
How to change background color to match jQuery UI Theme via ThemeSelector?

Hi, I am trying to change the body background color when the user changes the theme of the page using the jQuery UI Themeselector. I have tried this function updateBodyBackground() { $("body").css('background-color', $('.ui-widget-header:first").css("background-color") + ' !important;'); } Then I call it on document ready (to set...

Applying color to a:link, a:hover, a:visited and a:active screws up jQuery's .button() theming?

site.css: a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active { color: #0033CC; text-decoration: none; } in page: <a href="/foo/boo">test link</a> jQuery: $('a').button(); jQuery nicely creates a button for the 'test link' but some text colors on button's different states are the ones defined in site.css, not jQuery theme's. So the po...

jQuery UI tabs not working with Wordpress

This theme I found seems to be using jQuery UI tabs but they're not working... header.php has: <link type="text/css" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/js/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.min.js"></scrip...

jQueryUI datepicker('setDate') removes time..

Hey, is it a bug in jQuery UI? When I call .datepicker('setDate', date); and date is a date-object with time, datepicker set the time of date to 0:00? And if I clone the variable.. var datewithtime = new Date(); var lTmpDate = datewithtime; $('#Modal_KalendarTermin #DP_DatumVon').datepicker("setDate", lTmpDate); .. datewithtime is j...

Jquery add status for a repsonse

<form> <input type="checkbox" id="m_q" name="m_q" value="271">Name</input><div name="status"></div> <input type="checkbox" id="m_q" name="m_q" value="271">Age</input><div name="status"></div> <input type="checkbox" id="m_q" name="m_q" value="271">ID</input><div name="status"></div> <input type="checkbox" id="m_q" name="m_q...

Jquery ui tabs - using ajax tabs AND cookie persistence

I'm a complete noob to jquery and jquery ui but have successfully implemented a couple of ajax tabs. I am now trying to combine this with the cookie persistence feature so that the page will open at the last opened tabe when returning to the page. Code for the ajax tabs looks like this: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() {...

jqueryui ajax tab stops loading if other tabs are clicked

I have a jQueryUI tab control set up that has two tabs. One loads its content via ajax, and is the default tab. The other is a simple non-ajax tab. When a user visits the page, the ajax tab is shown. Since it takes at least 5-10 seconds for the content to load, some users click to view the 2nd tab. At this point, it appears like the aja...

How can i make the jQuery slider only slide when draging the handlers?

The thing is, I'm trying to use a multiple handlers slide like jQuery example, but I what to be able to drag the part between the handlers. Is this even possible? Thx jQuery example: http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/range.html ...

Create sortables at runtime?

Hi, How do we handle connect draggable items that should be connected to sortables when the sortables are created at run time? For example: <ul class='sortable'> </ul> I create instances of the above sortable ul when the user clicks a button: function onBtnClick1() { var element = $("<ul class='sortable'></ul>"); element.app...

Setting the width of radio buttons when using jQueryUI

I am using jQuery UI radio buttons, and can't find how to set them all to be a fixed width. The code I'm using is: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#radio").buttonset(); }); </script> <div id="radio"> <input type="radio" id="radio1" name="radio" /><label for="radio1">A</label> ...

Using jQuery UI Tabs. How would I make one of the tabs link to a URL rather than load a tab panel?

I am using jQuery UI tabs to create a vertical tab section of a page, and want the last vertical tab to link out to a URL rather than load a tab panel. Any suggestions for the best way to do this? I can stick another element besides an LI into the list, but would rather have the last li just behave differently. Thanks for any help. ...

change jquery dialog button

I have an issue where I'm reusing the dialog so I wouldnt have to duplicate the code. The issue I'm having is when I click an "Add New" button, I have as button "save" and "cancel". The save button in the dialog handles saving the information. If I click the "Edit Existing" button to edit my information, I would like the "save" button to...

Need to take certain mouse path for drop to work in a sortable with scrollbar!

Hi, I have a drag and drop to a sortable setup like this: <table width="500px" height = "400px"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="50%"> <ul id="target"> </ul> </td> <td valign="top" width="50%"> <ul id="source"> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> so the ite...

JQuery UI Slider with Multiple handles: How to stop the handles from crossing ?

Hi, I'm developing a quick solution that uses a Slider with multiple handles to define widths for a dynamic layout. I've attempted to use both ExtJS3 and the latest JQuery UI. In ExtJS, you can constrain the handles so the don't cross over each other, and it's quite an intuitive approach to the UI I need, however there are reasons why...

Erorr while using jquery animate "Out of memory at line: 13"

i am trying to display my products animation with the following code (jquery) var prodNum = <%=prodNum %>; var i = 1; $.timer(5000, function(timer) { $(".prods").hide("slide", { direction: "down" }, 500, function() { $(".prods").html("<div class=\"prod\">" + $("#pr" + ((4*i) % prodNum)).html() + "</div>" + ...

Jquery autocomplete, how to search on words instead of string

I have a textbox where i want to have an autocomplete that lets the user search through addresses. The user must be able to type in different words and the autocomplete must search through them to narrow its list. I've been trying and reading the documentation, but nothing seems to do the trick as it always searches on the whole string...

jQuery fullcalendar: contextmenu

hey, I want to use jQuery.contextMenu (http://abeautifulsite.net/blog/2008/09/jquery-context-menu-plugin/) in jQuery.fullcalendar.. when i right-click on an event.. but how it works? ...

jquery.sheet cell selection

Hi All, I am working on a web project using spring mvc and i am using jquery.sheet plugin to create a spreadsheet on the web page. You can check this at http://www.visop-dev.com/jquerysheet.html The sheet is internally using html table to display the rows. I want to select a particular row from the sheet but i am not able to do it. A...

How to change Jquery ui button to be selected when the underlying radio is checked through code?

I am trying to use Jquery UI button plugin for my radio button group. The UI looks cool but the problem is when I change the underlying radio button's checked property the UI does not change. for ex. If I have 3 radio buttons say radio1, radio2, radio3 and if I make radio1 to be selected then the button does not change but when I refresh...

Jquiery ui: multiple ranges for date picker?

I want to use the jquery-ui datepicker for my project, but I need to be able to have multiple, disjoint ranges of valid dates. Dates not in one of these ranges shouldn't be selectable. $(function() { $("#datepicker").datepicker({ numberOfMonths: 1, minDate: new Date(2010, 8, 1), //range 1 maxDate: new Date(2010, 8, 20) //rang...