
JQuery UI Autocomplete showing as bullets

The JQuery UI Demo page for autocomplete (link) has a nice looking search box and drop down with nice colors and highlights and such. When I implement it for myself, I end up with a bulleted list. How do I get my drop down of suggestions to look like theirs? A few notes/code fragments: I'm working in .NET land, so I'm using the <asp...

JQUERY Effect highlight, control the Start & End colors

I have the following: $(".notifycell_email_dailydigest").effect('highlight'); The element I want to highlight is over a gray background. Problem is the highlight goes from Yellow to white, and has this ugly slow pause at the end on the white which makes the animation look horrible. How can I modify the highlighy to start with the yel...

how would you show the progress bar greater than 100%

i want to use the jquery ui progress bar to show pct of daily total. In my case, you can actually go over the total allocated. (as i am showing pct complete of a certain distance, and you could actually go above the required distance. Does this tool support having a value of greater than 100% or are there any other gui tools to do this...

Jquery ui selectable cannot load xml

Hello all, I'm trying to load XML file after a selectable is clicked. Everything goes fine except it never executes any codes within $('occupancy',theXML).each(function(i) { alert("never executes"); }); Can someone please advise me? Here is the rest of the code: $("#selectable").selectable({ selected: function(){ ...

jquery ui tabs close button beneath the text

Hi I m using jquery ui tabs and i m using them with the function of dynamically closing them. the example page here where clicking on the link 'add tab' leads to adding of tabs in the tabs panel... now in firefox the close buttons are displayed beneath the text of the tab which is leading to garbled text in the tab panel or the bod...

JQuery UI: Disable accordion tab?

I have a JQuery UI accordion that contains different parts of the user workflow. I would like to disable accordion "tabs" that the user hasn't reached yet. (So if the user hasn't signed in yet, he can't yet publish content, etc.) Then, as the user completes the necessary steps, more tabs will become enabled. Is there a way to do this? T...

jQuery slider widget background -- change dynamicaly

I use a custom background for my slider by overriding the CSS: .ui-widget-content {background: transparent url(../img/bg.png) no-repeat;} Slider's behavior is controlled by: $(document).ready(function() { $(".myslider5").slider({ animate: "true", step: 1, min: -1950, max: 1950, value: 0, ...

Jquery dialog to open another page

There is a page as transaction.html How to open this page in a popup in another page say show_transactions.html in a jquery dialog $dialog.html() //open transaction.html in this dialog .dialog({ autoOpen: true, position: 'center' , title: 'EDIT', draggable: false, width : 300, ...

Linking jQuery UI to the ASP.NET MVC 2 project

What I am trying to accomplish is using jQuery UI dialog method from my own JavaScript source code file. I have this kind of links in the Site.Master <script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/Scripts/jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/Scripts/jquery-ui.js" type=...

jQuery UI Accordion CSS

I am planning to use the jQuery UI Accordion and also the default theme provided I see that the jQuery UI Accordion uses the following classes from this url link text <div class="ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset"> <h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-active ui-corner-top"> <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-tri...

jquery ui cannot reload current tab

I need to reload the current tab in jquery ui (loaded with ajax). I'm doing this: function reloadtab(){ $('#tabs').tabs('load', $('#tabs').tabs('option', 'selected')); } Before you begin wondering: $('#tabs').tabs('option', 'selected'); returns 3. When I call reloadtab() I get no error, it simply doesn't work. Why does th...

jQuery, jQuery UI, and Dual Licensed Plugins (Dual Licensing)

OK I have read many posts regarding Dual Licensing using MIT and GPL licenses. But Im curious still, as the wording seems to be inclusive. Many of the Dual Licenses state that the software is licensed using "MIT AND GPL". The "AND" is what confuses me. It seems to me that the word "AND" in the terms, means you will be licensing the...

jQuery Containment Height

I'm using the Sortable/Portlets UI Code. Is it possible to auto-resize the Containment Height's. Bascially I have a DIV that acts as a container with a black background, when I sort these elements I want the container DIV height to change to match. OR is it possible to stop the bottom sortables from having sortables placed underneath t...

Jquery dialog box - doesn't fade out before closing

I have div(box) on my page and I'm using this script to display div as dialog box. Inside that div I have a hyper link, On click of the hyper link I want to fade out the dialog box and close.. The content of the dialog fades out, but the border of the dialog box remains same. If I add $("#box").dialog('close') to the click function afte...

jQuery problem with sortable based on jQueryUi

Hello @ all, I am having a problem finding the bug which is coming up with one script. I get following error in FireBug: uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: ) The problem is caused somehow inside my base.js, guessing the sortable function does not want to work with my jQuery version. Please have a look at ...

jQuery droppable accordion

I've been playing around with trying to create a droppable accordion for a little while, and haven't gotten it to be very responsive. When I drag an item over the accordion, it takes 5+ seconds for the accordion element to open (if it does at all). Sometimes I have to "wave" the dragged element over the accordion element. I know I r...

jQuery UI Droppable: Detect which draggables are dropped on an element?

I have the jQuery UI framework's draggable and droppable elements working. I would like to programmatically determine which draggable elements are currently dropped on which droppable elements. Is there an easy way to do this? I thought of using event listeners to detect drop and out events, then keep a dictionary or something in memory...

jQuery slider ui -- dynamically set starting value from HTML element

I am trying to read the value of my slider from a DIV element's title (which may be the issue). That is pushed into the following: $(document).ready(function() { $(".myslider5").slider({ min: -1000, max: 1000, value: parseInt($(this).attr("title")), slide: function(event, ui) { // more a...

Jquery UI Autocomplete widget conflict qith jqeury.menu widget - how can I solve it?

My app already has a completed menu using jquery.menu.js found at http://wiki.jqueryui.com/Menu. I'm now also trying to add the jquery autocomplete widget from jquery ui 1.8.1 - but both of these have a .menu() function that conflicts with each other. If I put jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.js first in the head, then autocomplete works but the...

Drag and drop: jQuery UI or Scriptaculous?

Dear all, I am in the middle of the road whether to use jQuery UI or Scriptaculous for drag and drop. I am using Ruby on Rails, and Scriptaculous support in Ruby on Rails is superb with the existence of scriptaculous_helper.rb. But I have already use jQuery for the ajax and DOM manipulation. I do not mind to use scriptaculous since we c...