
jQuery UI Slider and handle-modification

I use the standard jQueryUI slider and want to change the appearance of the handle. I changed the CSS to .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle { position: absolute; z-index: 2; width: 40px; height: 10px; cursor: default; border: 0; background-color: #c6c7c8; } .ui-slider .ui-slider-range { position: absolute; z-index: 1; font-size: .7em; display...

How can I add html to jquery ui autocomplete widget dropdown items?

I am using jquery ui autocomplete widget. I want to add formatting to some part of dropdown items, but when I add html, widget escapes it. How can I add html to jquery ui autocomplete widget dropdown items? ...

jQuery Galleriffic issue with jQuery inline

Hi. Seem to be having some issues with executing jQuery code in the "caption" class. My class ".showmore" lies within the caption section, however when I perform a hover function, it does not seem to execute this jQuery function. Is there anything within the Galleriffic jQuery that is preventing me from executing this??? <html> <...

jQuery datepicker validating date ranges between two dates in any format

Hi, This question is an extension of this one: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3675007/jquery-datepicker-date-range-throwing-invalid-date-range-error-with-valid-dates The latest jsFiddle is located here: http://jsfiddle.net/mQRaj/7/ The issue i am having is as follows. I have two datepickers that are going to be localised into m...

jQuery AutoComplete does not show up

Hello, Inside a jquery dialog I would like to use the jquery autocomplete feature of jqueryUI. I have then prepared an action in my Controller (I am using ASP.NET MVC2) that is as follow public ActionResult GetForos(string startsWith, int pageSize) { // get records from underlying store int totalCount = 0; string whereClau...

Jquery Datepicker Custom Month Range

Hi all, I have a simple Jquery Datepicker calendar, and I need to display only the months from April to October. I done this by using the following code. Now I need to do a modification in order to be displayed the same months but for both 2010 and 2011. More clear, The calendar needs to have for 2010 the months from April to October...

JQueryUI: automatically add .accordion(); functionality to any new elements with class="accordion"

I'm using the JQuery-UI Accordion, but I'm trying to find a way to not have to initialize it any time any new element is added. Using AJAX I'm inserting html into a page, but on any page load I am having to re-initialize any accordions- // .ajax handler success: function(xml) { // find accordions $("div.accordion").accordion()...

jQuery UI DatePicker - Disable all days except last day of month

I'm trying to use the jquery UI datepicker to show a calendar with only the last day of the month selectable. I've successfully used the beforeShowDay event to disable days of the week but not sure how I'd use this to disable everything but the last day of the month. ...

Appended link to Autocomplete causing problems

Hello, Using the 'open' event I have appended an <li> which serves as a "See More Results" link at the bottom of the results. However any attempt I make to bind a click event is fruitless. I get an error in the jQuery UI saying "d.item is null" ln 242. I think this means it is trying to look for data from the result query to automatica...

Jquery UI: Button on dynamically created elements.

Hello, I would like to add jQuery UI button to all my input submits. $('input:submit').button(); That works great for normal buttons but it doesn't work for buttons I create dynamically. Anybody know how to do this? ...

jquery ui autocomplete - how to?

I may be looking at this all wrong. But, I am trying to use the jquery ui autocomplete. I want to pass it a url and it will get the suggestions from there. my questions are 1: how do i specify the url? 2: how do i format the response? ...

Tables breaking jQuery UI Accordion

Why is that in IE 7/8 HTML tables break the jQuery UI accordion? I'm using a vanilla accordion with a couple of standard properties. It works great in Fire Fox and Chrome. Leaving jQuery's demo content is fine in IE 7/8, but as soon as you attempt to add a table and breaks. Here is the example. ...

Remote JSONP datasource isn't working for me

no matter what i do, i couldn't get alert("test"); to display an alert. for some reason this jsonp (although it fetches the data correctly: http://u.kodingen.com/1JsHcN ) never calls the success function. if i copy and paste the example here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#remote-jsonp it works beautifully. but my URL doesn't....

Find apostrophe's and replace with some other character

Hi.. I am stuck with a problem, which has got to do with Apostrophe's. How do i find and replace all apostrophe's with some other character. The code is as follows. Script jQuery('.note').each(function() { var final = jQuery(this).text(); jQuery(this).html('<div class="solutionnotes">'+final+'</div>'); var ht...

Change JQuery-UI autocomplete height

I'm using JQuery-UI autocomplete widget with about 100 items but when the matched string find many items the box height is to big. How can I set a max height? For example I would like to set a max height for 20 items ...

MVC RenderPartial jQuery problem with selector (ID).

I have this infoflyout.ascx <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<dynamic>" %> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#flyoutdialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false }); $('#opener').click(function () { $("#flyoutdialog").dialog('open'); retur...

jQuery UI error .. only in incognito mode?

On this page I am getting an error in Google Chrome but only when incognito mode. It works fine in regular mode. Is there a reason why JavaScript would throw in error only in incognito mode? The error is in the jquery-ui.min.js file. Its an Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL ...

get the tab text on select jquery ui tabs

Hi I m using jquery ui tabs I can get the index of the selected tab on "load" (ajax) event $('#tabs').tabs( { load: function(e, ui) { if($('#tabs').tabs('option','selected') == 0) { } } }); Now i want to get the tab name for eg... <ul> <li><a href="newprofile.jsp"><span>Profile</span></a></...

Multiple jQuery UI Auto-complete text boxes with cascading values

Afternoon All, I have 3 text boxes each with jquery's auto-complete attached to them (Section, categories & products). I am wanting to populate the current auto-complete options based on the previous text box value. The problem I am having is when the page loads the bound auto-complete source is empty. Thanks, Rich ...

Changing the AJAX url in Jquery Plguin, JQGrid!?

I'm using the jqgrid plugin for jquery and jquery ui and I would like to change the AJAX url on a dom event. this is the instatiation of the jqgrid table: jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ url:'AJAX/JSON/json_member_mail.aspx', datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', colNames:['','Title', 'from','message',''], colModel :[ {name:...