
ASP.NET MVC jQuery autocomplete with url.action helper in a script included in a page.

I have been building my first ASP.NET MVC web app. I have been using the jQuery autocomplete widget in a number of places like this: <head> $("#model").autocomplete({ source: '<%= Url.Action("Model", "AutoComplete") %>' }); </head> The thing is I have this jQuery code in a number of different places through my web app. So i though...

DOM object cloner Javascript widget

Could somebody suggest me a widget that can take an existing DOM object (like a table row) and clone it/add it to DOM after the existing original object and also allow to remove it or add others. To explain myself better about what I want here is an example. Lets say I have a table with one initial row (contains a number of empty field...

jQuery UI Autocomplete - style like a standard <SELECT>

I'm on the verge of starting a new web application that is likely to have need for both standard, simple dropdowns as well as more feature-rich autocomplete controls for longer lists of values, better type ahead behavior, etc. I'm planning on using the jQuery UI Autocomplete widget along with some combobox behavior as detailed here: ht...

Symfony + JQueryUI Tabs navigation menu question

I'm trying to use the tabs purely as a navigational menu, loading my pages in the tabs, but being able to bookmark said tabs, and have the address bar correspond with the action I'm executing. So here is my simple nav partial: <div id='tabs'> <ul> <li id='home'><a href="<?php echo url_for('post/index') ?>" title="Ho...

jQuery UI - Close Dialog When Clicked Outside

I have a jQuery UI Dialog that gets displayed when specific elements are clicked. I would like to close the dialog if a click occurs anywhere other than on those triggering elements or the dialog itself. Here's the code for opening the dialog: $(document).ready(function() { var $field_hint = $('<div></div>') .dialog({ ...

JQuery UI tabs: How do I navigate directly to a tab from another page?

JQuery UI tabs are implemented by named anchors in an unordered list. When you hover over one of the tabs you can see this in the link shown at the foot of the browser: http://mysite/product/3/#orders Above would be the "orders" tab for example. JQuery obviously intercepts the click to this anchor and opens the tab instead. However ...

jquery ui slider with tooltip?

Is it possible to have tooltip in jquery ui slider? Or is there other/better slider plugins with this in it already? Also if i use jquery ui's range slider, is it possible to have two different kind of tabs (the thing that you slide)? ...

Formatting and pretty printing dates with jquery

I need to display dates in a couple different ways in an app built with jquery. In some situations, I need the typical "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mma" type of formatting, with all of it's different permutations. In other cases, I need to show dates "pretty printed" similar to how StackOverflow does them: 5 seconds ago 12 minutes ago 3 hours ago y...

jQuery validation: how to output error message to jQuery UI modal dialog

How can I change the error message of jQuery validation so when it validates the error is composed as bullet points inside a jQuery Ui modal dialog. Tried this but it doesn't work as expected (i.e. the modal dialog only apperas once, but after it is closed, I can't bring the modal dialog back when submitting invalid data for second time...

Binding KeyUp event to Input Field

I am dynamically generating textboxes in ruby using <%0.upto(4) do |i| %> <%= text_field_tag('relative_factor[]', @prefill_values[:relative_factor][i],:size => 6,:maxlength => 5) %> <%end%> it generates following HTML markup Another set of textboxes: <%0.upto(4) do |i| %> <%= text_field_tag('rating_factor[]', @prefill_va...

jQuery UI datepicker prev/next broken

Ok, I'm using the jQuery UI datepicker as a replacement for the terrible AjaxToolkit datepicker, but I've run into an issue. For some reason, the datepicker's prev/next buttons no longer exhibit the correct behaviour, and instead move from this month (selected as default) to december 1899 for previous and january 1900 for next. Can any...

Apply jQuery UI widgets to ajax loaded elements

I want to activate the jQueryUI button widget on a given selector, lets say '.button'. Whats the best way to automatically activate the widget on any new '.button' elements inserted to the DOM after the initial page load via ajax. Previously, I used the livePlugin with code something like this: $('.button') .live(function(){ ...

jquery ui autocomplete positioning wrong

using jquery ui 1.8 trying autocomplete Everything works apart from that the ui-menu isn't positioned under my input element, but rather in the top left corner. Has anyone come across this problem? Here's my html: <div id="search"> <div id="searchFormWrapper"> <form method="post" name="searchForm" id="searchForm" action=...

Do you know why introducing jquery ui autocomplete for my dropdown boxes is also changing my listbox ?

I am trying to change my comboboxes to use autocomplete so i leverage the code listed here (which worked perfectly for my dropdowns) The issue is that i also on the same page have a listbox with the following code: <%= Html.ListBox("Cars", Model.BodyParts.Select( x => new SelectListItem { Tex...

Clear form field after select for jQuery UI Autocomplete

I'm developing a form, and using jQuery UI Autocomplete. When the user selects an option, I want the selection to pop into a span appended to the parent <p> tag. Then I want the field to clear rather than be populated with the selection. I have the span appearing just fine, but I can't get the field to clear. How do you cancel jQue...

jQuery UI ThemeRoller - Installing themes

I'm trying to install jQuery UI with a ThemeRoller theme for the first time. I've downloaded jquery 1.4.2... I've downloaded jQuery UI with a couple of themes. I've tried to follow the instructions but they seem contradictory and don't seem to related to the downloaded files. When I try to use a datepicker... the datepicker functionalit...

Cannot create a jsTree inside of a jQueryUI tab

I am not able to create a jsTree inside of a jQuery UI tab. If I create the jsTree outside of the tab, it works fine. Does anybody know if jsTree is incompatible with jQuery UI tab? My page is below. If I replace the following line var treeContainer = jQuery("#tabTree"); with: var treeContainer = jQuery("#pageTree"); Then the tree...

jqueryui progress bar options like transparency and text

Can I have text in the background of a jQuery UI progress bar? You know the kind I'm talking about don't you? The kind that where color:white because the progress bar is over it, and color:black because the progress bar hasn't reached it yet. I think I've seen that type of effect while installing software. Also, what about a backgrou...

Height of JQuery UI Tab Content Panel

How can one get the height of the content area in a JQuery UI tabbed panel? $('.ui-tabs-panel').height() clearly returns the height of the content area + the height of the tabs. I am assuming there must be an easy way to get this dimension? So far my searching online is not turning that answer up. Any suggestions would be most appr...

How to float a <div> echoed in the footer over a <div> located elsewhere (PHP/jQuery/HTML/CSS)

Hello All! I'm embarking on a major project, but am stuck on a tiny issue at the very start. I'll try to be as concise as possible. I have a PHP script that will be echoing into the footer of the page (the last stuff before </body></html> a bunch of <div>s containing visible buttons and <div>s containing hidden dialog boxes. The plan ...