
Updating JQuery UI Progressbar inside Updatepanel

How can I use JQuery UI Progressbar inside Updatepanel? When I try to do the following, progresbar is not being updated when it's inside updatepanel. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value: 0 }); $("#progressbar").css({ 'background': 'LightYellow' }); $("#progre...

Is there anyway to make a jQuery UI Datepicker unclickable?

Is there anyway to make a jQuery UI Datepicker unclickable, so that it's essentially just displaying a date? I tried $("#calendar").datepicker({ disabled: true, altField: '#note_date', maxDate: 0 }); but it didn't work. Thanks for reading. ...

Preloader with JQuery OR Advanced Page Load Behavior with jQuery Progress Bar

We have a jQuery Progress Bar. Is there a way we can have the progress bar displaying the loading of an HTML page which has PHP, CSS & JavaScript and all in it? Like a preloader and when the page has been downloaded and rendered fully then display it. If not with progress bar can we make a preloader with jQuery? ...

jQuery: How to use the same widget multiple times on a single page

jQuery UI seems to be sensitive to the attributes of the elements that compose a widget. How then can I use the same widget mutiple times in a single page\form? Example - the radio select widget, which comes in the demo index.html file that downloads with jQuery-ui: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> ... $(function(){ ...

Iterate through tabs in JQuery UI Tabs

I'm trying to load data to a tab panel (ui.panel) and then activate related tab through .tabs("select", ui.index). How can I iterate through all ui objects in jQuery UI Tabs? Those that are available through load method of UI Tabs object. ...

Best way to display & fade out a status message in asp.net ?

Hello fellows, I am using VSS 2005 & webforms with AJAX Control Toolkit. I am using Update panels for saving different parts of my form. Problem being I update the user with the status setting either a label or literal value. This value is visible on the form untill the page is refreshed. Is there any way to display a message and fade i...

Calling a jQuery Dialog without a DIV

Hi everybody, Is it possible to create a popup without being based on a div. Example, I have a the following DIV: <div id="dialog" title="Info"> <p>This is a test</p> </div> Instead of calling a dialog like this: $("#dialog").dialog(); I would like to call like this: $("This is a test").dialog(); How would it be possible? ...

jquery ui autocomplete, and json returned data from a PDO fetch_obj - Possible?

Hello all, I'm getting the return from the server side like so: [{"nomeDominio":"aaaa.hk"},{"nomeDominio":"agentesdeexecucao.hk"}] Question: Can we use this with the jquery autocomple UI ? It seems we can't and I'm not sure what format does it expects. :s K. Regards, MEM ...

I need to stop a DIV disappearing when I mouse over the link in the DIV

here is my complete code when i mouse over on popupcontact div it show the divtoshow div over it and it has one link of name rahul when i mouse over the link it hide the div name divtoshow. my div should hide when i mouseout not when i mouseover the link. please help asap. regards rahul <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Tra...

how do i use fancybox with jquery accordion?

I had jquery fancybox working okay on my website but since I've added jquery accordion fancybox no longer works - it just opens the larger image in a new window rather than in a modal box. Can anyone give me some clues or fix to use both on same webpage? ...

jquery ui loading dialog on click only firing once.

I have an anchor tag on my page that toggles between active and cancelled entities. Only one link is showen at a time depending on what the user wants to see. I use ajax to replace the html with either active info or cancelled info. See below. The problem that I'm having is that when the user clicks the link the loading dialog should ...

Why does my jQuery UI Dialog lose the focus when it finishes the open effect?

I'm using jQuery UI Dialog for adding some news to my site. Every time I click add news button, the dialog should open with the text area. Actually, I'm using ckeditor replacing the textarea and it happens that I can't type inside the text editor due to focus issue (at least I think this is the problem). Check it out. As just as I clic...

jquery - problem with synchronize ajax and dialogbox in function

Hello, I have problem with synchronizing results of function I get with AJAX with that function. The idea is that I send AJAX request, then after reciving answer I open dialogbox, and after user confirmation function returns proper value. Problem is that my function (even if I set ajax request not to be async) doesn't wait for response a...

JQueryUI accordion with a custom anchor in IE8

hi all. I have a very simple accordion in my webpage that I initialise with : $(document).ready(function() { $('#accordion').accordion({ 'autoheight':true, 'header': 'img' }); }); And later I: <div id="accordion"> ...

toString() not working

Good Day, I am working with jQuery tabs and I've got some code that fires off when I change tabs. $('#container-1').tabs({ onClick: function(clickedTab, divElement, hiddenTab) { var selectedTab = clickedTab.toString(); // var pos = selectedTab.IndexOf("#") + 1; var results = selectedTab.substring(5); // selectedTab.IndexOf("#") +...

Implementing dirty indicator for 3 different divs within an ASP.NET page

I have an ASP.NET page that has three divs within the only form which renders as three jQuery ui tabs. All the three tabs have inputs and/or selects that gets submitted to separate web methods. On tab one there are two inputs of type submit, that redirects after committing the form to another page. Simultaneous edits are possible on al...

checkbox properties using jquery

<input type="checkbox" id="var1" name="s_k" > <input type="checkbox" id="var2" name="s_k"> <input type="checkbox" id="var3" name="s_k"> At some point the checkbox id=var1 is selected and disabled after a certain operation.Now then if id var2 and var3 checkbox are selected how to get the newly selected box id i.e, get ids of checkboxes ...

How I can get my DB values inside the tag of my Jquery UI pligin?

$(function() { var availableTags = ["ActionScript", "AppleScript", "Scheme"]; $("#tags").autocomplete({ source: availableTags }); I don want the values inside the tags. i have a JS page i need to make a function for connecting my DB to the auto complete plugin. How can i do it suggestions Please. Thanks in ...

jquery toggle bottom left to top right

hello i have got this script all works fine but i was wonder if its possible to toggle bottom left to top right $("a#slick-toggle").click(function() { $("#slickbox").animate({width: "toggle", height: "toggle"}, 1000); }); thank Gareth ...

Get access to data set via data() in dragged element?

Hi, I have a draggable element. I used jquery's data() method on it: var element = $('<div id='foo'>hi</div>'); element.appendTo(body); element.data('test', "some data"); element.draggable(); ... when I try to fetch the data, from a button click for example, this works fine: var data = $('#foo').data('test'); // ok. it does not wo...