
Is there a jquery List plugin that will auto-sort items and has robust add/remove methods?

I have been googling for hours looking for something to handle my situation. I am not skilled enough to write my own jquery plugin ..YET!! The plugin should auto-sort the list, not as important as being able to add/remove items from the list easily. Themeroller capable would be a plus. I would basically use anything as long as I could ...

Multiple jQuery UI buttons with same ID

There might be a really simple solution to this question, but i just don't see it! I have a page with a list of items. every item has the same jquery ui button (its inside a dialog and adds that item to a list). i identify the item via the parenting DIV holding the DB id. So far so good... The Problem is only the first button on the li...

How to Create Multilevel jquery accordion menu using jQuery?

I want to create multilevel accordion Navigation using jQuery , I tried using this script but it not allow the multi-level. Please view the Image what exactly I am looking for, http://www.i-marco.nl/weblog/jquery-accordion-menu/# Thanks ...

jquery tabs with form help

Hello, I am implementing jQuery tabs on mysite, one of the tabs holds a form and this is my problem, the form is loaded in via ajax as it is used multiple time throughout the site. My issue is that when the form is submitted the page leaves the tabbed area, whereas I need to stay within the tabbed system. Below is the code I am using ...

jquery full calendar

hello everybody. I am new to fullCalendar and i do not kno how to use gotoDate method. What i have is a tabbed page with 12 tabs (every tab is a month of the year). What i need is when i load jquery calendar, foreach tab, the calendar to switch to the month that is assigned. (e.g when i click and load page for January the calendar shows...

jQuery Bounce ignores positioning

I'm having a problem trying to use the jQuery effect "bounce" on an absolutely position div inside of a relatively positioned div. The #Bounce div is positioned to be slightly above the container div and when a certain message is received it is supposed to bounce on top of it. But what ends up happening is that the #bounce div drops down...

Datepicker (1.8rc3) not transferring date in IE6

Using jquery-1.4.2 and jquery-UI 1.8rc3, I instantiated a datepicker on a text input with showOn: 'focus'. The datepicker appears correctly. However when I click on a date, the datepicker doesn't disappear and the dateStr doesn't get transferred to the text input. I tried adding an onClose: handler that calls alert(dateStr). The even...

jqueryUI: Drag element from dialog and drop onto main page?

I am trying to create a drag and drop system consisting of a workspace and a "palette". The workspace currently consists of re-orderable list items, and I want the palette to be a floating window from which I can drag items and add them to a specific position on the workspace. I am currently using the jqueryUI "sortable" plugin for the ...

JQuery Toggle Button Trigger

Hi all, i have this code: $('.access a').toggle(function() { $('link').attr('href', 'styles/accessstyles.css'); $('body').css('font-size', '16px'); }, function() { $('link').attr('href', 'styles/styles.css'); $('body').css('font-size', text_sizes[text_current_size] + 'px'); }); It works fine. But how would i programmat...

Changing minDate option in JQuery DatePicker does nothing

I have this jQuery datepicker code that initially set the minDate of the datepicker. After a user selects a starting date, I used the option attribute to change the minDate of the datepicker, but nothing happens. What did I do wrong and how should I make it work? Datepicker init code: $(function () { $('#starttime,#endtime,#validit...

jQuery UI: Dialog button styling

Is there an easy way to apply CSS/icons to the modal buttons on a jQuery UI modal dialog box? If I include the HTML to display an icon with the button text, it shows the HTML as text rather than rendering the code. I'm guessing I could write some jQuery to find the button and overwrite the HTML with what I want, but I'm hoping there's ...

jQuery Split Button Demo: Is it me or is that just 2 buttons?

Looking at implementing a split-button similar to: the jQuery SplitButton demo. Whats the difference between this example and just using 2 buttons? am I missing something? ..particularly regarding the joint "set" demonstrated... ...

jQuery AutoComplete (jQuery UI 1.8rc3) with ASP.NET web service

Currently, I have this version of the autocomplete control working when returning XML from a .ashx handler. The xml looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <States> <State> <Code>CA</Code> <Name>California</Name> </State> <State> <Code>NC</Code> <Name>North Carolina</Name> </State> <State> ...

Remove filter attribute after jQuery UI dialog is finished opening

Using jQuery UI 1.8rc3 combined with the new jquery.effects.fade.js code, I've been able to finally apply fade-in and fade-out effects to opening the UI Dialog widgets. Hooray! $dialog.dialog({ show: { effect: "fade", options: {}, speed: 150 } } This works great - unfortunately, there's the known IE7 & 8 bug where the ClearTy...

jQuery 'setDate' = null leaves today as the currentDate

I have two date pickers. When they are first displayed on the page the max and min for the range are set to today so that no dates can be selected. Based on a drop down selection, the valid date ranges are set on both calendars. I want TODAY to be the default, selected date in the TO date picker and in the FROM datepicker I'd like not...

showing progressbar progress with ajax request

Hi guys! I want to show progress with jquery ui progress bar when an ajax request fires and when it finishes. The problem is I don't know how to set values for the progress bar depending on the progress of the ajax request. Please hlep. Here's a code to start with: function ajaxnews() { $('.newstabs a').click(function(e){ ...

jQuery UI Tabs customization for many tabs

I'd like to implement a tab bar using jquery-ui-tabs that has been customised to work like it does on HootSuite. Try this on HootSuite to see what I mean: Log in to your hootsuite.com account Click the + symbol to the right of your tabs Add tabs named "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" until a "More..." tab appears You'll see this: HootSuite incl...

jQuery UI Dialog - modal window temporarily covers dialog during effect

My modal window covers the dialog for the duration of the effect that brings it in - as if the z-index bringing it to the top only kicks in once the effect has ended. Anyone any ideas?! The code is below... Of course if I don't use a show effect then it comes straight to the fore and isn't a problem. $(function(){ var dialogOp...

Tool tip in modal window...

I m havin a jqueryui modal form. and i m using jquery cluetip tool tip plugin but tool tip is not working in a proper way on modal window form.. this is the screen shot ... Star is showing the place where tool tip must be there and arrows are showing the place where tool tip is showin.. can any body tell me how to figure this out.. Edi...

Can't type anything in inputs or textareas

Hello, I have a problem: I've add a Jquery UI drag-n-drop widget to my page, but after that I can't type anything into inputs or textareas. I use jQuery 1.4.2 and jQuery UI 1.8rc3, and tiny_mce for convert textareas into WYSIWUG editor (I've tried to disable tiny_mce). When I put $("input").click( function(){ alert('clicked!'); }); - i...