
jQuery UI portlets - toggle portlets to save to a cookie (half way there!)

Hi, I'm a bit of a jQuery n00b so please excuse me if this seems like a stupid question. I am creating a site using the jQuery UI more specifically the sortable portlets. I have been able store whether or not a portlet is has been open or closed to a cookie. This is done using the following code. The slider ID is currently where the con...

jQuery UI - addClass removeClass - CSS values are stuck

Hi, I'm trying to do a simple animation. You show the div. It animates correctly. You hide the div. Correct. You show the div again. It shows but there is no animation. It is stuck at the value of when you first interrupted it. So somehow the interpolation CSS that is happening during [add|remove]Class is getting stuck there. The se...

javascript error is null or not an object

I am trying to open a window from a php script. But when I click I get this error Line: 389 Error: 'surgExpressBuildDefaultButton' is null or not an object Line 389 code is as follow function setupLayout(i) { document.body.onselectstart = function() { if (event.srcElement.tagName.search(/input|textarea/i)) return false; } setup...

get a function of external file

I am using jQuery and my js file thats calling a jquery function resides in totally different directory than jQuery is in. I need to call this function reloadPage like this from js file reloadPage({param1:'First Parameter', param2:ID}); but it gives me an error Line: 341 Error: Object doesn't support this property or method Line ...

jQuery dialog breaking after closing - I'm using dialog destroy

I've got a few demo videos I've been making as tutorials, and I'm using a link to open a dialog box and put the demo video in that box. I use the same div to show other notes on the page when a user selects to view a complete note. The code I use to show the notes is jQuery('span.Notes').live('click', function(){ var note=jQuery...

jquery ui autocomplete with delegate

I have set up JQuery UI autocomplete according to the docs and it works for any input with class="tag-item" that is rendered to the page. However the user can add inputs into the dom via JS so I need a way to bind autocomplete to the new dynamically created inputs using delegate. I am not sure how to set this up, any ideas would be appre...

JSON and jQuery.ajax

Hello, im trying to use the jQuery UI autocomplete to communitate with a webservice with responseformate JSON, but i am unable to do so. My webservice is not even executed, the path should be correct since the error message does not complain about this. What strikes me is the headers, response is soap but request is json, is it suppose...

Jquery UI Tabs, Variable speed?

Hi I am working on a site where the customer would like the ui tabs to have a variable speed. This is what I have so far and am stuck as it isn't working: var speed=1000; $('#featured').bind('tabsshow', function(event, ui) { if (ui.panel.id == "fragment-2") { var speed=10; } }); $("#featured").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"...

Web based weekly planner

Hello I'm looking to implement a web based weekly planner where a user can set when they will be unavailable to work. The state of the week will be saved as a 'varbinary' with a length of 168 which will represent every hour of everyday of a week. The database only needs to store the value of one week as the times unavailable to work wil...

jQuery.post() issues with passing data to jQuery UI

Hello, I am trying to get jQuery.post() to run my php script and then open a jQuery UI dialog with the data that php script returns. Its supposed to come back as a form with a table and a textarea in it. It works great with alert(data); and i get a pop-up with all my data. The problem starts if i turn off alert(). Now it opens 2 dialo...

Applying effects to jquery-ui tabs

Is it possible to apply an effect to a jquery-ui tab, I haven't seen any examples of it, and I'm fairly sure that if it is possible the following is incorrect: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); $("#tabs").effect(slide,options,500,callback); }); </script> ...

Downloading jQuery UI: Ok, so what part of this mess do I copy to the server?

From the "should be simple, but..." files: Trying to get started with jQuery UI. Went to the site, used their custom builder thingy to assemble the parts I need, made myself a custom theme using the Theme Roller, downloaded the zip file thus produced, unzipped it on my local drive. Ok, so I have 37 folders, 311 files, and a total of 2.4 ...

JQuery Dragging Outside Parent

I'm using JQuery's draggable(); to make li elements draggable. The only problem is when the element is dragged outside its parent, it doesn't show up. That is, it doesn't leave the confines of its parent div. An example is here: http://imgur.com/N2N1L.png - it's as if the z-index for everything else has greater priority (and the element ...

jquery function problem

I have this function function onclickRowRecord(recordID) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/file/to/post.to.php' , data: {recordID:recordID}, success: function(data) { //how to post this to function howToPost(recordID) the recordID } }); } function howToPost(recordID){ alert(recordID); } so how...

jquery ui dialog fixed positioning

Hi, I needed the dialog to maintain its position fixed even if the page scrolled, so i used the extension at http://forum.jquery.com/topic/dialog-position-fixed-12-1-2010 but there's 2 problems with it: it flickers in IE and Firefox on page scroll (in Safari/Chrome it's fine) on closing and then reopening, it looses its stickyness a...

Parameterizing max value of a jQuery ui slider

I'm trying to create this slider http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/#rangemax Is it possible to parametrize the max value? For ex: $("#slider-range-max").slider({ range: "max", min: 1, max: maxValue, value: 2, slide: function(event, ui) { $("#amount").val(ui...

JQuery UI sortable: restore position based on some condition

I call sortable.stop() to make an ajax call to store some data after drag&drop operation. When the ajax call returns an error (application logic error or net problem) I want to move the dragged element to its original/start position, how can I achieve it? The scenario should be user drags A to B the sortable.stop() event is called, i...

Updatepanel refresh messing up JqueryUI in IE7

Hey everyone, This is a bit of a long shot as I don't have access to the code at the moment. However, there's nothing 'special' about the code. I'm using a combination of JqueryUI and ASP.NET UpdatePanels. If I click any of the trigger controls (asp.net button), the partial-postbacks are fine. However, if I click on a trigger contro...

jQuery-ui tabs: interference between tabs

I use the jQuery-ui tabs widget as a navigation. Contents of all tabs are load via ajax. Seems that there is interference between tabs. I mean, for example, if in page1 in tab1, there is an element whose ID is foo, and in page2 in tab2, there is an element with the same ID. And in both page, there is javascript code to manipulate the ele...

jQuery dialog width resizing problem

I try to load some HTML code into a jQueryUI dialog by AJAX. The code itself is a list, where rightmost elements should be absolutely positioned so that the list looks like a table with two columns, but only in some rows. The problem is that jQueryUI plugin does not seem to be correctly resizing the dialog's width, which I think is due t...