
jQuery + Simple Dialog

Hi, I have a jQuery Model windows which contains a form. On creating of the page, I'm able to see the fields although in my dialog, i have set autoOpen to false. All the forms are in a div. a sample of my dialog looks like this: $("#dialog-form").dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 460, ...

Getting the id of child element based on the parents class name

I am currently playing around with jqueries drag and drop, basically I currently have a div (.drag_check) that holds a checkbox, I have the drag and drop working but I want to alert out the checkbox's ID once the element is dropped, I assume I have to use child but all my attempts have returned 'undefined'. Below is my code, $('.drag_c...

Combining multiple jQuery functions

Is there any way to combine all of this to reduce the amount of js? This is just an example of some of the jquery dialogs I have in my site, there are a few more too. Thanks. //initiate Search refinement dialog here $("#chooseMoreCnt, #chooseMoreCat, #chooseMorePr").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, width: 500, ...

jQueryUI Modal confirmation dialog on form submission

I am trying to get a modal confirmation dialog working when a user submits a form. My approach, I thought logically, would be to catch the form submission. My code is as follows, $('#multi-dialog-confirm').dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 200, modal: true, resizable: false, buttons: { 'Confirm': function(){ ...

Jquery UI modal dialogs

Hi All. I have a problem with Jquery UI modal dialogs. I have modal dialog (dialogA), which can create another modal dialog (dialogB). After the second creation and closure of the dialogB the overlay of dialogA disappear. Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/x...

jQuery - Compatibility Problem with Internet Explorer 7 and Opera

Hello there, I have this counter which counts + 1 every time somebody shares content from the site. When it happens, the social icon that was clicked will bounce. It works in Firefox,Chrome, IE8, and Opera, however the bouncing animation is wrong in opera. $.fn.countExternal = function(animSpeed, num) { // for each counter this.e...

Cancel draggable dragging

I have a draggable (jquery-ui) element. How can I cancel current draggig based on some constraints? In other words, I want to constraint possible moves of this draggable element, but it is more complicated then based only on axis or parent (containment). How can I do that? ...

How to drag items between 2 sorted lists with jQuery?

Hi - I'm trying to implement drag/drop/sort between 2 list elements: <ul id="first"> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> </ul> <ul id="second"> <li>item 4</li> <li>item 5</li> <li>item 6</li> </ul> Basically I just want to be able to pass items between the lists and sort the items in each list. What's the simp...

How to callback the new list id jQuery UI: sortable

Hi, I'm trying to use the sortable widget for my site. I have a mini scheduling app that I'd like to display a list of appointments for the week sorted by days. For this example we'll use only two days ( 2 lists ). If I wanted to drag an appointment (list item) from day 2 over to day 1, is there a way I can callback the id of list 1 a...

Why does not Modal dialog work with latest version of Jquery ?

I am a naive user of jquery 1.4.2. For showing cool modal dialog box on my webpage I am using it. It flickers when I open the modal dialog and then it disappears :) $("#AlertBox").dialog({resizable: false,modal: true,autoOpen: false, show: 'slide', position: 'center',width:405}); $("#AlertBox").css({ visibility: "visible", cursor: "poi...

Help with an AJAX request

The Problem I am tring to do an ajax request to a PHP script, however I am having a problem getting the data into the format that the PHP is expecting it, the PHP is expecting the data to come in as array within an array something like, Array ( [cv_file] => Array ( [849649717] => Y [849649810] => Y ...

jQuery Accordion + Anchor Tag 'stuck as block' bug?

Sample page: http://jsbin.com/ohuze/2 This is a simple jQuery UI Accordion. Each accordion panel has an UL (an OL works the same) with this markup: <ol> <li><a href="">Lorep ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor</a>?</li> <li><a href="">Lorep ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor</a>?</li> </ol> I...

Create a jQueryUI 1.8 Button menu

Now that jQueryUI 1.8 is out, I was browsing through the updates and came across the new Button widget, and in particular one of the demos with the SplitButton with a dropdown. This demo seems to suggest that the Button widget could be used to create a dropdown menu here. As a matter of discussion, I was wondering what ways there are to...

jQuery / jEditable and jQuery UI Dialog. Re-populating table cell.

Hello, this is my first time using JS, so i really have no idea what i am doing. I have a table with data, and using jEditable to allow a user to edit the data and POST it to my php script. When user hits "Save", it opens jQuery UI with the data from php script and it seems to work fine, however, if the user hits Cancel or Esc to close ...

How can I make a list self-arrange in an animated way based on periodic json updates ?

I have a list of complex entities (divs), that are scored. The list will be sorted based on updates from the server as the user fills out a form. What i haven't figured out is how to animate the entities into their new positions. I don't want to just refresh the list. Is there a magic JQuery technique that achieves this? ...

jQuery UI Dialog pass on variables

Hi, I'm creating a Web interface for a table in Mysql and want to use jQuery dialog for input and edit. I have the following code to start from: $("#content_new").dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 350, width: 300, modal: true, buttons: { 'Create an account': function() { alert('add this produc...

how to get dragged event in JQuery UI sortable ?

i am using this jquery to make a drag and drop sortable list. http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/ how i can catch the dragged event of elements ? <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#sortable").sortable(); }); </script> please help me.am not familiar with jquery.thanks in advance..i need to get the id of dragg...

Jquery tabs won't select from the index

I am using ASP.NET page with updatepanels and Jquery UI tabs. However, I'm having a problem with it. When I click on a button it should set the value of a hidden field which when the page posts back, it will select the new tab. So in document onload set the tab to the initialised value of the hidden field: $(function() { va...

Combine jQuery UI sortable and draggable

I want to combile jQuery sortable and draggable. Each item has three handlers Sort handler Clone handler Remove handler Sorting works fine. Cloning causes some problems, item clones itself but it makes all elements to flicker while dragging, placeholder moves from one position to other with no sense. Other question is, why sort and...

Using the select on jquery tabs?

Hi I want to perform a task when I click a specific tab, let's say #tab-2. how is that done? I don't understand the documentation on the jquery site. I know how it's done on all tabs but not just one ...