
Nesting resizable elements

I am using jQuery UI's resizable for nested divs, like so: <div id="resizable1"> <div id="resizable2"> </div> </div> I'm running into a problem where disabling resizable 1 also disables resizable 2. So, if I call the following... $("#resizable1").resizable("disable"); ...then I can no longer resize resizable2 either. Has an...

appendTo and other dom manipulators problems in IE7/IE8

I've a strange behaviour with jquery ui autocomplete and IE7/8. The default behaviour of autocomplete is to create a UL and append it to the BODY of the page. In my case i want to append this UL to the DIV that also has the INPUT (where the autocomplete is triggered). So i've done this: (function($) { $.widget("ui.combobox", { ...

jquery UI slider not working in Safari.

so i have the below code, which I think is fine: jQuery( function() { jQuery("#slider-vertical").slider( { orientation :"vertical", range :"min", min :0, max :100, value :50, slide : function(event, ui) { jQuery("#amount").val(ui.value); var movie = thisMovie('...

jQuery UI, draggable / sortable append problem

I am trying to append html to an item which I have successfully dragged to a sortable list but it does not seem to work. I am cloning the original item and have tried to append to the ui.helper to no avail. Here's what I have so far: <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascr...

How can I set the minDate/maxDate for jQueryUI Datepicker using a string?

jQueryUI Datepicker documentation states that the minDate option can be set using "a string in the current dateFormat". So I've tried the following to initialize datepickers: $("input.date").datepicker({ minDate: "01/01/2010", maxDate: "12/31/2010" }); However, this results in my datepicker having a selectable date range that goes fro...

Changing Jquery Calendar size using google hosted theme

I am trying to implement the Jquery datepicker using a google hosted theme. But the Calendar is too big. Can I make it a smaller version by altering the function itself seeing I cant change the theme? <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/themes/start/jquery-ui.css" type="te...

Trying to use jquery ui in google chrome extension in the content level

The problem is that the scope of the content script is on the web page that your plugin is suppose to be used at. So the css background:url(images/ui-bg_inset-hard_100_fcfdfd_1x100.png) becomes url('http://webpageforplugin/images/ui-bg_inset-hard_100_fcfdfd_1x100.png') in order for this to work as far as i understood i need to have it t...

jQuery Date Picker where text input is read only

Hi all, I want to use the Jquery datepicker. I've got it setup using an the alt field option. I'm displaying Y-M-D in the text field, but submitting Y-M-D. Everything works fine so far, sending the correct data, etc. However I want to stop the user from being able to manually type a date. I add originally set the INPUT field to disable...

changing text periodically in a span from an array with jquery

I have a span, eg: <p>Here is a sentence <span id="rotate">this</span> is what changes</p> and I'd like the contents of that span to change every few moments between a list of terms, so the contents might change to be: <span id="rotate">then</span> <span id="rotate">thus</span> and so on. I'd like the text to fade out and then the ...

How can I load a web page inside of a jQuery dialog box?

Hi, I am designing a wordpress template, and I would like to use jQuery ui to display each of the calendar links in a dialog box, when they are clicked. What I want, is when someone clicks on a link in the wordpress calendar, the content will load in the dialog box, and display over the calendar. I would appreciate any help on this, th...

how to determine whether jQuery UI slider thumb is chainged programmatically or by user?

I am using jQuery UI Slider. I need to know whether the slider change event is a result of user action or programmatically changed. At http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/#method-option , it was recommended to use the property event.orginalEvent to detect whether the value changed by mouse, keyboard, or programmatically. But I am always ge...

positioning a jquery dialog that is inside an iframe realtive to the parent window

hallo all i have a site which has a very big scroll on it, and there is an iframe in the middle set to have no scroll and its height is 3000 anyway the document being opened in the iframe has a jquery dialog in it. when im looking at the top of the parent and click a button inside the iframe that opens the dialog the dialog opens a...

Formatting the jQuery UI autocomplete results in a table

I'm now using http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/ based on some previous recommendations and it's working well for me. I am looking to format the results in the auto-complete list in a table. Right now my results are something like: Last name, first name - id number - status code When there is a list of names nothing lines up ni...

Jquery Calendar arrows missing

I was trying out the Jquery Calendar on my website and it worked fine. I linked the css stylesheet from ajax.googleapis.com and the calendar was fine but too big. So i simply copied the file to my server and changed the height and the width in the file. But now the arrows for moving forward and backward have gone. How do I get them back...

Advantages of jQueryUI

I am more and more tempted to try jQueryUI. I'm sort of scared, though, that whenever a feature I need is missing, it will be hard to customize the widgets to my needs, so rolling my own widgets as needed may be a ore secure bet. In particular what I'd like to know is: How difficult is it to go beyond the basic themes? Say I want to w...

How to get Auto-completion in ASP.NET MVC?

Hello, In ASP.NET MVC, we don't have controls which can do stuffs such as autocompletion (we don't have controls at all from Visual Studio like in web forms). But, Is it possible to still get 'Auto-completion' with a text box in ASP.NET MVC (like with the textbox found on the Google's Home page)? If this is the case, what's the best ...

JQuery - Widget Public Methods

If I create a JQuery widget (code example below), and then define a "public" method, is there any other way to call the method other than using the following form? $("#list").list("publicMethod"); I would like to create a series of widgets that all define the same methods (basically implementing the same interface), and be able to ...

background image for jquery ui dialog buttons

is it possible to give a button a background image really i have an image that I want to use for a button and would be nice if they stayed in place like the default buttons. right now I just have them inside the dialog but the rest of the content is dynamic and I don't want them to disappear when the scroll bar appears Edit: ok so I f...

jQuery-Ui Ajax Tabs bug?

I have a JSON that returns from the server which tabs to build, so I init them in my JS like this: $('#tabs').tabs( 'ajaxOptions', { timeout: 20000, error: function(xhr, status, index, anchor){ console.log( status, index, anchor ); } }) .tabs('add', item.CategoryLink, item.CategoryName); Thing is, when I click a tab...

jQuery: Prevent drop propragation over a draggable dialog

I have a page with some droppable <td> elements and a dialog over the page with some draggable elements. When I drag an element over the dialog that is over a droppable <td>, then elements drops inside it even if it is still being dragged over the dialog. Is there any way to prevent drop while the draggable is still over the dialog? For ...