
jquery tab ajax load

I am following the jqquery docs on loading content via ajax. My tabs looks like following and the content returned from my rails app via the ajax calls are inserted correctly, with the exception of the third tab where I try to load the content into an existing div "ediv". When I click on this tab I basically see the raw html, if I copy ...

Animated Sorting of Block Elements in Javascript

I have a page where I want to animate the sorting of a list of block elements. <div class="container"> <div class="content-block"> .... </div> <div class="content-block"> .... </div> <div> I want something similar to the sortable elements provided by jquery ui but it will animate based on an event not based o...

javascript/Jquery Accordion is not working right.

Hi guys, I have problems with jquery accordion. It seems quite tricky. The first accordion, project1, is working great (thanks to Nick Craver) but 2nd & 3rd an so on does not work. I do not really know if I should use .filter. Here is the code & example page: http://jsfiddle.net/THjgV/2/ Thank you. ...

jquery ui tabs caching conundrum

I am working on a web-app for my employer and I am using some jquery. I am fairly good at PHP, but lost in jquery. My question is as follows: I have a a working tabs page that loads a monster PHP page when it first loads. I need to make sure that this particular tab only loads when the page is called (the first time only). I have th...

jQuery - trapping tab select event

Hi, I'm a jQuery noob and I'm trying to figure out how to trap the tab selected event. Using jQuery 1.2.3 and corresponding jQuery UI tabs (not my choice and I have no control over it). It's a nested tab with the first level div name - tabs. This is how I initialized the tabs $(function() { $('#tabs ul').tabs(); }); $(docu...

Jquery - How to check: if .toggle('slide') ready?

Hi, is it possible to check, if "toggle('slide') == ready like ... if(toggle silde != ready) { return false; } else { $('#div').toggle('slide', { direction: 'down' }, 450); } Thanks in advance! Peter ...

ASP.NET Button to update properties and show jQuery Modal

Hello, I have the following ASP.NET code: <div id="panelIssue" runat="server" style="width: 450px; height: 320px;"> <gsl:IssueUC ID="ucIssue" runat="server" OnItemSaved="ucIssue_ItemSaved" OnItemCancelled="ucIssue_ItemCancelled" /> </div> and then have an asp:Button on the page that simply call some methods and ...

Jquery Autocomplete JSON response

Hi All, I am trying to use the JqueryUI autocomplete plugin but I am unable to make it work. I am using Spring MVC at the backend and I am returning JSON response by following this http://loianegroner.com/2010/02/spring-mvc-and-ajax-with-json/ post that I got from the net. My problem is, there seem to be some problem in the way the au...

Styling jQuery Scale Effect

I have a quick question regarding the scale effect... I have a crude animation I am trying to accomplish. I have a quick fadeIn and then list elements scaling and fading out on the screen: jQuery("#page_content").fadeOut(2000, function() { jQuery("#intro_animation").slideDown(2500, function () { var delay_duration = 10; ...

JQuery UI Datepicker not working inside asp:MutiView

Coding with ASP.NET 3.5 C#, jquery.1.4.2, jquery-ui-1.8.2 My textbox is in fourth asp:View of an asp:MultiView which is not active on PageLoad. My Page is also a content page with a master page. The textbox is created like <asp:TextBox ID="txtStartDate" runat="server" CssClass="datePicker" MaxLength="20" Re...

Different outcome between a user clicking a jQuery UI button and using jQuery click() on it?

I have a form to create a Ruby on Rails object. A part of the form uses radio buttons to choose an attribute. I then use jQuery UI to display the buttons, like so. <head> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#typeRadios").buttonset(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="typeRadios"> <i...

How can I disable a button on a jQuery UI dialog?

How do I go about disabling a button on the jQuery UI dialog. I can't seem to find this in any of the documentation in the link above. I have 2 buttons on the modal confirmation ("Confirm" and "Cancel"). In certain cases, I want to disable the "Confirm" button. ...

jquery ui dialog title bar icon

How do you add an icon (floated to the left on the title bar, like windows in Windows) to a jQuery UI Dialog? ...

ASP.net and JQuery UI Datepicker

Given: <input id="datepicker" type="text" /> Where the id = datepicker tells the javascript to attach all the datepicker code to the form element, how do I turn this into a server control? For example: <input runat="server" id="datepicker" type="text" /> Doesn't work because ASP.net generates it's own ID's. Edit <asp:TextBox run...

How to completely stop the jQuery UI dialog from opening if the tab is shifted?

Hi, I want to open a jQuery UI dialog box (whose content is loaded via ajax) within a jQuery UI tab. Scenario: I have two tabs in the page. If I click on the overlay link (for the modal dialog) in one tab, and during the loading of the dialog (which is not yet visible - an ajax call is happening), I click on the other tab, I want the ...

Draggable has been droppped and cloned, but the clone isn't draggable

Bit of a cryptic title there, hopefully you can help :) When I drag one of the Draggables, it clones itself but doesn't drop on the droppables :( any ideas? My code: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>jQi</title> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.2.mi...

How can I access widget and its functions from other scopes?

I am building custom jquery widgets by extending dialog widget. How can I access widget itself and its functions from button press event function? $.widget("ui.ImageLibrary", $.ui.dialog, { options: { title:'Choose Image', buttons:{ "Ok":function(){ // How can I access _somePrivateFunction here? }, "...

JQuery: Need a widget that displays new image after a fixed amount of time?

Hello, I don't know exactly how it's called (Image-timer??? I'm not sure), but here are the functionalities. Let's say I have a div where I need to display a group of images in loop, one at time (each 5 seconds, for instance). On top of that, I'd like some effects, such as fading out when an image replace an other. Can someone point...

alsoResize an Iframe jQuery UI .resizable()

Hey there. I want to ask u how to make an iframe resizing when parent div is resizing. I think that I shoud use alsoResize, but i don't know if itll work with frames. Any help will be appreciated! ...

Connect draggable to sortable only if visible?

Hi, In the jquery ui docs for draggable, we can specify a sortable to connect to: $( ".selector" ).draggable({ connectToSortable: 'ul#myList' }); is it possible to connect to a sortable only when its visibility is set to 'visible'? Something like: $( ".selector" ).draggable({ connectToSortable: 'ul#myList:visibility=visible' }); I...