
Custom search function for jQuery UI Autocomplete

I'm using jQuery UI Autocomplete. Is there a way to override its default search algorithm? The changes I want to make are: Prioritize words that start with the search term at the top of the suggested results. Return a maximum of 5 results (instead of the default behavior, which is to return all matching results, potentially creating ...

How do I pass an extra parameter to Jquery Autocomplete field?

Hi, I'm using the JQuery Autocomplete in one of my forms. The basic form selects products from my database. This works great, but I'd like to further develop so that only products shipped from a certain zipcode are returned. I've got the backend script figured out. I just need to work out the best way to pass the zipcode to this script...

How to delay a function inside a jQuery-ui slider event

I have several jQuery-ui range sliders on a page which add and remove rows in a table and show their values above the sliders, live as the sliders are slid. the function showData has to check and update every table row before it's done and the slide event doesn't seem to execute anything until the showData function has returned. This tab...

Does there exist a reason to put google analytics in head and not in body?

Hi, Does exist reason to put google analytics in head and not in the end of body? (I working on big website that its works in this way) Option 1: <head> <script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; </head> Option 2 - in bottom of body : <body> //html code <script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js...

Is it possible to change the Url which JQuery's JQueryUI Autocomplete generates?

Hi folks, I'm using JQuery JQueryUI's AutoComplete code. It goes to my url i provide (to find the answers), but appends ?term=<search query> after the url. I'm trying to get the following url intead ... /myurl/<term / search query> eg. /myurl/abcd /myurl/hello+world etc... is it possible to do this? Otherwise, it is possible to...

How to have jQueryUI dialog box dynamically load content

I love jQueryUI's dialog boxes. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to dynamically load content built-in. I guess I have to use some other approach to achieve this? Will iframes load content only when they're made visible? Is that the right way to do this? I'm open to other dialog box mechanisms if they're more suited for loadin...

How to create a vertical sliding list of links with jquery?

Hello, on the jQueryUI web site, at the following address, there is a sample of styling a button with a down arrow that can open a menu (maybe it's better to look at the url to be sure to understand... :O). let's suppose to have the following markup: <div id="buttonMenu" style="display: none;"> <ul> <li><a href="#1">Menu Ite...

jQuery UI dialog open caues input to lose focus in IE8

I have a set of text inputs and I would like to open a dialog when one gains focus, and closes the dialog when the input loses focus. This all seems straightforward and works fine in Chrome, but has problems in IE, as opening the dialog causes the text input to lose focus, which immediately closes the dialog again. The dialog doesn't c...

Jquery UI button on items added after page load

i have the jquery ui button widget working w/ the following code. $(.remove_img).button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-cancel' } }); but if there isn't an image in place, on upload, i am appending a button with class .remove_img, so it isn't in the DOM on page load. is there a way to get it so that the added button will still...

jQuery UI - Resize - Only one handle with aspect ratio

Hi there, I'm using jQuery UI to make an image resizable like this .resizable({ handles: 's,e,se' }); And i would like the se handle to keep aspect ratio, not the other one. I've tried like this: .resizable({ handles: 's,e' }).resizable({ handles: 'se', aspectRatio:true }); But it's ...

jQuery UI datepicker IE problem

Dear, I checked related posts but none of these answered my question. So this is the code i use: <script type="text/javascript" src="/media/datepicker.js"></script> Inside the datepicker.js i have the following: $(function() { $("#id_picker").datepicker(); }); I also tried to put document.ready() around it, but that didn't hel...

Not sure how to use the JQuery UI Autocomplete ... :(

Hi folks, this is a continuation from a previous JQueryUI Autocomplete question, I asked. This time, I have my data returning ... but I have no idea how i define what html to show and how to dynamically update that html with my results. So, here's my jquery .... Home.js function AutoComplete(element) { var cache = {}; $(elem...

Unable to load view on jQuery dialog.load()

Hi, I am using jQuery to load the details on a modal popup. The url is determined by the item clicked on the Html.Grid(). The following is the .aspx code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { //define config object var dialogOpts = { modal: true, ...

Flexigrid Problem

Hi, i m using the "Flexigrid" to create the Jquery Grid (http://www.flexigrid.info/). i m using it with the C#. from web site i have downloaded the XML file and using it in Jquery code. My code is: <script type="text/javascript"> //var lastsel3; jQuery(document).ready( function() { jQuery("#test").jqGrid( { ...


I now use CLEditor, but I cannot style it like the rest of the page. So is there a jQuery UI WYSIWYG text editor? Or is there a way to style CLEditor with jQuery UI widget elements? ...

jQuery UI widgets

What jQuery UI widgets are there, except from the official ones? I know Accordion Autocomplete Button Datepicker Dialog Progressbar Slider Tabs ...

jQuery UI re-enable draggable within a new function after disabling

I'm working on an app that requires drag-drop. Upon drop, the selected draggable needs to remain present but become disabled. Then the new 'dropped' item is appended with a 'close' button. Upon clicking the close button, the item disappears from the 'droppable' area and re-activates as a draggable. The issue is that once I disable the...

How do I pull in data with an ajax request

I am using this jquery ui autocomplete but i need to grab the data from a json object every keystroke and put it in the dropdown as the user types. But the example uses just an array <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var availableTags = ["ActionScript", "AppleScript", "Asp", "BASIC", "C", "C++", "Clojure", "COBOL", "Co...

Activate jquery ui widgets within dynamically loaded form

What is the best practice of activating jquery ui widgets for html loaded and inserted into the document by ajax? I am an advocate of unobtrusive javascript and strongly believe that all functionality accessed by javascript should be also accessible without it. So in the ideal case, each form which opens in a popup, should also have its...

RIA using Flash or Silverlight vs JS framework

In creating a RIA, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? ...