
How to make the text "test" larger or smaller as the div's resize using jquery ui .

this is my code : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/jq...

how to change this demo work good at chrome and safari ..

This is a demo dragging on google maps v3, but ,it can't work good at chrome and safari , So , how to change it ? thanks ...

Hyperlink on the baseline of a DIV

Hello, I have the following markup: <div class="ui-accordion ui-widget" style="margin: 10px 0px 12px 0px;"> <h3 class="ui-helper-reset ui-corner-top ui-accordion-header ui-state-default" style="height: 24px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 0px 0px 12px">Title</h3> <div class="ui-accordion-content-active ui-widget-conte...

How to catch event data on click event in fullcalender using asp.net mvc

I am using fullCalendar and I'm able to populate the calendar with events very easily. And I undertsand the best way to add events to the calendar is through the database. What I need now is to catch and populate an edit event form after the user clicks an event. How would I do this when I am using asp.net mvc 2? ...

Jquery Grid problem

Hi, I have to create the Jquery Grid that have check boxes and drop down. the requirement is that used can add now row to the grid and can update the existing row and there is Save Change button. So when user click on the save Change all the update go in one short. How can i achieve this. do any one have example of that type of grid a...

How to Apply jQuery to Elements Not Available at Document.Ready?

The website I am developing uses jQuery UI tabs to load content via AJAX (in this case, each tab is made up of a partial page). This works well, and I am happy with those results. However, one problem I have repeatedly come across is that when I include jQuery within my master.js file (which I use for site-wide Javascript), it DOES NOT a...

Add The same button-ui icons to the different buttons with unique IDS

Hi, I have a series of buttons and some share the same icons. Presently I'm doing: $("#addNewStory").button({icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-plus'}}); $("#addNewCampaign").button({icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-plus'}}); $("#addNewAdItem").button({icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-plus'}}); Is there a neater way? Thx ...

jquery sliders, widen click area?

I have some jquery ui sliders you can see here When you click the slider bar, the tic jumps to that part of the bar. This is great however the bar is very thin and easy to miss when you try to click it. I don't want to change the appearance but I am wondering if there is a way to make the click radius a little padded so if you click a f...

How do I limit the number of dropped items for a box?

I am just learning jquery, so this might be something easy. I am trying to make a really basic game that you can drop the name of the color onto the color box (to help learn about droppable and draggable). I got it working except a few problems. How do I limit the number of items to 1? (Is there a way to check if something is "droppe...

ASP.NET MVC2 User Control JQuery problem

Hi! I want to make my own authorization for my asp.net mvc2 application, I want to use the default LogOn user control, I add this code to user control: <a id="log_in" href="#">log in</a> <div id="dialog" title="Please sing in"> <p>Login:</p> <p><input type="text" /></p> <p><input type="text" /></p> ...

How to pre-load all tabs by default with jQuery

If I have 4 tabs where the first 2 are loaded with ajax and the last 2 are static, how do I pre-load the 2 ajax tabs by default? For the moment, only the first tab is automatically loaded, the second one is loaded when clicked. I want them both to be loaded so that when I click the second one, the content is already loaded. I tried to c...

jqueryui datepicker appears every time dialog is envoked

any help is much appreciated. Everytime: $("#myid").dialog() is opened, my datepicker also pops out, I didnt even click the input field of it. Why is so? tnx in advance. ...

jquery ui-icon and text alignment

I am trying to align jquery ui-icons with text like following, but I notice that the icon is always a little bit higher up than the text. Is there a way to align them horizontally, perfectly? <span><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-bullet"> bullet text </span> ...

How do I delegate Jquery UI click from image to list item?

I have a UL that contains items that the user can click on and move from one list to another. I have a function to inspect the list item and move it from one list to another and it works well -- except for one problem. The list item contains an image (which also responds to the click event). So if my user clicks on the image (essenti...

Custom data/layout with Autocomplete

I am trying to append an <li> at the end of the result set without success. I am in the dark as to the length of the result set, as it can change based on the input, so my counter I have set up only works if the results reach the limit. The documentation I found on the jquery ui site has been helpful getting me to this point. I initiat...

jquery tab selected

What's the best way to get the currently selected tab via the tab panel's id? My tabs which presents comments looks as follows. <a_comment_form> <div id='#tabs'> <ul> <li><a href="url_to_ajax_resource" title="div1_server_index"></li> <li><a href="url_to_ajax_resource" title="div2_server_index"></li> </ul> <div id='div1_server_index'> ...

Making jQuery UI's Autocomplete widget *actually* autocomplete

I need an auto-complete in the app I'm working on and, since I'm already using jQuery UI, I'm trying to make its Autocomplete widget meet my needs. Step one is to make the search term only match at the beginning of suggested terms. I've already got that working, as you can see in the code below. Step two is to have the first suggestio...

inline image flyout using jQuery UI

I am experimenting with an idea. I have a block of HTML text, including inline images. Some of the images will have (what I think are called) flyouts. That is, hover over the image to bring up a control panel to its left. In the future the control panel will toggle display mode, change image size, etc. For now, I just want it to appear. ...

jquery multiple droppables

Hi. Basically creating a file manager. User clicks browse and a div populates with folders and files from the server and displayed as icons. I want to be able to drag files over folders and then run my server file move script. I got the file dragging working but when i move over a folder it picks up all the folders.. here is the folder ...

jqueryui event and ui object properties

In the jQueryUI framework for Interactions you can do custom functions and they take two parameters 'event' and 'ui'. I know it has to be obvious somewhere but I cannot find out what methods and properties are available on those two parameters. Does someone know what methods and properties are available on those parameters or where I c...