it works fine but in IE it does not show any row in the grid. The response from the webservice is {"d": {"__type":"jqGrid", "total":"1", "page":"1", "records":"10", "rows":[ {"id":"180","cell":["180","Cultura"]}, {"id":"61","cell":["61","Depor...

Add multiple input elements in a custom edit type field

Is there a way to create a custom field that has multiple input elements? I'm consulting the documentation and creating a single input element is pretty straight forward, but I'm not exactly sure how you'd add more than one. Has anyone crossed this bridge before? If so, how did you do it? Here's some sample code: ... {name: 'Dimensi...

Possible to make jqGrid stretch to 100%?

Is it possible to make it so that a jqGrid will have a width set to 100%? I understand that column widths must be an absolute pixel size, but I've yet to find anything for setting the width of the actual grid to a relative size. For instance, I want to set the width to 100%. Instead of 100% it seems to use an odd size of 450px. There is ...

Best way to change jqGrid rowNum from ALL to -1 before pass to a web service

I'm looking to find the best way to allow users to choose to show ALL records in a jqGrid. I know that a -1 value passed for the rows parameter denotes ALL, but I want the word "ALL" not a -1 to appear in the rowList select element, ie. rowList: [15, 50, 100, 'ALL']. I'm passing the grid request to a web service which accepts an int fo...

How to do server-side validation using Jqgrid?

Hi, I'm using jqgrid to display a list of sites and I want to do some server side validation when a site is added or edited. (Form editing rather than inline. Validation needs to be server side for various reasons I won't go into.) I thought the best way would be to check the data via an ajax request when the beforeSubmit event is trig...

jqGrid : "All in One" approach width jqGridEdit Class > how to set a composite primary key ?

Hello, How to set a composite primary key for a "All in One" approach (grid defined in JS file, and data using jqGridEdit Class in php file) ? Please, for me a composite primary key of a table T, is a elementary primary key that is defined with some fields belong to this table T ! Here is my test, but i get no data and cannot use the C...

jqGridPHP : jqGridRender Class > setColProperty > "editoptions"=>array("value"=> $datetime) > How to format the $datetime php variable ?

Hello, In a php file, i use the jqGridRender Class to build and manage a grid. To add a new item in my SQL table, i use (among others things) a php variable named $start. This variable is known, it belong to the PRIMARY KEY of this new item i want to add. Its type in the table is DATETIME and its value is "2010-06-16 06:00:00" How t...

centering titlebar text in a jqGrid while keeping the open/close button positioned?

I would like to center the titlebar text on a jqGrid without messing up the open/close image. But I've only been able to get both the text and open/close button-image centered. I would be grateful for some tips on how to get the text centered while keeping the anchor-image positioned. Here's the markup that Chrome's Inspector shows: <...

jqgrid edit server response protocol

I'm using jqgrid with PHP, not sure how to use handle server side edit. 'afterSubmit' is suppose to be called when user submits the edit form, but I'm unable to hook up with the response handler afterSubmit in the following php code. processResponse is never called. what's wrong? $custom = setJSCode($custom); // Enable navigator $gr...

how to use jquery.searchfilter.js independently from jqgrid

hi I wan't to now how to use the search filter, specifically the multi search, independently from jqgrid. i wan't it to be able to post its values to my action via a struts 2 link or button and have additional option not included in the column of the grid of a jqgrid column. thanks ...

CSS to particular row in JqGrid

I have a data grid where I am displaying my messages. In that if the messages are unread it should display in different CSS for i.e. the text should be bold. Is there any way to do that in JqGrid. Please help I am new to jqGrid. Thanks in advance ...

jqGrid horizontal scrollbar

Hello. I developed AJAX interface with jQuery and jqGrid. How I can remove horizontal scrollbar from my jqGrid table? http://dskarataev.ru/jqgrid.png If I set autowidth: true, then I get width of table = sum width of columns, but I need width of table = width of parent element with id returned by function getSelectedTabHref() so I m...

Render a newline in my data inside a jqGrid cell

First off, I'm using version 3.7.1 with a jQuery UI framework theme. I'm trying to figure out how to have a newline or even a <br /> render inside of a jqGrid cell. An example of what I'm looking to have happen: ________________________________________________________ Item 1 | some data | Applies to OS 1 ...

where can you download themes for jqgrid

i can't find any links on the main download page for downloading themes for jqgrid. am i missing something? ...

JqGrid Top Toolbar

Trying to Replicate the action buttons that are present in the bottom toolbar on the top toolbar. But so far no luck, have included the truncated code below Paging is not an option in this case so the user requires both top and bottom toolbars jQuery("#GridName").jqGrid({ url: '<%= ResolveUrl("~") %>SomeController/SomeMethod ....'...

JQuery - jqGrid : setRowData - not picking up variable in parameters.

Hi. I have been working with jqGrid and am a bit stumped as to why the following will not operate as expected, the single line of code simply uses the formatter to update a row - if I insert a value into the ID parameter it works fine (see commented line) - and if I use a variable it simply doesnt work. Am I missing something? The ID ...