
Jquery UI Datepicker not displaying

UPDATE I have reverted back to Jquery 1.3.2 and everything is working, not sure what the problem is/was as I have not changed anything else apart of the jquery and ui library versions. UPDATE END I having an issue with the JQuery UI datepicker. The datepicker is being attached to a class and that part is working but the datepicker is no...

Need a jQuery plugin that modifies a CSS

I'm trying to create a page that allows a user to change the "look and feel" of the site. I would like to use something similar to jQuery's ThemeRoller or FireFox's Developer Tool. I can't force the user to use Firefox and I don't need all the options that the ThemeRoller has. I'm really only looking for header, background, font size...

Saving selected rows in a jqGrid while paging

I have a jqGrid with which users will select records. A large number of records could be selected across multiple pages. The selected rows seem to get cleared out when the user pages through the data. Is it up to the developer to manually track the selected rows in an array? I'm fine doing this, but I'm not sure what the best way is....

jQuery UI Tabs - 2 Problems

I'm using jQuery tabs and I'm having some problems. Let me detail them for you here and then I'll put code below: PROBLEM 1: I have a total of 6 tabs (default tab in local div, other 5 loading via Ajax). When the page loads, I need the 3rd tab to be selected by default. Easy. Problem is, say I link to http://example.com/index.html#...

Bug in IE with jQuery highlight? Highlighting is sticking on some elements.

Is there anything wrong with this line? $('#' + $(this).attr('id') + 'title').effect("highlight", {}, 5000).fadeIn(1000); It's being applied to a set of divs in cycles - the first time it shows them, and then as it keeps going round it highlights them again (as they are already shown.) Only, in IE7 and IE8 the highlight seems to stic...

Font for tabs looks a little too big

I'm using the default for jQueryUI, but it looks like the font is a little big. I know that one solution would be "WELL! JUST MAKE IT SMALLER!", but I'm just wondering if I've messed something up or I don't have a value set correctly before I charge in and start changing things. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script src="http://www.goo...

Correctly calling setGridWidth on a jqGrid inside a jQueryUI Dialog

I have a jQueryUI dialog (#locDialog) which has a jqGrid ($grid) inside it. When the Dialog opens (initially, but it gets called whenever it opens), I want the $grid to resize to the size of the $locDialog. When I do this initially, I get scrollbars inside the grid (not inside the dialog). If I debug the code, I see the width of the $...

jQuery autocomplete disabled makes autocomplete partially transparent, not disabled

I'm using the jQuery UI's "autocomplete" function on a search on my site. When you change a radio button from 'area search" to "name search" I want it to disable the autocomplete, and re-enable it when you switch back. However, when you disable the autocomplete it doesn't hide the dropdown, it just dims it to 20% opacity or so. Here's my...

How to get width of a div in pixels using JQuery (IE)

Hello there. At first glance it sounds easy... when using JQuery one can use the .width() method to retrieve the width of an element. The problem comes when the DIV element does not have its size in pixels but in words like 'auto' or 'inherit'. When I do this it works nice in Firefox and Chrome even if the size is specified in words: ...

jQuery drag and drop behavior with partially transparent image

I'm trying to develop a drag-and-drop behavior based on the jQuery UI draggable behavior but am running into some road blocks. I want to be able to drag several images with transparent regions around a region of the screen. I want the user to be able to drag the image he clicks and not just whatever draggable div or PNG happens to be z-i...

In IE8, jquery-ui's dialog set the height of its contents to zero. How can I fix this?

I am using jquery UI's dialog widget to render a modal dialog in my web application. I do this by passing the ID of the desired DOM element into the following function: var setupDialog = function (eltId) { $("#" + eltId).dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 610, minWidth: 610, height: 450, minHeight: 200, modal: t...

jQuery-ui themeroller base2.css

I'm learning jQuery-UI, and would like to put together a good looking page, so I'm looking at base2.css from the themeroller site. Q: Is there anything anyone can tell me about base2.css? Is there any documentation on it? How much is specific to only the themeroller site itself, and how much of it is useful for sites that use themerolle...

CSS for toolbar with UI Slider centered between left and right buttons

I'm attempting to create a 100% width toolbar. This toolbar needs to have a variable number of buttons aligned to the left side, as well as a variable number of buttons aligned to the right. That's the easy part. But now I want to put a jQuery UI slider in the center that takes up the full remaining space between the buttons on the left...

jQuery UI problem: why do the elements go flying around the screen?

Yes, I know the title sounds a little suspicious. I will try to explain this the best I can... The code below is supposed to have the blue div slide down beside the red div. (Directly to the right - using the position() utility of jQuery UI) The first time you hit the Show the div button, it works. Also, the Hide the div works. Then wh...

jquery ui datepicker if no active mondays left at the end of the month

I made that only mondays are active in each month like this function onlyMondays(date){ var day = date.getDay(); return [(day == 1), '']; } But at last week of the month there wont be any active mondays left so i want to show next month in ...

jQuery plugin to style objects

Hi. I've been looking at the various JavaScript UI libraries and am wondering if there's one that can add some styling to page elements. I'm currently adding rounded corners, shadows, borders, and gradients via my own CSS + hacks to get it working on IE. I'm using jQuery for a number of tasks and wondered if there's a plugin that can ad...

jqueryui datepicker customize problem

Greeting, I would like the jqueryui datapicker to use polish localization. Additionally, the dates have to be limited so it should not be possible to choose past dates. I have something like this: $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['pl']); $("#StartDate").datepicker({ minDate: 0, maxDate: '+1Y ' }); $("#StartDate")....

clear div clearing the page to the end in jquery ui tabs...

I have set up a list using this css... #navlist li { list-style-type: none; padding: 7px; float: left; } I have shown the page using jquery ui with other div containers... the page here the loaded page in tabs being 'friend.jsp?all=true' Im using a clearing div... .clear { clear:left; overflow:hidden; height:1px; } Now when i u...

Issues with jquery-ui draggable() within an iframe

I'm having an issue with jquery-ui draggable() inside of iframes. See test here: http://jsfiddle.net/TDfkn/ I have iframeFix:true, but if you try to drag the image nothing happens until the mouse cursor moves outside of the iframe. Is there a way to fix that? ...

Javascript conversion, from Prototype to jQuery

Hi, I would like to update the following javascript code based on Prototype framework to jQuery framework: Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { $$('.piece').each(function(item) { new Draggable(item, { revert: true } ); }); $$('.cell').each(function(item) { Droppables.add(item, { accept: 'piece', onDrop:...