
How do I replace jQueryUI button text?

I've got a button that I use with jQueryUI somethink like this (simplified). <button id="mybutton">Play<button> <script> $("#mybutton").button().toggle( function(){ $(this).text('Stop'); }, function(){ $(this).text('Start'); }, ); </script> This code breaks the way the button looks because when making it...

Getting ID of a cloned element

I'm using jQuery draggable and droppable. I'm cloning the draggable widget on drop event of droppable. I want to fetch the ID of the cloned element which will be sent to the the application with the AJAX request. I'm unable to fetch the ID. console.log returns blank string. var dropElem = ui.draggable.html(); var clone = $(dropElem).cl...

JQuery UI (Dialog with Javascript)

Hi everybody, how's it going ? I'm trying to open an dialog component of jquery ui and load the content of the dialog with Ajax (partial view of asp.net mvc) and it's working good. But, the content of Dialog has some javascripts and when the scripts inside the dialog are executed, the behine page lost the style and content disapier sho...

jQuery UI sortable: determining in what order the items are

Here is an interesting use of JavaScript: reordering items with drag and drop. The implementation itself in my page works fine, but is there a way to determine in which order the user put the items? I'm asking because I want to load and save the item order in a cookie. ...

Get the parent id..

I have a bunch of elements like the following: <div class="droppableP" id="s-NSW" style="width:78px; height:63px; position: absolute; top: 223px; left: 532px;"> <div class="sensible"></div> </div> They all have class droppableP but different id's obviously and I would like to factor the code in this script I am hack...

How to apply jquery UI buttons to asp:Button

How do I apply jQueryUI styles to an asp:Button. Here is the problem: jqueryUI button requires you to have the following format <button>Test button</button> When I try to use an asp button server control, <asp:Button />, asp:Button renders as <input type=button>Test button </input> Update : I get the standard button styling that jquery...

jquery ui drag and drop showing feedback

Hi there, I have some drag and drop functionality on my website, I am wanting to hightlight the area that is droppable with a chage in border color when the draggable element is clicked/starting to be dragged. If the click/or drag stops I want the border of the droppable element to change back to its origianl state, I currently have th...

jquery slide down image on page load

Hi I'm not experienced with jquery (or java script really), but trying to make an image (img id=mike ...) slide in when a page loads. After looking through the jquery docs and trying Google queries, I have so far come up with this $(document).ready(function() { $("#mike").load(function () { $(this).show("slide", { direction: ...

Collapse all sections in accordian on page load in jQuery Accordian

Hello guys, I am using JQuery Accordian, I want to hide all the sections on page load. Only when user clicks on header that section should open. Can any one help me out.. ...

Not allowing next jqueryui.show() animation to start without finishing previous one

Im using jquery &jquery UI. $.each(data, function(count,item) { showItem(item); // Dont continue without showItem finishing }); function showItem(item) { $('#div-container').prepend(renderItem(item)); $("#div-container div.block:first").show('blind',{},500,function(){}); } Works, but when there are 3 items in data...

JavaScript/jQuery: Animate li movement within a list?

I've got some code that's basically identical to the jQuery UI Sortable example here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/#default This allows users to re-order LI elements within a UL. I've now run into a situation, though, where I want to animate the LIs changing position... basically as if the user had dragged them herself. This is p...

jQueryUI Sortable won't accept connected Draggable on a nested UL

I've posted an example here: http://jsfiddle.net/ericclemmons/LEHLX/2/ Really, what it comes down to is the classic "assigning users to groups" issue. I have a list of users and a list of groups, but I'd like to be able to have nesting of the groups: user "Eric" would be in "Users", "Web", and "Administrators". The problem is that I ...

i have placed the .js file under Content Place Holder but it is not working, when i kept the js file which is not inherited by the master page then it is working

i have placed the .js file under Content Place Holder but it is not working, when i kept the js file which is not inherited by the master page then it is working How can i get the solution for the above problem I have a page which is not inherited by the master page then the jquery funtion is working like slide effect But in the page ...

Prevent jQuery Tabs to bind to <ul> elements below the main <ul> element.

Hi, I have this HTML: <div id="mytabs"> <ul id="main-tabs"> <li><a href="">Link</a></li> <li><a href="">Link</a></li> <li class="filter"> <ul id="filter-controls"> <li><a href="">Filter by something</a></li> <li><a href="">Filter by something</a></li> <li><a href="">Filter by something</a></li...

update text on click of date with jQuery UI datepicker

I have two related questions... How do I update an HTML element (let's say a p tag) with the correct date when I click on a day in the jQuery UI datepicker plug in? If I have another way to selecte a date aside from the datepicker, how do I then update the datepicker's selected date (it's adds a class of "ui-state-active" to the date)?...

jquery.position() isn't working correctly.

I'm working on a menu system where I want a ul to show as a dropdown when the users does a mouseOver on li in another ul. I thought I'd use position to set the position of the dropdown (so it actually looks like a menu). What I want is the dropdown's top left corner to start at the same place as the bottom left corner of the wrapping lis...

jQuery hover function

So I have a hover function that is supposed to move an arrow under the corrent the link that someone hovers over. The problem is, the arrow never returns to the current link when the person stops hovering over the link. However, if I set the left properly with a constant value it works. Anyone have any ideas? Here is the js: $('#navbar...

jquery - appended element not draggable

Hello, So i have one div element that i append on my DOM with a click of a link. The problem is that i should be able to move that element around, but if i append it to my DOM i can't drag it at all. So is the live()-function solution? If it is, how should i use it? I kinda don't know how. Here's the minimalistic code: element to be a...

Want to ask an advice about jquery

Hello, I'm new with jquery and want to ask a question, can jquery make something like this pics? I don't know what's this was called, so I can't googled it. Regards, B_S ...

Jquery UI Tabs, control variable lenght spent on each tab?

I'm trying the following to control the speed of rotation of the tabs but with no luck, any ideas? $('#featured').tabs({ onShow: function(event, ui) { if(ui.index == 0)> { $('#featured').tabs("rotate", 2000, true); } else if(ui.index == 1){ $('#featured').tabs("rotate", 5000, true); } else if(ui.index =...