
Passing jQuery Autocomplete search method value to search event

I am making a call to the search method and passing a value $('myelem').autocomplete('search','test'); Then I have an event handler for the search event search: function (event,ui){ //I need to access the value 'test' passed from the search method in the search event } So far I can not find out how to access the value in the search...

Incrementally hide items from a set of matched li elements with each button click using hide(), then show() entire set at end of set

Hi, I am new to jQuery and I am having trouble with the syntax, selectors and refining when trying to create functions. I was hoping someone might be able to help. What I am trying to achieve: I have a gallery consisting of a ul with images placed in vertically stacked list items. The ul is in a fixed size wrapper with overflow:hidden ...

Removing A JQuery UI Tab

I am attempting to use some (simple) code to remove a JQuery UI tab that I had created dynamically. Unfortunately, it's not cooperating. Here is the javascript method I'm using: function removeTab(tabName) { var tabIndex = -1; $('#tabbedPanel > ul > li > a').each( function(i) { i...

rails process for saving order of awesome_nested_set using jquery & nestedsortables

Hi All, I have a categories model made with the fantastic awesome_nested set. I have successfully generated the drag and drop tree and successfully generated the complete hash of this tree using SERIALIZELIST plugin and sent it to the "array" method that I have added to my categories controller. (using jquery and nestedsortables) The ha...

Delete table row in jquery

i have a table and a hidden field inside a td in it which stores the primary key .while deleting the table row i like to retrieve this value and add it to another hidden field i want to retrieve the data in hidden field for this deleted row ?? ...

Using multiple jQuery selectors to filter

I am trying to add the jQueryUI datepicker on a certain group of datefields, but exclude fields whose id ends in -0 Here is my code: $(function() { $("input[id^='TOEFLtestDate-']").not([id$='-0']).datepicker({ onClose: function(dateText, inst){ GenericDateUpdate(this.id, dateText,1); ...

jquery and jquery-ui not working in Springsource Tool Suite 2.3.3.M1

Hi, I installed the jquery and jquery-ui plugins for grails into SpringSource Tool Suite (STS-Eclipse) following the documentation located at http://www.grails.org/plugin/jquery and using the grails command-line tool included with STS-Eclipse as follows: grails> install-plugin jquery grails> install-plugin jquery-ui According to the d...

Yet another simple jQuery progress bar question

I want to modify this code so that the value is a variable and so that the progress bar refreshes in real time (or the smallest meter of time possible - milliseconds) I am going to "seed" the current time to drive the updates <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#container").progressbar({ value: 0 }); });...

JQuery dragable/dropable problem

Hello all, I am trying to build a dynamic drag&drop modul for my App. It include a table that holds all the dropable divs and few shapes. As i can't know from advance the type of shape someone will put in a div and i have to save the div or divs which the user chose to drop the shape in i need to allow the app to be very dynamic... I ...

Close Jquery Dialog and set set session c#

I need to close the jquery dialog box and set a session at the same time. Using asp.net and c#. Whats the best way to do this? Thanks ...

jQuery UI autocomplete - Showing the results in separate lists

Hi, I'd like to show my search results separated in many columns, that is, in separate lists like: Item 1 Item 5 Item 9 Item 2 Item 6 Item 10 Item 3 Item 7 Item 4 Item 8 Following whatever way to indicate how many items should be shown per list before creating a new one. I'm not clear about the formatItem(...

jQueryUI Tooltip + JSON problems

Good Day, I'm having problems implementing jQueryUI Tooltip. Here's my code: $("input.tooltip").tooltip({ content: function(response) { $.getJSON('tooltipcontent.json', function(data) { response($.map(data, function(item) { return item.foo; } )) }); return 'tooltip content'; } }...

$(document).ready(function() VS $(function(){

Possible Duplicate: what is difference of $(function(){ }); and $(document).ready(function() { }) ;? what are the differences between $(document).ready(function() vs $(function(){ and should I write it in the $ form or the new jQuery(document).ready(function(){ way? if I have google api loaded is google.setOnLoadCallback(fun...

jQuery ui slider wrong values?

Example code: http://jsbin.com/eqile3/ This is a slider with 2 handles, 1 for min and 1 for max and on the slide event these values are put in the input fields. Notice that when sliding the min-handle up and down, the min value is 11 (eventhough I set it to 10), but when sliding up from the min-position it goes from 11 to 10 and then 1...

How to set custom buttons (text) in jQuery UI Dialog?

I do get that we easily can set the Close button text to a variable, using closeText option $("#dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, closeText: btnCancel, // <----- overlay: { backgroundColor: '#000', opacity: 0.5 }, buttons: { Close: function() { $(this).dialog('clo...

Using JQuery UI to convert radio buttons into slider elements.

I have a form which is rendered with radio buttons like so: <h2>How long is your hair?</h2> <input type="radio" name="71" value="98">Short <input type="radio" name="71" value="99">Medium <input type="radio" name="71" value="100">Long There are about 15 questions like this, and I would like to have the whole form rendered with slid...

Silverlight equivalent to jQuery UI Sortable Lists?

Damn, I'm so ignorant. I'm looking to replicate this in Silverlight http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/ But where to start? Thanks ...

jqueryui tabs prevent from bubbling up

Does anybody know why this works $('#tourDetailsTabs').tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle'} }) .bind("tabsselect", function (event, ui) { event.stopPropagation(); //http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4110 }).bind("tabsshow", function(event,ui){event.stopPropagation();}); while that doesnt? $('#tourDetailsTabs').tabs( { show: func...

Change selected value of dropdown-checklist with jQuery

hi, can anyone explain me how I can set select item in a dropdown-checklist For instance, dropdown-checklist I want dinamically select items. (i don't want delete or destroy the dropdown-checklist and rebuild again with news selected itms, for instnace). thanks in advance, cafc ps: dropdown checklist can be visted here: http://dro...

What are the Options for jQuery Animated Effects?

A lot of the jQuery (and jQuery UI) functionality allows for animations to occur when showing/hiding elements. One of the irksome things about their otherwise-thorough web site is their lack of definitions of the animation keywords you can use. I'm aware of slide, fadeIn, and fadeOut. I know I've used others in the past as well. Is there...