
How to set jQuery UI toggle programmatically?

I noticed it is possible to set the value of a jQuery UI slider in the following way: $("#mySlider").slider("value", 42); This triggers the event handlers attached to the slider as expected. Now I'm trying to do the same trick using a button (toggle). There does not appear to be a nice way to do this in the API. I might just be missi...

JQuery CSS conflict

I am using the datepicker which renders incorrectly on my webpage. The date rows have a white outline when I roll over them. The jquery index.html test page ok as does my webpage when I comment out my existing CSS. I have looked at the Jquery and as most of it is prefixed by "ui." there shouldn't be a problem. I've gone through the str...

jQuery Draggables and Droppables Positioning

I'm using jquery UI and jQuery draggable, all my draggables use jquery clone helper and appends the draggable to droppable. $('#squeezePage #droppable').droppable({ tolerance: 'fit', accept: '#squeezeWidgets .squeezeWidget', drop: function(event, ui) { var dropElem = ui.draggable.html(); var clone = $(dropElem).clone(); ...

Two different JQueryUI themes on one page

Hey, I'm using the Google CDN to load my JQuery file. However, I'd like to have my master page use a separate theme to my content page. Is this possible when using the CDN? I'm using ASP.NET. Thanks for any help ...

jQuery UI draggable() and resizable()

I want to write the draggable() and resizable() code in such a way that all future elements with a particular class will inherit those plugins without calling them again. $('div.resizeMe').resizable({ containment: 'parent', minWidth: 400, minHeight: 200 }) When the above code is executed, all divs with resizeMe class inherits the resi...

Show the div on above a div when a mouse is hovered and leave the div should not visible using Jquery

Hi, i am having a picture in a div when i hover the div i should get "Change" and when i leave the div the "Change" which is under div should not be visible. Which this should happen using JQuery ...

Clickable LI overrules links within the LI

Hello guys and gals... I have a LI with some information, including some links. I would like jQuery to make the LI clickable, but also remain the links in the LI. The Clickable part works. I just need the links within to work as well. NOTE: They work if you right click and choose "Open in new tab". HTML <ul id="onskeliste"> <li u...

Using jQuery live() to initialize plugins?

Using jQuery, what's the best way to automatically initialize a plugin on all current and future elements of a specific class? For example, say I want all <input type="text" class="datepicker" /> elements to have the jQuery UI Datepicker plugin, including any I might create at runtime. Essentially, I want to do something like this: $(...

Crop the image using Jquery in C# and ASP.Net

I am having a image in one page and i have to crop the image to the predefined borders to crop this should happen using jquery and it has to be done in C# and ASP.Net and this is done by using Client side not the server side. but the X and Y coordinate values must be saved in hidden fields and used for backend plz reply me ASAP it is ve...

jQuery click _blank

Hi guys With help from you guys I now have a script that works like a charm.. The only thing I need now, is the script to open the URL in a new tab/window. $(document).ready(function() { $("#onskeliste li").click( function() { window.location = $(this).attr("url"); return false; }); $('#onskeliste li...

Is there a place to find other jQuery UI themes?

For some reason i don't like any of the themes that are on the jquery ui themeroller page (i am looking for something on a business website and these all look either bleak or too corny). I wanted to see if there were other sites where people have uploaded or voted on other themes to view and download. I know i can tweak my own but fi...

How to run javascript on an ajax output?

I am using jquery-ui tabs and ajax to load the content of the tabs. Here is my javascript: $(document).ready(function() { $("#tabs").tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle' } }); $('.hd_item').hover(function() { //Display the caption $(this).find('span.hd_caption').stop(false,true).fadeIn(600); }, function() { ...

Dialog width does not work in FireFox

I do not understand why the dialog will not work for width in Firefox (latest version) but will in IE (latest version): dialogDiv.dialog ( { resizable: resizable, width: width, height: height, bgiframe: true, modal: true, autoOpen: false, show: 'blind' } ) No, it's not in...

Get attribute of JQuery ui.draggable

Hi Everyone, I'm using JqueryUI for drag and drop on one of my pages and for some reason I can't seem to get an attribute of the ui.draggable object being passed into my droppable drop event. ui.draggable.attr("src") and $(ui.draggable).attr("src") both return undefined, however if I type ui.draggable.html() I will get the html back. ...

jQuery UI resizable : auto height when using east handle alone

i have a jqueryui re-sizable div. I want only the width to be re-sizable and the height to remain auto, so that the div grows or shrinks with the content. If i set it to display only the east handle and use css height:auto, after resize the height also gets set even though only the width changed. I have to set the height to auto on resiz...

jQuery block UI exceptions

I am using JQuery UI plugin blockUI to block UI for every ajax request. It works like a charm, however, I don't want to block the UI (Or at least not show the "Please wait" message) when I am making ajax calls to fetch autocomplete suggest items. How do I do that? I am using jquery autocomplete plugin for autocomplete functionality. Is ...

Shows the div near the textbox which gets focused using jquery

Hi, I am having the text box and when the text box gets focused then the div should visible at the end of the textbox in jquery For example : Username:textbox focused and div should visible at the end of the textbox ASAP give me the solution, Thanks in Advance, Vara Prasad.M ...

How to style non-Widget elements like jQuery widgets.

I'd like to apply similar styling to elements like textboxs, checkboxes, etc. that my pref-fab jQuery UI theme applies to the jQuery UI widgets. Is there a solid way to do this, or is it a mix and match process manually choosing style classes from the theme? ...

How do I style the button in a 'file' element with jQueryUI Button?

I'm using the jQuery UI Button widget to style all the buttons on my pages, but the button on a 'file' type input remains elusive. How do I style this button in general, and can I somehow apply the Button widget to it? ...

Activate jQuery accordion section with validation errors

I am using xVal for client validation in an ASP.NET MVC application. Since I have too many fields in one of the forms, I split it into sections and used jQuery accordion to display one section at the same time. Is there a way to activate the accordion section which contains validation errors when the user clicks submit? ...