
Toggle jQuery-UI widgets

I have: <div class="ui-widget"> <div class="ui-widget-header"> <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-n">My Menu</span> </div> <ul class="ui-widget-content"> <li>Menu Item 1</li> <li>Menu Item 2</li> <li>Menu Item 3</li> </ul> </div> My jQuery is: $('.ui-widget-header').click(function() { ...

jQueryUI widget text plus icon

I have: <div class="ui-widget"> <div class="ui-widget-header"> My Menu<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-n"></span> </div> <ul class="ui-widget-content"> <li>Menu Item 1</li> <li>Menu Item 2</li> <li>Menu Item 3</li> </ul> </div> Right now, the ui-icon is appearing below "My Menu" Q: How ...

Update JQuery Progressbar with JSON Response in an ajax Request

All, I have an AJAX request, which makes a JSON request to a server, to get the sync status. The JSON Request and responses are as under: I want to display a JQuery UI progressbar and update the progressbar status, as per the percentage returned in the getStatus JSON response. If the status is "insync", then the progressbar should not a...

jQuery tabs interfering with a div that has absolute positioning

#menu has checkboxes that do an onchange form submit. #tabs is a jQuery enabled tabbed area. #menu expands/collapses. If I position #menu absolute, and it overlaps #tabs when expanded, then I get erratic behavior - sometimes the checkboxes don't maintain their state. Is there a way to have the menu look like it's expanding over the t...

jQuery loop through td and insert jQueryUI progress bar

I am trying to use the jQuery's progressbar method on the value in my table. I've been able to traverse the table and add the proper div's for the required progressbar's selector. The progress bar does not display the val variable correctly. var i = 0; var val = 0; var id = ""; $("document").ready(function() { $('#progress tr').fi...

CSS Jquery - When I change background color the text becomes fuzzy in IE6 ?

Hey guys I was playing around with this script of auto scrolling text. You can check out the code here: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/simple-jquery-spy-effect/ Then I changed the background color to white - and all the text started looking fuzzy and messed up - If I change it to any light color - it appears all messy. This is the por...

Problems with jQuery .not() and the draggable ui

Okay, when something is draggable, it is given the class .ui-draggable And when something is disabled from being draggable .ui-draggable-disabled I want to select only items that are draggable. I'm using the following selector, but it doesn't seem to work. My disabled draggable items are still doing something on hover. Any ideas why? ...

change background color with change in mouse position

I was wondering if it is possible to set background-color with help of mouse coordinates. What i have is: I have a DIV-A which is draggable and some other divs which are droppable. What i need is : I need to highlight other divs on my page which are droppable, whenever my DIV-A passes over them. What i have is mouse coordinates, is i...

jquery Tab group IDs

I'm having an issue with jQuery UI Tabs script which does not pick up tabs that have a dot "." in their name (ID). For instance like this: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#tabgroup\\.services").tabs(); }); </script> <div id="tabgroup.Services"> <ul> <li><a href="#tab.service1"> ...

Change image using jQuery

I have a html-page where used jquery-ui accordion. Now I have to add in this page 2 image which should vary depending on the active section. How can I do it? HTML: <div id="acc"> <h1>Something</h1> <div>Text text text</div> <h1>Something too</h1> <div>Text2 text2 text2</div> </div> <div id="pic"> <img class="change"...

How to apply the shake effect to a dialog with an embedded form

Hi. I'm newbie on this, I'm trying to apply the shake effect to a dialog that has an embedded form but not success on this. When I try to trigger the effect $("#restore_password").effect("shake", {times: 3}, 80); only the fields inside the form tag is taking the effect but the dialog box itself doesn't. My div <html> <bo...

Ajax jquery-ui accordion.

Hello, I init my accordion in the following way: $(function() { $("#gallery_accordion").accordion({ event: false }); $("#gallery_accordion").click(function(e) { var contentDiv = $(this).next("div"); contentDiv.load($(this).find("a").attr("href")); }); }); The content is loaded onclick but the accordion is invisible. Not...

adding a background color to search term results

I'm trying to add a background color to a user submitted search result when a user enters a search term on a page (which is basically one big table). This is a text based search. I'm using jquery to show/hide the table rows that do not have the search term as text within the TR, but I'd ideally like to take the additional step of taking ...

Jquery UI Accordion and JQuery Grid plugin not going well together

I have used Jquery -UI accordion plugin for menu (since it looks neat) and Jquery -grid rails plugin for my data. I have a vertical menu and data on the right side, however the style of the menu disappears and only grid is showing up properly. Anyone faced this issue before ? ...

Positioning divs

Hi all, I'm working with the Jquery accordion. So my code goes like this: <h3><a href="#">Test </a></h3> <div class="accordion" style="background-color:yellow;"> <div class="test_1"> my first dynamic content div </div> <div class="test_2"> my second dynamic content div </div> </div> So you see the H3 that's th...

Quick example of multi-column results with jQueryUI's new Autocomplete?

I just found out that the jQueryUI now has it's own built-in auto-complete combo box. Great news! Unfortunately, the next thing I found is that making it multi-column doesn't seem nearly that simple (at least via documentation). There is a post here where someone mentions that they've done it (and even gives code), but I'm having troub...

maintain dialog center with dynamic content

I would have a dialog with the following $("#statusbox").dialog({ autoOpen: false, bgiframe: true, modal: true, width: 'auto', height:'auto', title:"Check Order Status", buttons: { Find: function() { get_status(); }, Close: funct...

jQuery selectable() elements update values

Basically what I'm trying to do is update the value attribute of a hidden input field contained within the selected element when the selectable() UI stops running. If the element is selected, then the input's value should be the name attribute of that particular LI, whereas if the element is not selected, the value should be updated as ...

jqGrid disable sortablerows

I'm trying to disable sortablerows functionality from a grid. I'd like to have the ability to toggle on/off the sortablerows functionality. Enabling the feature is pretty straightforward: jQuery("#list").jqGrid('sortableRows', { update: function(event, ui) { updateOrder() } }); But disabling the feature has proven to be a littl...

jquery ui dialog and our dearest friend, ie6

I'm using the jquery ui dialog for a modal popup dialog. It's working great in Firefox/Chrome but terrible in ie6. Problem: When I show the dialog in ie6, the browser window grows and automatically scrolls down to the bottom. The height increase and automatic scroll-down is equal to the height of the jquery dialog. I can scroll up and...