
jquery draggable into sortable only works after sorting

Hi, I'm experiencing problems with a simple combination of a Draggable and Sortable: initially, the dragging does not work and I do not get a receive callback. Only after I have done a sort (i.e. change the position of things in #workarea), can I drag new things into it. Somehow it seems as if the sortable needs to be 'initialized' be...

jQuery Datepicker - Programatically Limit Second Datepicker

Hello all, I've recently been using the following piece of code to limit my 2nd Date picker (end date) so that it does not precede the date of the 1st Date picker. $("#datepicker").datepicker({ minDate: +5, maxDate: '+1M +10D', onSelect: function(dateText, inst){ var the_date = dateText; $("#datepicker2").da...

JQuery UI Tabs - replace tab and contents

What is the best way to replace the currently selected tab and its contents? The content is dynamically generated with jquery, not loaded via a URL. I need to do this from outside of any tab code or tab event handler (show, add, etc.). There is a link elsewhere on the page that should do the following when clicked: Change the tab's ti...

Why can't I use the return from an insertAfter as a regular jQuery object?

I'm trying to insert a link after form elements to clear them. This demo code with headings doesn't work: h2 = $('h2'); clickytest = $('<a href="#" class="clicky">click me</a>').insertAfter(h2).click(function() { $(this).append('foo'); }); But this does: h2 = $('h2'); clickytest = $('<a href="#" class="clicky">click me</a>').inser...

Use JS to add characters into textfield

I want to add a $ symbol before a users entry into a text field without actually submitting the $ when the user clicks submit. Additionally, I need to prohibit the user from entering anything but numerical values in to the text input. I know about the JQuery input mask (http://www.conetrees.com/2009/03/blog/jquery-masked-input-plugin-inc...

theming jquery ui with multiselect listboxes

it doesn't seem that jquery ui themes does anything to multiselect listboxes. does anyone know the reason why or have any way of having multiselect listboxes match the theme of other ui elements when using jquery ui theming css? ...

getting date from JQueryUI Datepicker

I am using JQueryUI datepicker. I am currently using following: $('#dtpicker').datepicker('getDate'); to get date from the datepicker. This function by default gets me today's date if the user has not selected any date in the picker. Is there some function which gets the date the user has selected? For example, if the user has selecte...

round slider select

I am in need of a jquery based 360 rotational slider I want the user to be able to grab the end and rotate it 360 degrees anyone know of anything like that I can't seem to find one ...

jQueryUI css errors

When I load jQueryUI on a Windows XP machine using Firefox 3.6.3, I get a bunch of css errors: Error in parsing value for 'filter' Lines 18, 76, 77. Unknown property 'border-top-left-radius' Line 274. Unknown property 'border-top-right-radius' Line 275. unknown property 'zoom' Lines 300,306,336,345,385,408. Q: Should I just ignore the...

Test if element already has jQuery datepicker

I have a form with many input elements. Some are date fields with a jQuery UI datepicker alraedy attached: $("#someElement").mask("9?9/99/9999").datepicker({showOn: 'button', buttonText:'Click here to show calendar', duration: 'fast', buttonImageOnly: true, buttonImage: /images/calicon.gif' }); Then I have a key command bound to this ...

Calculate innerwidth of a jquery dialog

I am trying to calculate the innerwidth of jquery dialog (ui-1.8) For somereason it is always returning 0. One reason perhaps is that the dialog is still hidden and not open?? Was using $('#dialogId').innerwidth() Any help? ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete formating help, (I'm new to jQuery)

I've been using this tutorial to make an autocomplete function. (UPDATE: I ditched the jQuery UI Autocomplete route because there isn't much documentation for it.) The following code works (FINALLY). I also managed to get the suggestion links to work as well. I plan to make some type of blog post to help other noobs like myself figur...

How to open a html page as a popup with in the page (no new window opens) using Jquery

I am having the link button and when i clicked on the link button the popup will be open (with in the page itself like a modalpopup. now i have to get the popup feel using jquery and inside the div text should come from database. How is it possible for getting the message from the backend. means open a div in a modal popup feel using jq...

jquery load function for small preview

Preview:          In the following div i need to show a very small preview of a page.In order to do that what should be the css set to, When i use the following code below,the preview is very big.I need to show the preview with the size of the videos on you tube(as In suggestions tab) var url="/tools/display/" + param; $('#preview').c...

How can I retrieve element Id for Strolngly typed ASP.NET MVC HTML helper?

Hi In my View I'm using jquery ui datapicker. So I need initiate it with code like this $(function() { $('#elementID').datepicker({ }); }); In my View <%= Html.TextBoxFor(m=>m.StartDate) %> In old ASP.NET I may use tb_startDate.ClientID What is about retrieving element Id of Stro...

How to auto apply drag and drop effect to dynamically added element ?

I use jquery ui to apply a drag and drop effect on a serial of DIVs, for example: <div class="draggable">...</div> <div class="draggable">...</div> <div class="draggable">...</div> <div class="draggable"> this DIV was dynamically added, not draggable </div> The problem is dynamically added DIVs won't have this effect applied, how can ...

jQuery Accordion Focus

Hello, This is my first post so let me know if you would like more information! I am using a select list and a jQuery accordion. When the user selects a value from the list it opens up the relevant part of the accordion using the activate method. This works fine apart from it also focusses the window on the accordion rather than leavi...

JQuery UI Draggable - How to know an element is draggable initialized ?

My logic is if( !this.draginited() ) // a drag-disabled element shouldn't get pass here, as it is inited this.draggable({...}) I searched a lot and couldn't find a way to implement this logic, any ideas? ...

How to implement "mustMatch" and "selectFirst" in jQuery UI Autocomplete

I recently migrated a few of my Autocomplete plugins from the one produced by bassistance to the jQuery UI autocomplete. Does anyone know how to implement the "mustMatch" and "selectFirst" with just callbacks and other options without modifying the core autocomplete code itself? ...

How to trigger drop in jQuery?

$(item).droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { console.log("triggered"); } }); I try to call drop by $(item).trigger("drop", [{},{draggable : $(target_item)}]); But it doesn't work, any ideas? ...