
Maintain View State After POST

I am creating a site that utilizes the jQuery UI tabs. Whenever the user flips between the tabs, the tab they just left is posted back to the server in order to save the state. One of the tabs in particular is a bit complicated in that, if I select a particular data option, other options need to be disabled. However, because of the POST...

How to change a background color of jQueryUI Progressbar?

How to change a background color of jQueryUI Progressbar? Im trying to use: $('#progressbar div').css({backgroundColor: '#9CFF29'}); but no success :( Anybody can help me? Thanks! ...

will destroying a jQuery dialog remove any handlers attached to elements inside it?

Hey Everyone, I've noticed some memory leaks in an app i'm building, after playing around with for a while FF will start to use up more and more memory (upwards to 1 000 000 k). I've done some research and found that if i do a $(selector).html(some stuff) to replace the contents of something the jQuery handlers from the elements p...

jQuery UI Dialog + External Content w/AJAX not working.

My goal: upon clicking a link, I want to load an external page (with a image upload form) into a jQuery UI Dialog and have it submitted AJAX style. My problem: The dialog loads the external PHP page just fine and I'm able to submit the form via AJAX -- using the jQuery form plugin shown here http://jquery.malsup.com/form/ -- BUT for som...

Force LI to end of list with jQuery connected sortable lists using placeholder

I an using jQuery to create connected sortable lists to create a main menu for a website. The left hand list contains available pages and the right hand list contains the current menu structure. I am using placeholders to highlight the location where the user needs to drop the item. At the moment the user can add an item from the left l...

How to know if a tab is enabled on jQuery tabs?

Hi, I can't find in the API of jQuery UI Tabs ( http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs) a method to know if a certain tab is enabled or not, I want that because in an event of my application I want to enable a certain tab only if that tab is disabled.. Thanks in advance. ...

How to sort th in a thead row using jQuery UI sortable?

Hello everyone! I'm trying to make a very simple grid plugin myself. My problem starts when I want to allow the user to change the columns order (not sort the table rows, change, e.g. the first column to show at the all right of the table). I'm using jQuery UI sortable but I found out that when the user starts dragging a th, jquery ui a...

How to resize ONLY horizontally or vertically with jquery UI Resizable?

The only solution I've found is to set the max and min heigth or width with the current value. Example: foo.resizable({ maxHeight: foo.height(), minHeight: foo.height() }); But this is really uggly, specially if I have to change the elements height progammatically. Sorry for my bad english, thanks in advance. Diego ...

What's the most efficient way of getting the culture info from server to client

I'm letting users choose their preferred language setting for number, currency and date formats. I've got this implemented in a filter to set the Current(UI)Culture. Now I want to use that culture information on the client to setup jQuery's datepicker. What would be the most efficient way of getting the configured culture setting to the...

Cache Jquery UI autocomplete Combobox

Hello, I'm using the Jquery UI autocomplete on an existing project. Well, the performance is dog slow, especially when executing the input.autocomplete("search", ""); My solution was to cache the information, so even though its dog slow it only occurs once. I think I'm missing a very simple Javascript bug and I would really apprec...

how to control selecttouislider control programmatically?

a question regarding the programmatic control of the SelectToUISlider: 'http://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/update_jquery_ui_slider_from_a_select_element_now_with_aria_support/' I want to have a play/pause button control this specialized jquery slider widget. normal use seems for the user to slide the control, but I'd like to provide both...

jQuery: On focus in textarea, Remove default text + change color , on unfocus - put text back

This is a very common usecase we see on stackoverflow, facebook, etc. You often want to give the user some text to direct him on what to do, but you want the text to disappear the moment he clicks on it. What is the easiest way to do that via JQuery? This seems like a fairly common use case ...

How close can we get to this Flash effect without using Flash?

Please take a look at the Cheese & Burger website. More accurately, take a look at the slider down the bottom's relationship with the flip panels above. I know I could skin jQuery UI Slider to do the slider relatively easy enough. I'm more concerned on how close you can get to the flip effect without resorting to Flash. I don't want t...

Dynamic Odered list with jquery selectable control

I got this mockup, I need to load dynamically pictures from a db and once loaded I need to click on each picture in order to mark what scholar will be promoted to the next grade, I'm figuring out mark it with a star image when I click on the picture, maybe an overlay div on each image that it is activated when I do click. Any idea how c...

Jquery Sortable exchange between 2 rows

Imagine ul-li grid (like in sample "Display as Grid"). a b c d e f Now you change f -> b. What you see in a list: a f b c d e What I need is instead: a f c d e b Do you know helpers or options to do this? ...

ZendX autocomplete with a callback

Hi I am using ZendX autocomplete to populate a postcode field the JSON objects returns looking like this {"77424039":"Lonehill - Sandton - GTG"} what I'd want to do is grab the 1st segment "77424039" and populate a hidden field while the second segment "Lonehill - Sandton - GTG" populates the actual field I assume i can do this wit...

use jquery .tabs() - content overlay page

I am VERY new to JQuery. Just trying to get a feel. I like the tab feature demoed here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#mouseover I really like this, however I would like it to act a bit more like a Menu. Particurally I would like the tab content to apear OVER the content on the page (like a menu). Also, just as when I rollover the tabs...

jQuery will not return data after upgrading to new jQuery version

I upgraded my jQuery version to 1.4 from 1.3. My code worked fine in 1.3, but it doesn't in 1.4. What can I have done wrong? function add_product_to_shopping_cart( product_id ) { $.post("/actions/etrade/add_product_to_cart", { 'product_id': product_id, 'variant_first': $('#main_variant-'+ product_id ).val(), ...

Caching a reference to an element in an iframe with jquery

I am using a jquery dialog that uses an iframe to let the user know there session is about to expire. I would like to update this dialog every second with a countdown, thus I would like to cache a reference to the countdown element so we don't have to query the DOM for it each second. I have tried to do this many different ways and I ca...

jqueryUI autocomplete suggestions misplaced in Chrome

I'm editing the entire post to show the problem: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <link type="text/css" href="./jQuery/jQueryUI/css/ui-darkness/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="./jQuery/jquery-1.4.2.min.j...