
jQuery elements inside a jQuery dialog stop working after ajax call

Hello all, <div id="divItems"><div id="divItemsContent"></div></div> I think i know what the problem is, just don't know how to solve it. Here is the code: function SplitOrder() { var SplitTable = $.ajax({ url: 'AjaxActions/SplitTable.aspx?FromObjectID=' + $('#hidObjectID').val() + '&ToObjectID=' + ObjectID[1], as...

jQuery button display in IE6

We have some HTML buttons which we format using JQuery - $('#button').button(). Works great but.. when the page first loads in IE6 you see the "unformatted" regular HTML button and then you see the JQuery formatting kick in a split second or so afterwards. What can you do do avoid displaying the default HTML button and just display ...

jquery remove check box on condition

In a div there are these check boxes(name="val1") and after a certain operation these check boxes are removed <div name="navigation_b"> <label id="selectall"> select all <input type="checkbox" name="selectall" /> </label> <input type="checkbox" name="val1" /> <input type="checkbox" name="val1" /> ...

Image Map links not firing in a jQuery UI dialog (IE only)

I'm attempting to place an image map into a jQuery UI dialog. Initially, the and are hidden on the page so that I don't have to do any AJAX. When the dialog is triggered, the and are placed in the dialog and the hidden original content has its link to the image map removed. There are a few links on the image map in tags and in Fire...

jQuery UI Autocomplete behaviour. How to search free text on enter?

Hi, first question (and hopefully, but doubtfully my only one) I'm using the jQuery UI Autocomplete. Here is sample code to replicate my issue. var suggestions = ["C", "Clojure", "JavaScript", "Perl", "PHP"]; $("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: suggestions }); When a user types 'J' they will be presented with 'Clojure' and...

Only allow Datepicker Button Jquery UI

Hi All, Is it possible to disable the input textbox at which I attached my datepicker and only allow input by clicking the button/icon panel of the Jquery UI datepicker. $(function(){ var opt = { buttonImage: "images/cal.png", buttonImageOnly: true }; $("#date").datepicker(opt); }); What I mean is, the ico...

Repeating control in jQuery

I have a control with 2 textboxes and a select box in one row. The user can add or remove any set of these rows. I need to do this in jQuery. Does anyone have any good links for this sort of feature/plugin in jQuery ...

jQuery UI dialog picking title from cache.

Here is the code I'm using http://jsbin.com/evike5/edit When the jQuery UI dialog is fired second time. The updated title is not shown. Am I doing something wrong? ...

jQuery ui autocomplete - renderItem url's

Hi, Using: .data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) { var temp = item.url.substring(16, item.url.length) return $( "<li></li>" ) .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .append( "<a>" + item.value + "<br>" + item.url + "<br>" + item.description + "<br>" + "Sup...

show() checkbox with jqueryj

If a checkbox is hidden using jquery .hide how to show it again if we know the value in the following case <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="m_q"/> <input type="checkbox" value="2" name="m_q"/> <input type="checkbox" value="3" name="m_q"/> <input type="checkbox" value="4" name="m_q"/> So the check box with value 1...

JQueryUI DatePicker won't work in my ASP.NET MVC 2 application

I'm just trying to set up an input with datepicker and I'm getting the following error: "Object doesn't support this property or method". I downloaded the JQueryUI without a theme and there is my head section of the master page: <link href="/Content/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js...

Is there a correct directory structure for a jQueryUI installation?

At the moment, I have jQuery and jQueryUI installed like this: js/jQuery/ js/jQueryUI/ I'm getting an error that seems to be related to loading CSS files. Is there a 'proper' way to include jQueryUI - should it be a subfolder of jQuery, for example? ...

How to solve jQuery UI and TableGear conflict?

I'm using Tablegear and jQuery UI's date picker in my site and somehow only the one I declare first is working. I'm not sure but it can be a conflict issue, can't be? Here's the code: http://jsfiddle.net/nc3Rs/ Notice that I added the TableGears1.6-jQuery.js as a resource. As soon as I remove this resource the date picker begins to wor...

Problem when using UI dialog in Jquery UI tabs

Hi All, I have a page with 4 tabs which are dynamically loaded. In each of the tab there are links which invoke dialog. The problem is when I refresh one of the tab the UI dialog which was created due to initialization does not get removed and it is recreating again causing the dialog to not function. Any ideas on how to fix it would b...

Jquery UI Autocomplete from remote source categorized

There are nice documentation on the jquery ui site on showing auto-complete options categorized http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#categories And there is also an example about showing remote suggestions. http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#remote But what I want is to load auto-complete options categorized from a remote sou...

jQuery AutoComplete, How to accept Found & UnFound Terms

Hello, I'm referencing the jQuery autocomplete plugin code seen in this tutorial: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/how-to-use-the-jquery-ui-autocomplete-widget/ The problem with this tutorial is that it only support items found on the server. What I would like to do is allow a user to use items found on the server (as i...

jquery accordion - remember active area when clicking back from an external link

I have links that are inside a jquery accordion on a page. When a visitor clicks on one of those links then hits the back button to return to my page, I'd like the accordion that contained the link to be open. My assumption was that I should use the navigation:true setting and add hashtags to the different accordions, but that isn't wo...

jQuery UI IE7 nested unordered list bug

I'm trying to get it so that each sub list can only be ordered within its group. This works perfectly in FF, but in IE it either moves the entire parent(s) or, using e.stopPropagation(); kills the functionality completely within the child. I need the functionality alive within the child. Suggestions? $(document).ready(function() { ...

Jquery-UI: dialog is not a function error

for example I call it via newDialog("This is title !", "this is my content"); function newDialog(mytitle, mycontent){ var $dialog = $('<div id="mydialog"></div>') .html(mycontent) .dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: false, title: mytitle }); $dialog.dialog('open'); ...

jQuery accordion control over empty sections

Hello, I have a jQuery accordion that I am styling using the ui themes. My question is, how can I have a section that has no sub-sections and does not expand when mouse-overed? I am using mouseover as my trigger. For example: The Home section has nothing underneath it. I would like it to stay collapsed when hovered over. When clicke...