
Append indexed input fields with attached datepicker widget

I am looking for the most efficient way to add a set of fields with datepicker widget attached on click event. So here I have a set of indexed events being generated on a page: <div id="events"> <div class="event"> <input type="text" id="event_0_startDate" name="event[0].startDate" class="date"/> <input type="hidden" id="even...

ASP.NET MVC View ReRenders Part of Itself

In all my years of .NET programming I have not run across a bug as weird as this one. I discovered the problem because some elements on the page were getting double-bound by jQuery. After some (ridiculous) debugging, I finally discovered that once the view is completely done rendering itself and all its children partial views, it goes ba...

I want the jquery color box not to scroll...

:: About jquery-color-box :: On www.inhetnieuws.nl we use jquery-ui and to show an artile (click a title, you'll see) we use the jquery color box. Now what we can't seem to figure out is how to keep the box to stay put, even when a user scrolls (via mousewheel or scrollbar). So the effect I want is that the box is horizontally and vertic...

Is Google’s CDN for jQuery available in China?

Does anyone know if Google's CDN for jQuery is available in China? http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlibs/ I might have a project where I'll need to support localization a variety of countries, including mainland China, and want to know if I'll need to find alternatives such as: http://www.asp.net/ajax/CDN/ Which is okay, but my unders...

Why my jquery is not working for a span tag

I am trying to display some message in span. but it is not working. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ /****************************First Name validation******************************/ $("#txtFirstName").bind("focusout",function(){ if($(this).val()=="" || $(this).val()==...

How can I provide user feedback when a draggable is rejected by a droppable?

jQuery 1.3 jQuery UI 1.7.2 I have an application where there are a number of droppable divs that accept only a single draggable. I do this by setting the accept option on all my droppable's to a function that check for a valid draggable and if it is already occupied. If it is occupied, the accept fuction returns false, else it returns...

jQuery UI Autcomplete: POST instead of GET

jQuery UI Autcomplete: How can I POST the term to the search script instead of GET? ...

JQUERY: Setting Active state on animated menu tabs

I have image sprites that use JQuery to set the BG position on mouseover and mouseout events. When I set the active state BG position using JQUERY it works fine until I move my cursor away from the active 'tab' which then fires the mouseout event animation. What I want is the mouseClick event to stop the animation on the active tab but...

How to continuously scroll content within a DIV using jQuery?

Aim The aim is to a have a container DIV with a fixed height and width and have the HTML content within that DIV automatically scroll vertically continuously. Question Basically I've created the code below using jQuery to scroll (move) the child DIV vertically upwards until its outside the bounding parent box where the animation then c...

How to stop SWF inside of a jQuery UI tab from reloading

I have a SWF movie inside of a jQuery UI tab, and the problem I'm having is that the SWF gets reloaded everytime I click away from the tab onto another tab, and then click back. I can inspect the DOM and see that the div containing the SWF is still in the DOM when I click away, so I don't know why this it seems to reload it when I click ...

Trigger jQueryUI datePicker on button click, send result to disabled input field

Hi I've been searching for a way to do this, but could not find anything I want to have a: a disabled input text field, called #XX. This input will store the selected value from datepicker (as this input is disabled I won't be able to use this to trigger the datePicker) A button, besides #XX. When user clicks this button, datePick...

Re-using jQuery widgets

I am looking for a most efficient way to re-use widgets with different selectors... For example if I have: $("#selector1").datepicker({ beforeShow: function(var1,var2) { // do stuff }, onClose: function(var1,var2) { // do stuff }, onSelect: function(var1,var2) { // do stuff } }) And later I am looking to assign this same widget with s...

jquery form dialog dissapears if i use effect

i am using JqueryUI and everything was fine until i tried to jazz it up and added an effect for showing and closing the dialog. Now the dialog appears and disappears in an instant. I am using CAKEPHP, if that matter and still have cake.generic.css on and the debug option on, but i dont see how this could matter. here is my output html...

jquery ui themes and html tables

is there anyway to theme an html table (css) with using the jquery css themes ? all of my components look like they belong together except for my html table which look different. ...

ui tabs and position relative

Hi, I am using ui tabs a lot.In my last project i add an icon just before tabs and the tab links start a strange behavior, you can not click to change the tabs if you are above tab name BUT only when you are outside tab name. Here is the code <div style="float:left;display:inline;width:718px;padding:5px;border:1px solid #ececec"> ...

How to render a partial and and a javascript file in the same time in Rails ?

Hi. My main intention is to keep the functionality independent form the Javascript, to have it gracefully degradable. Maybe I am trying to go where I want the wrong way but the main idea is: there are some jQuery UI tabs and when the user presses a link, a new tab is added corresponding to that action $("#tabs").tabs('add', "/group...

jquery ui tabs load event does not fire

I have got the following very simple code: function init() { var articleTabs = $('#articleTabs'); articleTabs.tabs('add', admin.pageVars.siteRoot + '/articles/themes/' + admin.pageVars.params.id, 'Temas'); articleTabs.tabs({ load : function(event, ui) { $('.jsonForm').jsonForm(); } ...

JQUERY nav problem

This is part 2 of a different problem that I was having... Hopefully this is about as simple as you can get, but I'm clearly missing something..... The gist is, I'm trying to get a mouseover effect using jquery/css with a mix of background images and colors. It's mostly there, but the issue that I'm having at the moment is, I mouseover ...

jQuery slider not visible after container div is toggled

I have a page which contains a jQuery-UI horizontal slider, created using a little function, inside a div which can be displayed / hidden by clicking on it's title, using $.toggle(). Problem is, once the div is hidden, when it is expanded the slider is gone. A simplified demo of the problem can be seen here: http://arr.gr/jquery-issue...

Putting Images Inside a BUTTON Element (HTML & CSS)

I have a simple button (as shown below) on which I need to display two pictures, one on either side of the button text. Im battling to create the CSS that will work in both Firefox and Internet Explorer! (the button images are coming from a JQuery UI skin file) CSS button div{ width:16px; height:16px; background-image: url(...