
Current object value in jquery

All, in the below code How to edit the current added value.i.e, in the edit function how to get the value in td .Also how can we check for duplicates. <script type="text/javascript"> function edit(obj) { // var ele= obj.parentNode ; alert(obj.innerHTML); var htm = '<textarea name="modal" id="modal" rows="10" ...

jQuery UI Dialog Error: b("<div></div>").addClass("ui-widget-overlay") is undefined

I have the below code for my a Dialog box for a which contains a dropdown field KPMS.ServiceRequests.Status = { showOptions : function(requestId, userId, requestType) { var url = BASE_URL+'service_requests/status_options/'; $("#dialog-modal").dialog("destroy"); $("#dialog-modal").load(url, {"request_id": requestId, "user_...

Getting javascript mouse position relative to website prefferably without jQuery

I've found this snippet on Ajaxian, but I can't seem to use the cursor.y (or cursor.x) as a variable and when the function is called as such it does not seem to work. Is there a syntax problem or something else? function getPosition(e) { e = e || window.event; var cursor = {x:0, y:0}; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { cursor.x...

Is there a default way to get hold of an internal property in jQueryUi widget?

Im using an existing widget from the jquery-ui labs call selectmenu. It has callback options for the events close and open. The problem is i need in these event to animate a node that is part of the widget but not what its connected to. In order to do this i need access to this node. for example if i were to actually modify the widget c...

Jquery DatePicker Customization

I am using Jquery datepicker plugin and my requirement is I want to allow user to select Month and Year when he click on the Header say 'May 2010'. I want to make the Header say 'May 2010' of datepicker as a link and when he clicks on it, it should display a small div or option to select month and year with Apply and close buttons and wh...

JQuery UI: Accordion callbacks

I need my javascript to only do the callback when I OPEN a section on the accordion, as of right now it does a callback when I open OR close a section because I'm only using a click function. Is there a way I can modify my existing click function to only run when the given section is activated? My current click function: $("a#mimetype...

jQueryUI Slider handle not moving

I'm trying to implement a jQuery slider with increments. I've gone from, the actual project page, to a test page of the project with just the slider, to just the slider. In all cases I've been unable to get the handle to move. It also seems to have a width of 1px or similar. My code is as follows, <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHT...

jQuery: recommendations on the jQuery Ribbon plugins out there?

I see there are several jQuery plugins out there that attempt to reproduce the Ribbon (Fluent) UI that Microsoft introduced with Word 2007: The ones I found include: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-ui-ribbon/ http://dev.mikaelsoderstrom.se/scripts/jquery/ribbon/ Any experiences with either of these? recommendations for or against...

jQuery - error updating JScript Intellisense

Hello folks, i have searched similar posts on google & stackoverflow to no use. Basically, what i have is a new aspx page. I have the following files referenced in the head section. jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css jquery-1.3.2.min.js jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js Theme:smoothness UI Version: 1.7.2 for jQuery 1.3.2 I have nothing else goi...

Is jquery datepicker easily capable of doing this?

I basically have to clone the top area with arriving/departure: http://bit.ly/af1uAH The arrival and departure fields at the top have corresponding calendars. The last time I configured arrival and departure datepickers, they had a "Clear" button. Does anyone know if this changed between versions or is it still built-in? If anyone has...

Ruby on Rails + Jquery: Saving data from draggable lists

Hello. I'm trying to save data to the MySQL database in Rails when the user drags items from different lists. I'm using the below Jquery script and HTML: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#draggable").draggable( { connectToSortable: 'ul#myList', helper:'clone' } ); $("#myList").sortable(); }); </script> HTML: <ul> <li ...

Can someone explain the jquery ui photo manager example code?

I would like to know how the recycle image link works, it points to the following url link/to/trash/script/when/we/have/js/off what exactly is this doing? ...

Easiest way to create twitter-like status update widget

I want a widget that allows users to add a request if that request hasnt already been added, or vote for a request if it has already been added. when a user adds a request, i want it to immediately appear as the first element of the list, like what would happen to your timeline if you made new tweet. ive tried to look for a jquery plug...

How to make nested vertical menu with jQuery accordion?

Hello. Can anyone point me to a good example on how to implement nested vertical menu using jQuery accordion? Something like here (at the left of the page, starting from third item), but nested. There is no example of nested structure in Accordion docs on some reason. Or may be there is a good jQuery component on organizing vertical ne...

Jquery UI buttonset icons

Hi I'm having trouble adding icons to jQuery UI's buttonset's.Adding icons to buttons work fine.Does anyone have a example of this working Thanks Markup <div id="radio" class='demo'> <input type="radio" id="radio1" name="radio" /><label for="radio1">Top 10 FAQ's</label> <input type="radio" id="radio2" name="radio" /><label fo...

Create Featured Content Slider JQuery - amending the time of banners

Hi I am using the following code for my banner. I have got 6 set up. what I want to do is specify the time each one appears for. I can change this for all of them but I want to set them indivdually? http://webdeveloperplus.com/jquery/f...ry-ui/#respond The bit of code that chnages the speed is. How can I indvidual set each of the 6 ba...

jQuery UI Dialog Form and ASP.NET MVC

I'm not entirely sure if this is the best way to word it, however, I'm having a little trouble working out how to achieve. What I have is a page with a form on for editing a user's details. The page itself sits on /User/Edit/1234 where 1234 is the employee number. On that page there is a reset password link which opens the following jQ...

JQuery Window blinking

Hi All I am developing a chat application(Customer and operator). Using jquery Ajax and PHP . From customer side he can handle multiple chat.. For example ha have two chat.. How he knows in which window the new msg comes.. I can take the count . But is there any option in jquery to blink the window when count change ? ...

jQuery Datepicker changes date to today

Hello, I'm using jQuery Datepicker but I'm having trouble when editing records. // js code $(function(){ $(".datepicker").datepicker().datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'yy-mm-dd').datepicker('option', 'changeMonth', 'true').datepicker('option', 'changeYear', 'true'); }) // the input <input type="text" name="valid_from" value="20...

Autocomplete jQuery 1.8-UI JSON Format

I'm toying with the new autocomplete in jQuery 1.8-UI. I've provided data in the following format ["val1", "val2", "val3"] This is coming from a stored procedure but output as a string. For some reason this doesn't work at all, however, if I supply the same data using a javascript variable var data = ["val1", "val2", "val3"]; The...