
Jquery Widget Performance

I am working on an interface which involves A LOT of javascript. There is a calendar and blocks drawn on the calendar. The calendar is a jQuery widget, which works beautifully. The blocks drawn on top are also jQuery widgets. While it works - I am wondering, every time I create another block, is the widget fully duplicating, or is it...

How to make jQuery UI sortable divs dragged only from an icon?

Hi, I've used some jQuery UI sortable plugins but i always found the same problem, i can't select or click inside the sortable DIVs, So, maybe i can find the solution by putting an icon from where you only can drag the div so you can be able to select the other part. How to do that? Thanks ...

JQuery datePicker: start/end date should be within one year

So if my start date is : 04/22/2010 then my end date selection can be up to 04/22/2011 and after 04/22/2011 are dates all disabled. Here is what I have for both selection start and end date: $(document).ready(function () { $('#endDate').datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonImage: '../images/Calendar.png', buttonIm...

Searching for a jQuery Datepicker

Hey Guys, i hope you can help me. I'm looking for a "special" Datepicker JS/jQuery which needs some special Options: I'll try to explain you with the help of the jQuery UI Datepicker - the same function as the Inline Datepicker - 2 Datepickers has to be shown at the same time - it should be possible to disable Dates !!!!!!!!!!! (thats...

Get the accordion style for non-accordion elements

Hi, I am completely new in jQuery UI's CSS styles so please bear with me. I have to make a list of contact people. <div id="accordion"> <h3><a href="#">George Foo</a></h3> <div> some information </div> <h3><a href="#">Michelle Bar</a></h3> <div> some information </div> <h3><a href="#">Bill ...

Something like jQuery's .resizable but without the div's inside

Hi everyone, this is just a quick probe to see if this is technically possible. I'm wanting to enable the resizing of an image in the browser (also within a contentEditable area). Firefox and IE already allow this to be done with their inbuilt handles and it works fine. I'm wanting to implement something for Safari however because it do...

jQuery UI - Datepicker - Hide year

Hi, I'm using jQuery UI 1.8 and I would like to hide the year from the user in both the popup and the textbox. Essentially instead of picking the day, month and year I want the user to just pick the day and month. Hiding the year in the textbox is easy enough, the code shown below will do that. I'm stumped on how to hide the year from ...

JQuery Internals Documentation

Is there any documentation available that explains the internals of JQuery and JQuery UI? I have been looking through the source code, and while much of it makes sense, I was still hoping for an overview/walkthrough of the source code to help speed up my learning process. I'm not looking for general documentation of how to use JQue...

jQuery UI Sortable Question

I am trying to build a sortable navigation tree using jQuery UI Sortable. I have it working great in Firefox with no prblems. In IE it works pretty well, however, there seems to be some inconsistent issues when trying to move an item with a nested list down in its navigational tier. The list doesn't expand to create a drop point for t...

jQuery sortable: Revert changes if update callback makes an AJAX call that fails?

I am using the jQuery sortable() feature to re-order a list of items. After an item is drug to a new location, I kick off an AJAX form post to the server to save the new order. How can I undo the sort (e.g. return the drug item to its original position in the list) if I receive an error message from the server? Basically, I only want th...

several jquery ui theme switcher problems (cookie, different themes for different pages, etc.)

I just try putting the jquery-ui theme switcher on my website. Seems that there are some problems: Cookie does not work. When I close the browser and reopen the webpage, the default theme will load instead of the one selected before. The selected theme is valid for current page only. If jumping to another page, it will load the default...

How to submit the form using JQuery UI?

I have a form in html with a default submit button. After the form is submitted, a php file is run (with action = homelocation). I decided to use JQuery UI dialog to display the form. I have 2 default buttons there - one to save and one to close the dialog. Can anyone tell me how to assign the form submit button action to the JQuery dial...

jquery ui modal dialog problems in IE

I use jquery ui dialog widget. Everything works fine in FF, Opera etc., except IE. The problem is that when dialog is opened in Internet Explorer, some space (not covered with that "modal gray layer") is added at the bottom of the document, and page is scrolled to the bottom. So I don't even see the dialog, I have to scroll up, to see it...

Unable to get index from jQuery UI slider range

I'm having a hell of a time trying to get (what I thought was) a simple index from a collection of multiple sliders. The HTML is as follows: <div id="left-values" class="line"> <span id="l1" style="padding: 0 1.8em;">0</span> <span id="l2" style="padding: 0 1.8em;">0</span> <span id="l3" style="padding: 0 1.8em;">0</span> ...

jQuery Sortable Cannot Click After Sort Issue

I have a table that is being sorted by the TR tags, everything works fine except that I have to click twice on any item in the list after something has been moved for anything to respond, on links etc. Do I have to call some function after the list has been sorted to re-activate it so that I don't have to click twice on items? ...

How does google swirl work?

I have seen this image swirl effect on a visual thesaurus. Is there any open source code for this? I don't care about the algorithm to match similar objects. I only am wondering about the effects. ...

Jquery Datepicker not selecting the default date

I have my datepicker set up like this $("#scheduled_date_163").datepicker({ onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { jQuery.get("/tasks/inplace_edit?id=scheduled_date_163&class_name=Task&value=" + dateText, function(data){ $('#scheduled_date_163').html(data); $('#scheduled_date_163').removeClass('hasDatepicker'); ...

rails closing jquery-ui dialog on form-submit

I am using the jQuery UI Dialog to show a ajax form inside a dialog box. I have two problems with the code: after form submit, i want that the dialog is closed automatically. If the user uses the submit from the form (e.g. pressing enter), or uses the submit button from the dialog, the effect should be the same. For now the submit ...

Undefined Results in jQuery Autocomplete

So I've got the latest versions of jQuery and UI running. I'm using the basic autocomplete invocation and returning valid JSON (validated via JSONLint). $("input#cust_id").autocomplete({ source: yoda.app.base + "/assets/cfc/util/autocomplete.cfc?method=cust", minLength: 2, select: function(event, ui) { ...

Jquery mouseover event issues

Hi I am currently working on a project where I am using jQuery to animate a block of text on mouse over. The event listener is on the containing div (as shown by the code below) and works really well until the mouse is over the title (.views-field-title) which is absolutely above the containing div. The animation begins to jump almost a...