Read only spinner
I am learning Jsf.Is there any method for making the spinners read only?I should change the value only using spinners and not directly typing the number.Can i implement that by setting attribute in the spinners.tld file? ...
I am learning Jsf.Is there any method for making the spinners read only?I should change the value only using spinners and not directly typing the number.Can i implement that by setting attribute in the spinners.tld file? ...
I've read in jsf docs that ResponseStateManager has a isPostBack method. How (and where) can I have an instance of ResponseStateManager? ...
Is there a way to coax either the h:outputLink or s:link tags into generating absolute URLs? In a Seam email message, I want to be able to do something like <s:link view="/someView.xhtml"> <f:param name="a" value="#{a.nastyParam}" /> <f:param name="b" value="#{b.nastyParam}" /> <h:outputText value="Come do something awesome...
Hi, can some one help me with the following JSF dataTable? here I am getting data from database table and I used dataTable binding, but I don't know why it displays the rows 3 times in the screen, but if I remove the binding then it displays only one time. <h:dataTable binding="#{threadController.dataTable}" var="category" value="#{th...
Hi guys, Do anyone know which version of tomahawk is suitable to use with Sun One Webserver 6.1? Thanks in advance, Alejo ...
I am having a problem with custom components in facelets. The first time that the page is rendered, the attributes are set properly on the component class. When a form is submitted however, the attributes are not set. Here is the class that I am using to test this. public class TestEcho extends UIData { /** Logger. */ private...
In JSF, is it possible to solve the following validation / updating scenario using the validation framework of JSF (aka validators, immediate, required, etc.)? +-- Form ----------------------------------------------------+ | | | Field A: |____________|v| ...
Do the JSF selectOne and selectMany controls only allow submission of values defined in the given selectItems? I'm concerned about parameter spoofing, and if this was built-in, I wouldn't require a validator to ensure the selected value was one of the valid choices. ...
ResponseWriter writer=context.getResponseWriter(); I want to know about startElement, endElement, and writeAttribute methods on ResponseWriter. ...
I'm working for the first time on a project that requires building a webapp which makes heavy use of JSF (and ICEfaces in particular). There's a mix of stuff to be coded including CSS, HTML, JSP/Java and, of course, JSF. I'm doing all this within Eclipse btw and using a local tomcat server which eclipse is responsible for launching in o...
I created a simple master/detail using myfaces and richfaces. By clicking a h:commandLink in the rich:dataTable the user is able to open the detail view and edit the entity. Now I want to create a URL that allows the user to open the detail view directly. Normally I would to this by creating an URL like /detail.jsp?id=12 - how can I ac...
If I have an exception in my business layer (e.g. a SQL exception in my JDBC connection bean) how can I propagate it with a custom message to a global error.jsp page? Please help. ...
In JSF is it possible to have a datatable displays records as follows? [Name ][Last Name][Age] 1. John Doe 20 Extra info on record 1 2. John Smith 20 Extra info on record 2 Thank you ...
Is there any way to create a custom ActionListener class in JSF so that I can intercept an exception if it occurs on pressing the command button using my own ActionListener class I tried using the following code: firstpage.jsp <f:view> <html> <head> <title>firstpage</title> </head> <body> <h:form> ...
All the tutorials I have seen seem to use *.jsf, *.faces, or /<directory_name>/* for the url-pattern in the Java Server faces servlet mapping. Is there some official sun-recommended naming convention or de-facto standard? ...
My developers would like to use Oracle's ADF-Faces rather than generic JSF. The advantages of "drag and drop" programming smells funny to me. Reminds me too much of the 4GL application environments of the early 90's that collapsed when you tried to extend outside of the box that they had drawn around you. Great productivity inside the...
I am just starting to learn ADF and I am tasked with examining how ADF's gantt chart works. I have completed Oracle's tutorial of it, however I feel that all the tutorial teaches is how to use the tutorial. Basically I am looking for a good tutorial to show how from an empty project: create a collection of dummy data [ not from a data...
Hi This should be easy for a pro: I am using JSF/Facelets/Seam and am trying to display radiobuttons. Then, after the user has clicked on one of the buttons, the value should be saved and the user redirected to another page immediately (i.e. with no needed click on a submit button). The radio button works, but not the forwarding. Tha...
I have an enterprise application written in JAVA with JSF (using RichFaces 3.3). Currently my URL looks like this: http://localhost/WebApplication/faces/folder1/page.jsp Question is how do I mask my url to make it like this: http://localhost/folder1/page.jps Basically i want to hid "Application/faces/" Thanks ...
Hi, on my company we are developing a ERP-like app using java and jsf, so far the design team has identified about 20 entities,each with diferent properties, usually we'll be building 20 pages of CRUD , is there any better way to do this?, we are using hibernate as db access, so we came up with the idea of a single DAO for this part of t...