
Add row in jqgrid

Hi, i am using jqgrid its working fine. I have scenario where i have to add the blank row in jgrid instead of popup to add the row. how can i do it. Please Help. Thanks. ...

Passing a self object in jquery

In the below code how to pass the div object inside validate function <div><input type="text"></input>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="validate("Hot to pass the div objevt here")"</input> <script> function validate() { ..... ..... Finally remove the div } </script> ...

How do I check if a tab exists in jQuery UI?

Currently I use this to check if a tab(element) already exists: if(!$('#'+element).length){ //... code to add new tab if not exists. } else { Alert("Tab or portlet already exists..."); } This is very dirty and I get a "uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #" from FireBug. If element already exists, the "Ale...

Div resizes when using jQuery UI tabs

Hi folks, I hope we can find a way to fix the problem I'm experiencing. Problem: One of my divs (id='main_map' in the map.php page) does not display with the height and width specified in my css. However, when it first loads the page/tab, the div has the right size but not when I click on the tab (map tab). I'm using jquery-ui.js and ...

JQuery UI Tabs - How to prevent styles being applied to content within tabs?

Hi all I have implemented the JQuery UI tabs and they work great, except for one problem... All my content's styles / classes are being overriden by JQuery's, which I do not want to happen.For example, I have a text box: If I inspect the styles in Firebug, I see this (in this order): .ui-widget :active { outline:medium none; } .ui...

Getting dates as string using from a jQuery UI datepicker

I need to grab a date in string format from jQuery UI datepicker. At the moment the best I can come up with is: $.datepicker.formatDate("yy/mm/dd", $("#fromDate").datepicker("getDate")) Is there a cleaner way to do this? ...

Add empty row to the jgrid

Hi, i am jsgrid i want have implemented the add row button. when i click on thet button its open the form in dialog box with submit and cancel button. i just want to add the row in in jqgrid. i dont want to save it to database how can i achieve this. Thanks ...

Create unordered list of dynamically loaded objects using jQuery so that I can use 'sortable' of jQueryUI

Hi, I am loading dynamic objects in the DOM. How do I keep adding them dynamically to an unordered list using jQuery ?? ...

speed optimization techniques that sites like yotube and yahoo are using

I've been noticing quite a few websites including YouTube and http://video.yahoo.com/, amazon and Facebook are loading content above the fold and then once you scroll down the rest is loaded. I'm not sure if it's the rendering of the content that is being delayed or if its media such as images that are being fetched when you scroll down....

jQuery UI radio button - how to correctly switch checked state

If I have a set of radio buttons, all styled with jQuery UI's .button(). I want to change their checked state, but when I do so programatically on the container's change event with $("#myradio [value=1]").attr("checked", false); $("#myradio [value=2]").attr("checked", true); The values are changed correctly, but the UI styling stil...

Microsoft CDN - How about the .css and images of jQuery UI themes?

Hi I know that the usage of Microsoft CDN improves the website performance when talks about .js But what about the images? The styles of jQuery UI themes are hosted too in CDN, and all the images of the themes also. Using the styles of themes, and consequently images also, improves the performance like.js does? Thanks ...

JQuery buttons with icons - icon only shows when mouse pressed down

I have a page with anchor tags that are being converted to JQuery UI buttons via the following code. $(document).ready(function() { $('a.jquery-button-add').button({ icons : { primary: 'ui-icon-circle-plus' } }); });` For some reason, the icon is only visible on the button when I hold the mouse button down. Without holding the mouse...

.keypress on a DIV tag ??

Is there a way to get work .keypress on a div element like this?: <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- $('#idtext').keypress(function(event) { var keyCode = event.keyCode; $('#idtext').text(function(i, text) { return text + String.fromCharCode(keyCode); }); }); // --> </script> <div id="idtext"></div> </b...

How intercept these two key: ":" and "." ?

I need to do something when a user push "." and something else when an user push ":" Is there a way to intercept these 2 key with javascript, jQuery or other ? ...

Jquery UI Datepicker on an image

Greetings, I want to pop up the Jquery Datepick as the image is clicked and displaying next to it. Once a date is clicked, I want to post my form. Here how I try this: The HTML: <form id="myform"> <span class="quickgo"> Quick Go: <select> <option value="1">Discovery Channel</option> <option value="2">History Channel</option> </select...

jQuery UI Resizable in TH

Hello. I'm traying to make a table with the th's of the header resizable. Here you can see an example where I first try de resize with a div and then with a table (it works great). Then I try the resize with the th's of another table. Nothing happens. http://jsfiddle.net/UVsKp/ Can the th's be resized using jquery UI?? Thanks in adv...

accordion menu by reading from xml file

Hi, I am looking for an accordion menu code sample to load it from the xml file rather than hardcoding the file names in the mark-up. Can you please share the link if you are aware of any such menu controls? (something like the one at this link http://www.i-marco.nl/weblog/jquery-accordion-menu/. it will be nice if I can pin it to the le...

jQuery UI Autocomplete with ASP MVC

I'm trying to get the jQuery Automcomplete thing to work, but it wont do as i want :P This is my code: JavaScript: $("#CustomerID").autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/customer/search", dataType...

ASP.net MVC AutoComplete Erroring?

I'm trying to get an autocomplete field firing in my asp.net mvc website. Basically the user types in their location and i go out to my db and pre-populate with country and postcodes that match. The problem im having is that when the view load an error throws saying "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Exception thrown and not caught". It ...

Jquery + jqueryui - focusing on text field not working for FF

I'm trying to select a text field inside the tab, when the tab is clicked. The jqueryui event is correctly bound - have tested by putting alerts & by replacing focus() in the below code with hide(). But when I say focus(), it does not focus inside the text field. This is for FF 3.6.10 Code as below - $( "#tabs" ).bind( "tabsselect", f...