
Odd jQuery UI Error

Hi all, I'm attempting to use the jQuery UI Tabs module, but whenever I attempt to do so, I get the following error in my console: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an Object> has no method 'tabs' I followed the demo's source down to the letter, and I still can't get it to work. I'm loading the CSS locally and the JS from the Google CDN,...

jQuery: UI widget definition

I have a widget defined like so: $.widget("ui.mywidget", { _init: function() { this.element.bind("keyup", function(event) { alert(this.options); alert(this.options.timeout); }); } }); And trying to call it like so: $("input.mywidget").mywidget({timeout: 5}); I also redefined the bind ...

Cancel the autocomplete after I leave the field

Is there a way to stop the ui jquery autocomplete if the user leaves the page looking at the Documentation here I see many things .autocomplete( "destroy" ) .autocomplete( "disable" ) .autocomplete( "close" ) but how do i use them after a use leaves the field $("#request_song").autocomplete({ source: function(req, add){...

jQuery UI Slider stop

I'm using the jQuery slider as a submit button because it's cool and a good anti-spam filter. However, when the form is validated, in case the user didn't fill something out, the page displays and alert and set the slider value to 0. It works pretty well, excepting by the fact that when the user dismiss the alert, the slider goes back to...

how to add custom theme to jQueryUI themeswitcher?

Here: http://jqueryui.com/docs/Theming/ThemeSwitcher I found nice widget to switch on the fly jQueryUI themes on my page. And also I've created my own custom theme. How to add it in list of themes? ...

jquery/javascript How to add image on top of column header

I am implementing a column re-ordering functionality for a grid. When I drag the column, I want to have an arrow in between column headers to give the user a feedback of where the new column would be placed. SOmething that we have in tab re-ordering in firefox. How do I add this image in between and on top of two column headers. Can I cr...

Is there CSS sprites support in jQuery UI

I'm looking into using CSS sprites, but wouldn't like to invent the wheel. Is there existing support in jQuery or jQuery UI? Or as an alternative, a well debugged jQuery plugin ...

How to change CSS using jquery

I am trying to change the css using jquery: (I am a very early jquery beginner) $(init); function init() { $("h1").css("backgroundColor", "yellow"); $("#myParagraph").css({"backgroundColor":"black","color":"white"); $(".bordered").css("border", "1px solid black"); } What am I missing here? thanks!!! ...

How to change the theme of the jqGrid?

Hi every one, I'm looking for the way to change gqGrid theme for the current version. I've started to use jqGrid in my ASP.Net MVC 2 application recently and download some demo solution/projects. I tried to change the theme of the grid by changing the theme ui javascript but it doesn't work for me. Looking at the document doesn't help m...

jQuery version of this UI Control (sliding toggle switch)

I came across this control while using a webapp (this in invite-only beta) and liked the UI interaction. The webapp was built using prototype/scriptaculous, and we typically use jQuery when building our web apps.. my question is, has anyone seen a jQuery equivalent to this UI element? A couple of the nice things I like about this appro...

ui-dialog open event executed from a .net mvc controller action

hello, If I want to use a jquery dialog in order to display an error message submited from a .net mvc controller action, what I have to do? could you give me an example? thanks a lot for helping! ...

DotNetNuke - jQuery - Why is this jQuery Watermark plugin not working?

I'm using DNN 5.4 with the default google api jquery reference: I have confirmed that jquery.min.js is loading. I don't know if there's other jQuery (other than the plugin) that needs to be loaded. I'm utilizing the Google Code jQuery Textbox Watermark Plugin (Link) Web Dev Toolbar & Firebug suggest that both jQuery and the Watermar...

jstree once loaded removes other ui (jqueryui.js) settings on page

hi all, i have an issue with jsTree and the issue is as follows: I have draggable divs with resizable ability on my page basically you can sort them and resize them Then i added a jsTree to the form which retrieves values using ajax and populates the tree using xml_data plugin The issue is once the tree is loaded then the divs are not...

ctrl+c(copy text) not working in jquery modal dialog box

I am using jquery modal dialog box in my application. it works fine in across the browsers. but i am not able to use ctrl+c(copy text) basic browser keyboard functionality. please tell me how i can make it working for me. demo of problem can be seen on http://jsbin.com/anuso ...

JQuery UI, help improving code.

I have the following. <ul class="sortable"> <li> Some Title <ul class="sortable"></ul> </li> <li> Some Title <ul class="sortable"></ul> </li> </ul> I then use the following JavaScript to make items sortable. $(function() { $(".sortable").sortable({revert: true, connectWith: ['.sortable ul']}); $('.sortable u...

Append jQuery UI dialog to ASP.NET form on document ready

I have jQuery UI dialog with ASP.NET. I wrap a list of check boxes in the dialog. Since, it's an "Edit page", some of the checkboxes are already checked because the data fetched from datatbase when page is first loaded. I have no problem when I click on the link to open dialog, and everything works as expected. However, if I don't cli...

jquery draggable - Get containment to only contain handle

I'm using jQuery UI's draggable() to make some elements on my page draggable. I've got a handler and a containment set for the elements, but I'd like the draggable element itself to be able to hang out of the containment. I only want the handle to stay inside the container. Like below, pretend the * is the handle. +-------------------...

jquery ui autocomplete - handling xml results

Hi, For my xml object I have 3 nodes which I can grab. I'm trying to make a search box where the result is a link. I'd like to format what is shown in the drop down to be like this: Title (which is also a link provided by the URL node)   Description I am able to get the data but how do I format the results to look like that? I'd also...

Looking for a website with a help system/tooltips

Hey, basically I am looking to gather ideas. I am making a help system for a website. jQuery tooltips and all. I just wanted to see how others have done it to get a better direction. The only problem is I cannot think of any sites off hand that have a help system or a tooltip system. Any suggestions? ...

How do I disable a jqueryui button.

When I click on a jquery ui button, it still triggers the click event callback. How do I block that event? Do I have to manually keep track of the state or does jquery ui take care of that for me? ...