
HTML overlay height to cover entire visible page

I have a web page that loads some stuff using AJAX. I want to display an overlay with a loading indicator while the loading is in progress, so that the user cannot interact with most of the page - except the menu at the top. I'm using jQuery and the jQuery BlockUI plugin to do this. I call $(element).block() and it works fine, but the o...

Display issue with jQuery dialog: form shows as separate window

On my button click, the jQuery dialog appears with just the title and buttons. When you mouseover, then you see the form inputs in front of the dialog covering the buttons. When you scroll down, the form inputs do not move, so you can never see the last few textboxes. <div id="popupCreateCompany" title="Create a new company"> <form> ...

jQuery-UI tabs - load just once

I'd like the load content of my tabs thru AJAX, but only on the first tab click. Now the tabs gets loaded every time I click on any tab. Is this possible ? My html <div id="tabContainer"> <ul> <li><a href="/Home/Tab1">Tab1</a></li> <li><a href="/Home/Tab2">Tab2</a></li> <li><a href="/Home/Tab3">Tab3</a></li> </ul> </div> EDIT I cann...

Null date reference when passing json to MVC Controller

I am building an event system that posts data to a google calendar. I am using jquery 1.4.2, fullcalendar 1.4.5, and asp.net MVC 2. I am using a jquery ui modal dialog for the entry system. Jquery ui datepicker for the from and to fields. Select boxes for the time fields. I have tried both string and DateTime formats in the GCalEvent Cl...

Create jQuery Slider Range With One Handle Not Using Min/Max

Hey all, Is there any possible way to create a slider that will create a range similar to what is done with one handle using min/max, only instead of min/max, starting the range from say 50 (on a scale from 1-100)? I realize this will most likely require modification of the slider or creating a plugin, just wondering if anyone has done ...

onClose and datepick with jQuery

I have the following code: $('#popupDatepickerWeekly').datepick({ maxDate:'1Y', mandatory:true, highlightWeek:true, onClose: closedDate }); My closedDate function looks like this: function closedDate(value, date, inst) { document.signUpForm.repeatUntil.value = value; } But when I pick a date using the datepicker, the ...

Calling a function defined in a content page loaded by jQuery tabs

Hi, I want to call a callback method that may or may not be implemented in pages being loaded as Ajax content by jQuery tabs. In other words, I have a set of jQuery tabs that load content rendered in JSP files. Some of these files have additional Ajax content in them, some don't. What I could do is: $(document).ready(function() { ...

jQuery UI draggable to smaller droppable

I am using this http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/ But I have a problem dragging to a droppable that is smaller than the draggable. It will not drop on the droppable, but on the top left of the droppable. Is there any way around this? Here is the code, thanks. $('.draggable').draggable({ revert: 'invalid', revertDuratio...

Binding elements when modal window loads from AJAX (jQuery)

I'd like to set up a drag'n'drop list inside a modal window. The window's content is loaded via an AJAX call, so I believe I need to use jQuery's .live() method. Here is my current code: $('#cboxLoadedContent').live('load', function() { // Event for sortable page lists $('ul#pageList').sortable(); }); How can I set up binding...

How to update jQuery dialog after ajax response

I would like to update jQuery dialog after receiving ajax response. Here is my definition var $dialog = jQuery('<div>Wait</div>') .html('Sending your message...<img src="../images/AjaxWait.gif" style="float: left; padding-left: 50px;"/>') .dialog({ modal: true, width: 160, autoOpen: false, resizable: false, draggable:...

i can`t take the slider moving with a value insert into the input box

$(function(){ // Dialog $('#mdialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 320, buttons: { "Apply": function() { <!--alert($('#slider').slider('option', 'value'));--> try{ ...

How to horizontally sort divs using Sortable in JQuery

I am looking to sort my divs horizontally in a container div. I found an example on JQuery website but that is vertical sorting. I want it horizontal. I want to do it sorting in #sortable Div. Will you please guide me how can I convert this vertical sorting in horizontal manner. CSS <style type="text/css"> #draggable1 { width: 15...

Displaying a silverlight plugin in a jQuery UI dialog box not sizing correctly.

I have a login page which detects if silverlight is installed and will degrade to html when it is not. I'm using jQueryUI.dialog to display both; the dialog box appears but is too small to see the content completely and i have to resize it manually. I think it's something to do with the order the javascript is running on the page. Can ...

jQuery-UI How-to stop realoding the tabs

I'm using jQuery UI tabs functionality to load tab content via Ajax. But I need to load the tabs only once. At the first request. <div id="tabContainer"> <ul> <li><a href="/Home/Tab1">Tab1</a></li> <li><a href="/Home/Tab2">Tab2</a></li> <li><a href="/Home/Tab3">Tab3</a></li> </ul> </div> I hooked up the select event. I'm able to...

how to center jquery dialog with ui 1.8?

I'm having trouble getting the jquery ui 1.8 dialog to center I've tried leaving the options default, and setting position: 'center'. When the dialog displayed, the browser window gets scrolled down to the centre of the page, and the dialog is positioned at the bottom left of the window. This worked fine with jquery 1.3.2 and ui 1.7.2...

jquery ui 1.7 autocomplete show dialog on select

Hello, I am using an autocomplete widget, and would like a dialog to show when an item is selected. The dialog does show up, but I want a field in the dialog to receive focus when it opens. Here is what I have tried so far: //HTML <form action="#"> <p><input id="busca" /></p> </form> <div id="agregar" title="Agregar Parte"> <label ...

How to bind select element in jquery

Hi,All see my code a help to bind select element [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public void GetTpoName() { SqlConnection con = null; string q = Context.Request.QueryString["q"]; string rValue = string.Empty; try { SqlCommand cmd; con = new SqlConnection(Consta...

Jquery UI Multiple .live() Problem

There is 2 function that i want to make here, and yes it still messy. The idea is how to make a parent and child situation. The first element that is generate using append will show a button that will create child(this work). And then i added jquery dialog ui as a way to input value by append it to the parent and the child element, i ha...

jQuery Accordion and text find

Hi everybody I have a big big problem!. I hav 2 js. The first js is a menu created with jQuery Accordion, and the second js find a text in my page. This is the code for accordion (very semplified) <h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all"> <span class="FAQ_date">T...

jqueryui autocomplete: lists entries with search terms in middle

Hi, I am using jqueryui autocomplete widget for autocompleting a 'country' field but I am facing an issue. Suppose the user enters "in", I want the jqueryui to list countries like 'india', 'indonesia' which start with 'in', but it also lists the countries which have 'in' somewhere in the name (like: argentina). How can I solve this iss...