
how can i check that at particular position there is a element present or not

how can i check that at particular position means particular x and y position there is a element present or not in jquery , javascript ...

Use FCKeditor in JQuery UI Dialog

I try to use FCKEditor in JQuery UI dialog. It works for Chrome, but I have some problems with Opera and FF. When I try to create FCKEditor, it submits page without any reason. <div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog"> <form method="post" id="myform"> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('...

JQuery attr not changing title

We have this JQuery code: $('#dialog-message').attr("title", t); It works fine the first time it's executed - the title is changed. But on subsequent calls to this method the title is not updated. Any ideas? ...

How to make entire screen blackish when jquery ui popup is visible?

How to make entire screen blackish when jquery ui popup is visible? ...

jQuery IU Autocomplete

I using jQuery-UI Autocomplete. When user types some text autocomplete send async request. But user not waiting response and moves to other input. How i can cancel request? ...

jQuery Sortable - Select and Drag Multiple List Items

I have a design where I have a list of "available boxes", users take boxes by dragging them from the "available boxes" list to their "My Boxes" list. Users more often than not take multiple boxes at a time (max 20), once they have finished with the boxes they drag them back to the "available boxes" list to return them. jQuery sortable ...

jQuery UI + ASP.NET: Make Modal Popup Load After AJAX is Ready

Hello StackOverflow! I was hoping for a little help. I am currently using some of the jQueryUI widgets in an ASP.Net Web App. I have successfully got everything working. Basically, I have a GridView on a page which contains some hidden fields in each row containing data. I also have a dialog div containing an update panel and a few Label...

How to use jQuery validator & jQuery UI Tab together?

Hello All, i need urgent help, actually i m stuck between jQuery plugins in JOOMLA, i m using two plugins together and now don't understand how to use it... follwing two plugin i m using jQuery Validator plugin jQuery UI tab plugin now what i do.. i have 3 forms that i have attatched with UI tabs. all 3 forms on 3 tabs displayi...

jQuery UI Dialog - Position

Hi I'm trying to fix a dialog. The sticky property sticks it, but I need to fix the dialog where the div is. Basically I need the dialog behave like an regular div (if I set it inside an table, it stays there. Not in the middle of the screen). I know this is related with position effect, but I can't figure out how to make this. Thank...

Prevent click events on Sortable of jQueryUI

Hi there, I have sortable, draggable and click events binded to the same DOM element. On sorting, I want the click event to be disabled. I am using the following code for draggable, which works fine: $('.selector').draggable({ start: function(event, ui) { ui.helper.bind('click.prevent', function(event) { event.preven...

Reload the table with JQuery.

Hi everybody, I have the following issue. Here is my index.php : <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">A projects</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-2">B projects</a></li> </ul> <div id="tabs-1"> <?php echo loadTabs(1);?> </div> <div id="tabs-2"> <?php echo loadTabs(2);?> </di...

jQuery UI Autocomplete Validation

Hi, I am trying to perform some sort of text field validation before the Autocomplete request results for the inputted text. My code: <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() {...

How can I change the href requirement of an anchor tag to rel so that I can use href to open links?

Hi, I spent all my afternoon building a navigation that changes the slideshow pictures on hovering a menu item in the navigation. After I finished, I realized that the menu item's tag makes use of href attribute to correspond changes in the slideshow. I need the href tag to have a link so that the menu can open a page as its meant to b...

How to change jqeury dialog html content after init?

Hello all, I have a working dialog, and i want to change the content durring the flow of the app, I mean to change the .html() propery of the dialog... I thought it was easy to do but i can't seem to do: $dialog.dialog().html(SOME CONTENT); How do i do that after i allready have the diqlog running? My init code is: var $dialog = $(...

jQuery ui autocomplete - mouseover

In the result list when I hover over the result it bubbles just the links but not the text. I'd like it to bubble the whole result of the element that is being hovered. What do I need to edit in the jQuery library to have the effect? Please see screen shot, "Test App 62" to the line that says "Test" is one entity. The next starts at "Tes...

jquery datepicker not working properly with js.erb views in ruby on rails

Hi i have two js.erb views, namely new.js.erb and edit.js.erb with both use a form partial to be rendered in a dialog box. Two of the fields in the form are start date and end date to which i have added the datepicker from jquery ui as shown below $("#event_startDate").datepicker({dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'}); $("#event_endDate").datepicker(...

What's the best way to utilize jQuery-UI theme on CDN with local fallback?

Is there anyway to load jQuery-UI theme from CDN, but with local fallback? Similar to the javascript fall-back outline here? Google Hosted CDN with fall back ...

jQueryUI - Draggable Resetting z-index after "stop" Event Executes

I am trying to re-order the z-indexes of several DIVs so that the most recently dragged stays topmost. I have the following code: $(".elementsIWantToDrag").draggable({ zIndex: 10000, stop: function(){ $(this).css('z-index', 9999); alert($(this).css('z-index')); } }); ...and all is well and good until the ac...

jQuery UI: How to use ui-widget-overlay by itself?

I am trying to create an overlay, similar to the one that jQuery UI Dialog uses. I can create the overlay like this: var $overlay = $('<div class="ui-widget-overlay"></div>').hide().appendTo('body'); //...later in my script $overlay.fadeIn(); But the overlay cuts off when I scroll down. I noticed that jQuery UI is setting the width a...

JQueryUI Tabs Selection and Validation

I am trying to validate tab content(using ajax validation) before switching to the next tab. So when the user clicks on the tab, the current tab content is sent to the server for validation. And when result from the server is received I switch to the next tab. Here is some code: $('#tabs').tabs({ select: function(event, ui) { ...